Chapter 113: Chu Zes new generals

Chapter 113: Chu Zes new generals

“Hey, have you heard the rumours? The new emperor, Chu Ze, relentless in his pursuit of the Demonic Beast Forest, has irked the forest inhabitants, leading to the unleashing of a beast wave!”

“Ah, yes, I’m well aware. My uncle resides on the border, and he’s recounted how swarms of sky-covering locusts descended upon their city, devouring their sturdy walls in vast numbers. The city lord, a Manifestation realm cultivator, tried to investigate the phenomenon, but three locusts tore off his head in a gruesome manner. It’s hard not to see this as some form of divine retribution. I refuse to believe otherwise; the emperor must have offended some higher power.”

“Exactly! The entire nation of Chu is in uproar, yet the new emperor remains deaf to our pleas. It’s becoming evident that he’s only interested in sowing the seeds of war, all the while we common folk suffer!”

These kinds of discussions echoed throughout Chu’s capital city. Even though the Brocade-clad Soldiers attempted to quell the dissent by arresting individuals, they couldn’t stifle the voices of the outraged public.

Criticism and disgust from the populace had begun to gnaw at Chu Ze’s nerves, leaving him increasingly anxious.

He had once been an ordinary man, catapulted to the position of emperor through the assistance of his system after his transmigration. The intricacies of ruling a nation were completely foreign to him!

His sole strategy revolved around continuous conquest. After all, expanding his territory would bolster the strength of his subordinates.

His ultimate ambition was to forge a mighty nation capable of dominating the entire continent. Though he had summoned a handful of counsellors, their numbers were insufficient to effectively govern the nation.

In his current predicament, Chu Ze could only pin his hopes on Lu Feng Xian, who had ventured southward to confront the Demonic Beast Forest. Failure to achieve victory in this endeavour would threaten to dismantle the destiny he had painstakingly forged for the nation.

Li Wen You entered Chu Ze’s study with a troubled expression, his gaze falling upon Diao Chan, who had been dancing for the emperor. The sight left him feeling powerless and uneasy.

Recognizing Li Wen You’s presence, Chu Ze signalled for Diao Chan to depart, a command she dutifully obeyed. Now, only Li Wen You and Chu Ze remained in the room.

Chu Ze adopted a serious expression as he inquired, “Wen You, what’s the matter? Have you identified the culprits responsible for deceiving the public?”

Being a young man from the modern era, Chu Ze understood the immense power of manipulation and propaganda. He was acutely aware that he couldn’t afford to let the public’s discussions and protests against his actions persist unchecked.

Therefore, he had previously tasked the leader of the Brocade-clad Soldiers, Li Wen You, with conducting a thorough investigation into the common folk of the capital to unearth those individuals who were fanning the flames of dissent from within.

However, it appeared that his plans were not unfolding as smoothly as he had hoped.

Li Wen You slowly retrieved a book from his person, placing it on the table before Chu Ze as he began, “Your Majesty, we have encountered a rather troubling situation.”

Chu Ze casually waved his hand dismissively, remarking, “Get to the point. I’m too lazy to read right now,” all while continuing to eat with his other hand, merely casting a cursory glance at the book.

Li Wen You respectfully cupped his hands and explained, “We have successfully identified individuals who have been disseminating this incendiary information and exacerbating the situation. Many of the trails lead back to the former nobility, and the Brocade-clad Soldiers have apprehended a significant number of them.

However, the true culprits, those who initiated the spread of this news well before the locust plague even occurred, remain elusive.”

Subsequently, we can conquer the three neighbouring countries, strengthening ourselves further in the process. The mastermind will inevitably be found in due course.

As for the former nobility and the royal families of those three nations, we should execute them without hesitation, setting an example for all!”

Chu Ze chuckled, a sinister edge to his tone, “That sounds perfectly acceptable. It will spare me from their ceaseless prattle, which has become unbearable.”

As an emperor, he revelled in the sensation of wielding such unchecked authority. Anyone daring to covet his power would meet a swift end!

Sun Bo Fu and Xu Zhong Kang regarded Chu Ze with expressions of anticipation, eagerly awaiting his command.

Both of them were seasoned warriors with a deep liking for warfare. After entrusting them with military authority and his commands, Chu Ze remained in the study to engage in dalliances with Diao Chan.

Li Wen You, on the other hand, returned to his office to oversee the affairs of the capital.

The heavy-handed suppression by the Brocade-clad Soldiers successfully quashed any discussions related to the Demonic Beast Forest, instilling fear and silence among the populace.

Yet, deep within the hearts of the people, a seed of doubt had been firmly planted.

Murong Lin gazed upon the tranquil capital, his mind echoing with maniacal laughter.

The protagonist that appeared this time was to be a fool who sealed his own fate!

“The Blood Bat Locusts have nearly all been eradicated, given that I didn’t release a single Sky Reaching realm locust,” Murong Lin reflected with a sinister grin. “The results are quite impressive—over a million lives lost. Let’s see how Chu Ze intends to address this predicament.”

The regions once devastated by the Blood Bat Locusts were rendered uninhabitable, requiring at least a year to be restored to their former state.

But would Murong Lin give them the opportunity to do so?

“Now, it’s time to stoke the Demonic Beast Forest’s resentment toward Chu, hah.” he declared with a wicked chuckle. Murong Lin was a master at fanning the flames, employing subtle yet effective tactics that never failed to ensnare those susceptible to manipulation.

After all, no one was beyond greed.

Translator’s note

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