Chapter 131: Slaughter

Chapter 131: Slaughter

Murong Lin’s blade clashed with Guan Yun Chang’s, and in that very moment, the aura surrounding Murong Lin intensified once more.

His blade gradually ceased its trembling.

The Blade Qi grew stronger, evolving into a tangible ‘Blade Intent’.

Guan Yun Chang’s expression shifted as he quickly withdrew his blade and leapt backwards, dismounting from his horse with lightning speed.

Simultaneously, a malicious glint gleamed in Murong Lin’s eyes as he swung his blade downward, cleaving through everything beneath him without even making physical contact.

Guan Yun Chang’s horse was instantly rented in two.

Before the horse could even register agony on its face, its head was also split apart.

Without any slowdown, the swing descended onto the ground with a thunderous crash, causing wide fissures to ripple across the earth, spanning several feet.

The flames raged, casting a sinister glow as billowing smoke ascended into the air. The surrounding fires had expanded, ensnaring tens of thousands of soldiers within their fiery grasp.

Li Wen You’s face twisted with viciousness, he was wrong.

He had initially believed that by harnessing the wind, he could utilize fire to deal with the demonic beasts. Little had he expected that a human would turn the very same flames against them.

Those few soldiers who had managed to escape the inferno were now nearly all devoured by the Blood Bat Locusts, while those trapped in the midst of the blaze and the demonic beasts fought a desperate battle for survival.

Blood flowed incessantly, seeping into the earth below, which greedily absorbed it.

Li Wen You rushed to Chu Ze, who lay collapsed on the ground. After surveying the encroaching flames with a contorted expression, he spoke urgently, “Your Majesty! I will take you away now!”

He swiftly lifted Chu Ze, who was unable to escape on his own with his current strength. Li Wen You intended to carry him to safety beyond the engulfing fires.

However, would Murong Lin permit their escape?

Clearly, he would not.

Murong Lin rose from the ground, blade in hand, and cast a cold smile at the departing Li Wen You and Chu Ze before turning his attention back to Guan Yun Chang.

Guan Yun Chang knew that Murong Lin had unlocked his Blade Intent and now wielded it fully. With his three blades depleted, he understood that he was no longer a match for Murong Lin.

He smiled bitterly, his reddened complexion mixed with pallidness as a mouthful of blood escaped from his lips. Then, the wounded parts of his flesh began to wriggle as they rapidly healed. By the time he turned his gaze back to Murong Lin, his expression was filled with a resolute determination.

He knew that Li Wen You was currently carrying Chu Ze away, and that he needed to stall Murong Lin for them.

Guan Yun Chang gripped his weapon tightly and slowly lifted his head to gaze at the heavens, murmuring to himself, “I have something I want to do.”

His vitality began to burn away, and his flesh started to smoulder. His clothing ignited, flames rising from his body. As his blood and flesh burned, along with his life force, an intense heat emanated from his forehead.

World Overthrow.

In that moment, it seemed as if the world itself had expanded enormously. Murong Lin’s ‘Evil of Lifelessness, Lawlessness, and Formlessness’ transformed the surrounding flames into black fire.

The entire area around them was enveloped in black fog that corroded even the ground. The sky turned dark, and the only thing in this world that differed from the surrounding blackness was the fiery sphere that had been Guan Yun Chang.

Then, the fiery sphere exploded.

The blaze’s radiance swept through the vicinity, causing everything around them to quiver. However, it proved futile against Murong Lin.

He slowly retracted his blade, while Guan Yun Chang’s form vanished from that very spot.

The ground within hundreds of meters around them had been reduced to scorched earth.

Even the sky remained shrouded in darkness, casting an eerie pall over everything.

This was the formidable power of Murong Lin’s fifth blade.

He panted, using the remaining Blood Bat Locusts to continue their assault on the few surviving soldiers.

Ma Meng Qi, who had been relentlessly assailed by mountain pig, perished first. Next was Guo Feng Xiao, who had directed the firefighting efforts, and finally, Pang Shi Yuan, who had no place to hide.

With their deaths, Chu Ze no longer had any generals left here.

The remaining army was slowly but surely eradicated by the demonic beasts, their blood spilling onto the earth below. Strangely, the blood that flowed into the soil disappeared at an astonishing rate.

During the soldiers’ battle, Murong Lin sprinted toward Chu Ze and Li Wen You with tremendous speed.

Stalled by Guan Yun Chang, he had lost sight of the direction in which Li Wen You and Chu Ze had escaped. He had no means of pursuit.

However, Murong Lin produced a spiritual talisman from his person and infused it with his spiritual power, activating it.

In an instant, his form disappeared, vanishing from the fiery expanse that was once the northern region of the Demonic Beast Forest.

This was the higher Sky-grade spiritual talisman he had acquired from the system shop, obtained with a villain value of 10—the ‘Parental Tracker.’

Initially, he had implanted the child talisman into Chu Ze. Now, by shattering the mother talisman, he could instantly materialize at Chu Ze’s side.

Chu Ze, was destined to be captured here.

Translator’s note:

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