Book 2: Chapter 19: Xiao Dong’s strengthening

Book 2: Chapter 19: Xiao Dong’s strengthening

Xiao Dong swiftly manoeuvred through the dense foliage of the forest, his agile figure gliding between the ancient trees until he reached the entrance of a desolate cave. Despite the pallor of his complexion, the evidence of enduring significant injuries, the spark of excitement blazed undiminished in his eyes. Leaning against the cool stone walls, he carefully retrieved a vibrant crystal from his bag of holding.

The moment the colourful crystal emerged, a potent aura burst forth, accompanied by an insatiable desire to devour that welled up within Xiao Dong. Clasping the crystal in his hands, he turned his gaze into the distance. As if witnessing something unseen, maniacal laughter escaped his lips, Hahahaha! The Orbital Glow Crystal! Perfect for infusing my Devourment with the powers of Abhij!

The crystal he cradled was the lower Barren grade Orbital Glow Crystal, a coveted treasure capable of aiding practitioners in awakening their Abhij. It held the promise of refining the Intent realm that cultivators had unlocked, while simultaneously elevating their inspiration toward Abhij. This precious gem bestowed upon its possessor the ability to pursue and attain mastery over Abhij, a prospect that countless individuals coveted.

Upon the discovery of this treasure, a swarm of opportunistic individuals had descended upon Xiao Dong, each vying to wrest the Orbital Glow Crystal from his grasp. Through a fierce and arduous battle, he emerged victorious, killing all who sought to claim his newfound prize.

Seated on the ground, Xiao Dong initiated the circulation of Devourment, circulating its energies within his body as he commenced the consumption of the vibrant crystal before him.

Behind him, an enormous, transparent toad slowly materialized, emanating the potent powers of Devourment as it, too, devoured the Orbital Glow Crystal.

Subsequently, Xiao Dongs primordial spirit manifested, taking the shape of a faceless human. In its hands, a black vortex gradually formed, within which the energy of Devourment extendeda manifestation of his Intent realm known as the Devour Intent.

The brilliance of the Orbital Glow Crystal in his hands gradually waned, its radiance diminishing until it shattered into a million pieces. In that fleeting moment, the profound aura contained within the crystal was entirely extinguished.

In stark contrast, Xiao Dongs own aura burgeoned, growing more formidable with each passing second. His cultivation which was once at the third layer of the Cognizance realm swiftly broke through to the sixth layer as the Devour Intent in his body evolved.

Witnessing an unseen spectacle, even the colossal toad behind Xiao Dong assumed a solemn expression before succumbing to an overwhelming sense of awe and realization.

In the kaleidoscope of devouring scenes playing before his eyes, the tapestry extended beyond his own past experiences. It intertwined with the memories of others who shared the formidable ability of devourment.

Gradually, the Intent realm of Devourment within him underwent a profound evolution, culminating in a burst of energy that propelled forward with unstoppable force.

In an instant, the cave vanished, disintegrating into a colossal hole from which stones and dirt evaporated, as if they had never existed.

The relentless energy continued its trajectory, voraciously consuming over a hundred trees before gradually dissipating. Simultaneously, a surge of energy materialized within Xiao Dongs body, orchestrating the slow but steady healing of his wounds. Such was the aftermath of the formidable attack.

This devouring force had not only obliterated everything in its path but also transmuted the remnants into spiritual powers, channelling them back to Xiao Dong. The healing surge that ensued mended his wounds considerably with each passing moment.

A flicker of joy played on Xiao Dongs expression as he leisurely emerged from the partially damaged cave, leaving it behind to assess the might of his unleashed attack.

Like the inexorable breath of a great whale, the air within the expansive gap vanished, exerting immense pressure that drew the duo into Xiao Dongs grasp. Soon, two more withered corpses adorned his hands.

As Xiao Dong stabilized his aura, palpable exhaustion lingered, indicative of the considerable energy expended in the battle.

By now, Luo Miao Miao had reached him, her expression tinged with reverence. Bursting with excitement, she inquired, Brother Dong? Your cultivation?

Xiao Dong nodded, his expression carrying profound depths. That is right.

He cast a curious gaze at Luo Miao Miao, questioning, Why would they pursue you?

Luo Miao Miao, her expression tinged with resentment, explained, Its all because of that guy, Zhou Xuan Zi. As I rejected his advances, and considering your grudge with him, hes instructed those around him to capture us. The reward for capturing both of us is ten higher Sky grade spiritual medicines! Thats why many are considering going after us.

A flash of anger crossed Xiao Dongs face. I didnt expect Zhou Xuan Zi to be so vengeful!

His countenance then shifted, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he asked, Do you know where they are?

Luo Miao Miao, puzzled, questioned, Why are you asking about that?

Of course, I am going to plot against them. Unless, are they the only ones permitted to pursue us, and we are not allowed to scheme against them? Xiao Dong responded matter-of-factly.

Luo Miao Miao, revelling in the idea of chaos, excitement evident in her expression, pointed eastward. They are currently trying to disarm an array in the snowy valley over there. It is rumoured that there is a great remnant inside!

Her previous timidity had given way to newfound boldness, confident in Xiao Dongs strength to ensure her safety.

A remnant?! Xiao Dongs expression lit up with joy and surprise. Lets go! Well take a look for ourselves!

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