Book 2: Chapter 26: Exchange

Book 2: Chapter 26: Exchange

As Luo Miao Miao and Xiao Dong descended the stairs, the once-dark underground space was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. Overhead, ‘White Day Stones’, manipulated by an unknown array, instantly illuminated the compact area.

Intricately carved arrays adorned the ground, remnants of a bygone era. Though time had weathered some parts, most of the intricate patterns remained discernible—confinement arrays, strategically placed to restrain the cross-legged corpse at the center.

Surveying the surroundings, Xiao Dong and Luo Miao Miao found themselves in a chamber where the sole inhabitant was a corpse emanating a subtle, glazed lustre.

Luo Miao Miao, noticing the absence of apparent cultivation resources, had a composed reaction that was entirely warranted.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

Yet, Xiao Dong struggled to conceal the excitement radiating from his expression. The innate power of ‘Devourment’ within him surged to life, his gaze fixated on the corpse, a hint of drool threatening to escape his mouth.

This lifeless form belonged to ‘Han Tian Cuo,’ an almighty sealed in this chamber a millennium ago. Evidently, he succumbed to the relentless march of time and the enfeebling effects of the confinement arrays, yet his preserved corpse still held a captivating allure.

Here lay the testament to the might of a physique cultivator, one who, had he been a tad stronger, could have retained his corporeal form unscathed even after a millennium.

Regrettably, Han Tian Cuo fell short of mastering his physique cultivation method to its zenith, leaving behind only his skeletal remains.

Nevertheless, within those almost crystalline, transparent bones resided the cultivated blood essence of a Tribulation realm almighty—a treasure of immense significance.

This relic wasn’t just any residue; it bore the mark of an almighty who had neared the pinnacle of physique cultivation. The energy emanating from the almost translucent bones held immense potency, and the insights within carried the wisdom of an exceptionally powerful individual.

The sight before them could incite excitement even in a Majestic realm cultivator. The prospect of seizing and refining the skeleton held the promise of significant cultivation advancements.

Though Luo Miao Miao might be unaware of the profound implications, Xiao Dong, well-versed in the ways of cultivation, recognized the unparalleled value of the skeletal relic. His power of ‘Devourment’ had consumed countless formidable corpses, yet this particular skeleton surpassed any he had encountered.

Even the mere act of shattering its pearly white exterior would demand a decade of relentless effort. Only then could he access the crystal-like essence within and partake in its profound power.

As Xiao Dong’s anticipation reached its zenith, he suddenly paused, a realization dawning upon him. Initiating the circulation of his ‘Devourment’ powers, he scrutinized the surroundings.

Observing Xiao Dong’s cautious actions, Luo Miao Miao’s anxiety mirrored in her expression. She followed his gaze, only to be jolted by a sudden fear. “Brother Dong! Look at that skeleton!”

Before she could finish speaking, a formidable energy surged toward them. Quick on his feet, Xiao Dong shoved Luo Miao Miao to safety and deftly rolled away, narrowly evading the incoming attack. He turned his attention back to the skeletal figure, illuminated by candlelight, just in time to witness a primordial spirit slowly emerging from the mesmerizing crystalline structure.

Employing this method, I managed to extend my life by six centuries, now weakened to the Abhijñā realm. What do you think? Is my resolve not admirable?”

Xiao Dong regarded the pitiful figure before him and nodded, “Senior is truly powerful. Do you require the help of your junior to rescue you?” he suggested.

However, Han Tian Cuo’s expression morphed into a sinister smile, “Do you think you can devour me? Do you think I cannot break free without you? Hahaha! Come!”

Xiao Dong’s expression wavered briefly before a sudden realization struck him. He urgently turned to look at Luo Miao Miao, who stood beside him.

At that moment, Luo Miao Miao’s eyes were clouded, seemingly under someone’s control. She moved slowly towards Han Tian Cuo.

Xiao Dong hastened to catch up, but it was too late.

During the conversation, Han Tian Cuo covertly used the energy of his primordial spirit to manipulate the seemingly frail girl. Under his control, Luo Miao Miao reached the array, her hands making contact with it. The array sprung to life, absorbing the spiritual power from Luo Miao Miao’s body, causing her to faint and collapse.

With the array released, a cold gust of wind blew past as Han Tian Cuo’s primordial spirit escaped his skeleton, charging towards Xiao Dong, shouting, “Brat! Hand over your body to me! Hahahaha!”

Despite Han Tian Cuo’s Abhijñā realm strength, his primordial spirit form and Xiao Dong’s power of Devourment prevented him from gaining the upper hand.

“Impossible! Your strength! This strength! Absolutely impossible!” Han Tian Cuo sensed the potent energy within Xiao Dong during their exchange.

He struggled to accept that Xiao Dong wielded such power at his cultivation level.

“You’ve reincarnated? Why do you possess the power of law?” Han Tian Cuo, mistakenly believing Xiao Dong to be the reincarnation of an ancient being, questioned how he could wield the power of ‘Devourment.’

As Han Tian Cuo’s primordial spirit was gradually absorbed by Xiao Dong, he cried out in misery, seemingly carved away by invisible knives. In that moment, his desire to escape overwhelmed any inclination to continue the fight.

Translator’s note

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