Chapter 103: Blade Intent

Chapter 103: Blade Intent

Old Bo managed to escape with the aid of Yi Qian Long, a figure who had vanished from the scene in recent years. Yi Qian Long’s disappearance was, in fact, linked to his covert involvement in training a group of subordinates, a group specifically designed to challenge and defeat Wan Roc King’s loyal followers.

While everyone had assumed Lu Man Tian to be the epitome of loyalty, he had, in reality, became a traitor. Conversely, the pirate leader, Yi Qian Long, was the one who remained fiercely devoted to Old Bo.

Old Bo had initially harboured a burning desire to inflict the most agonizing death upon Lu Xiang Chuan, but he reluctantly abandoned that pursuit after failing to find him.

Instead, he and Yi Qian Long pooled their resources to assemble their subordinates, preparing themselves to confront the dire Blood Bat Locust infestation in the southern regions.

This strategic move was one that Wan Roc King had also sanctioned, aligning their interests in the face of a common threat.

When two experts at the pinnacle of the Sky Reaching realm united with a common purpose, the entire realm of the Jiang Hu dared not oppose them.

Presently, apart from Murong Lin, only three individuals retained control over the Blood Bat Locusts.

One incited chaos across the plains, where livestock and tribes fell victim to the locusts’ ravenous appetite. Another concealed themselves near Tai Lake, sowing turmoil in the neighbouring towns. The third held sway in Yun Nan, unleashing indiscriminate slaughter and turning an entire forest to ruin.

Having long satisfied their personal vendettas, they had now developed a taste for the act of increasing their power through taking the lives of others.

No one could go against them, and no one could stop them, and thus, they continued to sow hell wherever they roamed.

The entire Jiang Hu was in chaos with the complete widespread disaster that was the ‘Demonic Locust Plague’.

As farmlands crumbled under the onslaught, the cost of provisions soared. Mass migration ensued, with survivors congregating at the heart of the central plains, where the Sun Manor and the Twelfth Great Roc Gang had established a camp.

People with any semblance of ability were rushing madly into the wilderness, determined to eradicate the Blood Bat Locusts with every ounce of their strength.

It was as though the apocalypse had descended upon the world.

The vast expense of once-thriving lands had turned into desolation. Wherever the Blood Bat Locusts had passed, the earth lay upturned, vegetation decimated.

Even the central residence of Wan Roc King, the Wan Roc Castle, had suffered destruction. Fuming with anger, Wan Roc King arrived at the central camp to meet with Old Bo.

“How’s your situation? Have you identified the masterminds behind all of this?” Old Bo inquired, wasting no time as he contemplated swift action against those responsible.

“I managed to find and capture one, but all we discovered was that he was merely a pawn.” Replied Wan Roc King with a grave expression.

In his pursuit of this individual across the plains, Wan Roc King had come to realize that the man had long descended into madness—a madness fueled by an insatiable addiction to the formidable power he now wielded.

This unequivocally indicated that he wasn’t the mastermind pulling all the strings.

Old Bo’s gaze was similarly solemn as he nodded, “I’ve also captured one, and it was also just a pawn.”

“Who’s the puppeteer?”

“I don’t know. This person must be exceptionally skilled at concealing their identity.”

“No matter how well-hidden they are, they’ll inevitably leave traces behind.”

“Do you have a lead on who this mastermind might be?”

Wan Roc King countered with a question of his own, “Who are the most renowned figures in the Jiang Hu these days?”

“The ‘Comet Butterfly Sword’ Meng Xing Hun and the ‘Thin Bladed Demon’ Murong Lin.”

“Now, have you figured out who it is?” Wan Roc King’s wise and farsighted gaze pierced into him.

He was a person that had no choice but to be wise.

If he were to falter even once, he would have been killed immediately by this old man before him.

For he had decided—this world, he would devour it!

Murong Lin gritted his teeth, determined not to cry out in pain, even as cold sweat dripped from every pore of his body.

Inside his soul, within his spiritual sea, faint threads of light began to materialize. These luminescent strands circled within his spiritual sea, synergizing with the effects of the ‘Shattered Blade Elixir’.

His spiritual sea quivered.

Gradually, ever so slowly, an intangible blade light took shape within his spiritual sea.

Murong Lin fixed his gaze upon this blade light, a joyous expression blossoming on his face.

It was the nascent form of his ‘Blade Intent’!

According to the world’s spiritual technique scriptures, a ‘Rudiment’ was a technique one understood to a small degree, capable of being employed at will.

Comprehending a substantial portion of a technique and gaining insights into a certain scope, or forging entirely self-created techniques, marked the entry into the ‘Intent Realm’.

For instance, those skilled in weaponry might awaken ‘Sword Intent’, ‘Blade Intent’, ‘Spear Intent’, or ‘Fist Intent’.

Those adept in the sorcery could awaken ‘Fire Intent’, ‘Ice Intent’, ‘Wind Intent’, or ‘Lightning Intent’.

And then, there were the anomalies—the ‘Life Intent’, ‘Destruction Intent’, ‘Dream Intent’, ‘Battle Intent’, and other unique forms of Intent Realms.

Above the Intent Realm, even more unfathomable existences existed. However, understanding the Intent Realm was a formidable task, even for those in the Cognizance realm, not to mention the realms beyond.

Murong Lin’s capacity to comprehend ‘Blade Intent’ was due to his innate talent, ‘Wrathful, Selfish’, as well as the effect of the ‘Shattered Blade Elixir’ he had ingested earlier.

Suppressing the agony etched onto his features, he downed another bottle of elixir.

His strength burgeoned relentlessly.

The fifth layer of the Sky Reaching realm!

The sixth layer of the Sky Reaching realm!

The seventh layer of the Sky Reaching realm!

With the assistance of the two ‘Shattered Blade Elixirs’, Murong Lin experienced a meteoric ascent in his cultivation, breaking through three small realms and soaring to the seventh layer of the Sky Reaching realm.

Flashing blade lights enveloped his body, and as he released a blade light, the earth before him dissolved into nothingness.

At long last, he had successfully stabilized the nascent form of his ‘Blade Intent’.

A slow exhale escaped his lips.

The effects of the ‘Shattered Blade Elixir’ gradually faded within him, leaving only his formidable strength and the Blade Intent that coursed through his being.

The surrounding Blood Bat Locusts that circled his body were also overjoyed at the sight of their master’s breakthrough.

Murong Lin gripped his blade, rising to his feet with a fierce grin.

Then, he flew in the direction of the central plains.

Translator’s note

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