Chapter 120: Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, dead

Chapter 120: Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, dead

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python had never anticipated that purple wolf would turn on him like this.

No, he had never even considered the possibility that purple wolf would attack him.

After all, he had been like a mentor to purple wolf. As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father. Although such emotional bonds were rare among these demonic beasts, his genuine concern for purple wolf had been evident to all.

Purple wolf’s growth had been nurtured under his guidance. Even during his periods of secluded cultivation, he had entrusted the management of the Demonic Beast Forest to purple wolf.

And not once had purple wolf let him down.

But now, it was clear that purple wolf had no intention of sparing him. He had, in fact, clamped down on his throat with deadly intent.

The Tiger-faced Verdant Python suddenly realized the sheer viciousness of purple wolf.

He thrashed his body in desperation, but he could feel a bloody void where the wolf’s teeth had sunk in.

The air carried a pungent scent of blood as it flowed through the gaping wound on his neck.

“Purple wolf! Have you gone insane?”

Desperately, he attempted to shake off the purple wolf, but in doing so, he inadvertently tore a substantial chunk of his own flesh away with the relentless attacker.

“Cough, cough...Purple wolf, you...” His words trailed off, his ability to speak growing increasingly difficult.

With great effort, he turned his gaze towards purple wolf, who stood before him. What he saw left him utterly perplexed—purple wolf’s eyes were vacant, as if he had lost his very soul.

This was a gaze the python had never witnessed in purple wolf before. It was an expression that should never have appeared on a demonic beast.

It was akin to a puppet under someone’s control, devoid of ownership of his own limbs and stripped of any expression.



As if a revelation had struck him, the python urgently scanned his surroundings. What he observed was the rustling of leaves and trees all around him.

In this moment, the tranquil Demonic Beast Forest took on an aura of eerie mystery.

The Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python summoned all his remaining strength to shout, “Murong Lin? Was it you!?”

The only individual capable of approaching purple wolf, gaining control of him in such a short span of time, and orchestrating this sudden attack was Murong Lin, who had recently ventured into the heart of the forest.

It was Murong Lin who had suggested they resist the forces of Chu. Without his words, the Demonic Beast Forest wouldn’t have repeatedly clashed with Chu’s army, facing the imminent threat of battle on their own turf.

“Sky Net Style!”

“Catastrophe Style!”

Murong Lin had mastered these two techniques to a significant extent, and as such, he required little time to execute them both. The two attacks clashed instantly with the python’s strike.

Murong Lin’s body moved with astonishing speed as the python glared at him with venomous intent, poised to continue his attack.

Then, without warning, a gust of wind ambushed the python, and along with it came a sizable figure that materialized behind the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, striking at his back.

It was purple wolf!

It was the very same purple wolf that Murong Lin had controlled.

The wolf’s eyes burned with madness, and the vertical eye on his forehead gradually transformed into a gruesome bloody cavity. Several of his ribs were broken from the previous collision with the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python.

With a swift flicker of his silhouette, purple wolf appeared behind the python and self-destructed almost instantaneously. His body swelled gradually, with flesh and blood rippling beneath his skin before exploding in a violent burst. The powerful surges of spiritual power slammed into the python’s body.

This unexpected attack caught the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python off guard just as he had prepared to resume his assault on Murong Lin.

Before he could even process the sorrow of witnessing the wolf’s demise, Murong Lin’s blade was already upon him.

“Everlasting Style!”

An eruption of dark energy emanated from Murong Lin’s body, signalling his Manifestation transformation, the ‘Evil of Lifelessness, Lawlessness, and Formlessness’!

This dark energy merged with his paring knife, perfectly coordinating the attack and even manifesting the nascent form of his ‘Blade Intent’!

Under the moonlight, by the lakeside, the once-mighty figure of the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python was thrown to the ground before Murong Lin, who held his paring knife.

As the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python’s thoughts raced, searching for a way to resist Murong Lin, the blade pierced through his body.

“No!” he roared, but his body went limp and fell to the ground. The black energy surrounding Murong Lin’s blade was far from ordinary spiritual energy.

Initially, the python had considered fleeing with his primordial spirit, but he had never anticipated that Murong Lin’s black energy would directly obliterate his primordial spirit.

In that moment, the Tiger-faced Verdant Dragon Python, along with his primordial spirit, met their annihilation.

Translator’s note

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