Chapter 93: 《Meteor · Butterfly · Sword》

Chapter 93: 《Meteor · Butterfly · Sword》

“Blood Bat Locust: An extremely malevolent, self-propagating demonic insect known to evolve and proliferate by feasting on life force. They possess flight capabilities and are able to mend their injuries by consuming blood from the moment of birth. The extent of their plunder fuels their exponential population growth.”

Gazing at the ‘Blood Bat Locust’ that he had acquired, an odd expression etched Murong Lin’s features, “What a repugnant creature. It appears to be in league with another protagonist’s insect swarm.”

His recollection harked back to a protagonist from his previous life, famous for running away, who commanded such a swarm—a ravenous force capable of consuming all in its path.

However, the locust swarm he now possessed was even more odious, its sustenance predicated on life itself—be it human, demonic beast, tree, or any other sentient entity in existence.

So long as a spark of spirit persisted, the swarm would voraciously consume it.

“Arise!” Murong Lin summoned forth the swarm, which had already acknowledged him as their master.

Before him materialized a legion of crimson, bat-winged locusts—roughly a thousand strong—each valued at 1 villain value within the system shop.

Did this swarm of a thousand insects then equate to a sum of a thousand villain points?

Could they be sold?!

Murong Lin surveyed the vanishing wheel pitifully, his expression laced with sadness as he itemized the remarkable prizes that had eluded his grasp.

“This one’s perfect! How I wish I’d snagged that! Oh, that other one seems good as well! Sigh.”

The swarm of locusts gliding before him all belonged to the Origin realm, prompting a sense of unease within the Bloody Poisonous Insect nestled within his Bloody Poisonous Acupoint.

The insect’s awareness extended to the outside swarm of Blood Bat Locusts. Though a single creature was no match for the Bloody Poisonous Insect, the combined might of a thousand proved a daunting adversary beyond its capability.

Even Murong Lin would endure considerable hardship contending with such a formidable force.

Their most formidable attributes resided in their remarkable consumption capabilities and their rapid reproductive rate.

With an air of resignation, Murong Lin stowed the Blood Bat Locusts within the spirit familiar storage bag, a provision granted by the system. At least the system exhibited a degree of consideration in this regard.UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

Gazing pitifully at the system, Murong Lin spoke, “Anti, activate the seclusion cultivation card.”

True to its name, this item would conjure a hidden realm tailored for his cultivation. Yet, the specifics of this realm remained a mystery to him.

Would it materialize as a lush jungle or a barren desert?

Was it bound to be teeming with life or a desolate expanse?

A tinge of nervousness overtook Murong Lin.

The previous mystery raffle ticket had held the promise of splendid items, yet he ultimately emerged with a swarm of a thousand Blood Bat Locusts.

“Ding! The seclusion cultivation card has been utilized. Congratulations to master for obtaining the privilege to access the 《Meteor · Butterfly · Sword》hidden realm for three months.”

By now, Murong Lin had successfully traversed into the world of the hidden realm, 《Meteor · Butterfly · Sword》.

Two prevailing forces held sway within the expanse of 《Meteor · Butterfly · Sword》: Sun Yu Bo’s Sun Manor and Wan Peng Wang’s Twelfth Great Roc Gang.

In this domain, governmental authority remained absent. The stability of the Jiang Hu hinged solely upon the influential factions operating within its precincts.

Although these two powers appeared to maintain an unspoken truce, their hidden rivalries belied under their facade of harmony.

Amidst the bounds of these entities rested the Merry Forest, a pleasure establishment frequented by the people of the Jiang Hu. This establishment catered to every imaginable human desire—wealth, women, scriptures, and more.

Its owner was a woman named Gao Lao Da, who commanded a quartet of assassins under her banner.

Among these subordinates was the collected yet weary protagonist, Meng Xing Hun, accompanied by his close friends. Ye Xiang, perpetually enshrouded in melancholy, the haughty, easy to jealous and brainless Xiao He, and the silent and emotionally charged Shi Qun comprised his close-knit circle.

These four individuals were adopted by Gao Lao Da during their childhoods. Raised within her care, they matured together, their unwavering allegiance tied to her as they executed her orders and ended lives in her name.

Regrettably, Gao Lao Da wasn’t an ordinary figure and Sun Yu Bo’s and Wan Peng Wang’s subordinates, Lu Xiang Chuan and Tu Da Peng, disdained obscurity.

Forming a pact, they fomented turmoil throughout the Huang Gu.

While the narrative centred around one of the assassins as the protagonist, the novel’s other characters bore their own captivating tales.

Among these figures, Han Tang stood out as one of the most renowned.

Han Tang, one of the children Sun Yu Bo had rescued, regarded himself as the loyal hound of Sun Yu Bo. He remained devoted to his master, exhibiting an ice-cold, untamed, emotionless demeanour. Also, he loved to fish.

This nameless man existed in isolation, detached from the world despite his superb mastery of assassination techniques. Every part of his body served as a lethal instrument to dispatch his enemies, a choice he embraced as long as it proved effective.

Yet, Han Tang’s tale concluded tragically, succumbing to an ambush orchestrated by Tu Da Peng and his accomplices.

Of course, the novel’s most cryptic presence remained Sun Yu Bo.

A saying permeated the Jiang Hu: “When in trouble, seek Old Bo; Old Bo will handle it.”

With each appearance in the narrative, Sun Yu Bo would invariably resolve four distinct issues.

With his formidable might, confronting the Twelfth Great Roc Gang posed no challenge to him. Curiously, however, he refrained from taking decisive action against them.

Perhaps, his intentions lay in testing something hidden beneath the surface.

Translator’s note

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