Book 2: Chapter 28: The enlightened Xiao Dong

Book 2: Chapter 28: The enlightened Xiao Dong

Murong Lin gazed at the pitiful Luo Miao Miao, who he had stepped on, and coldly stated, “Get up. I won’t kill you.”

His voice remained emotionless, its cold tone piercing into Luo Miao Miao’s heart like ice. To her, it felt as if he had said, “Hah! Look at your man, abandoning you to run away on his own! This is the man you’ve chosen!

How pitiful! I don’t even have the desire to kill you! Tch!”

These cold and indifferent words struck at Luo Miao Miao’s pride, and in her fear, she remained on the ground, not daring to crawl up.

Or perhaps, she couldn’t.

Her eyes glinted with hatred toward both Murong Lin and Xiao Dong, seemingly extending even beyond them to all the men in the world.Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Murong Lin glanced at Luo Miao Miao with a strange look before attempting to infuse the ‘Evil of lifelessness, lawlessness and formlessness’ into her body.

In the next instant, Luo Miao Miao’s gaze turned vicious, entwined with a wisp of black spiritual energy.

Even Murong Lin, experienced as he was, had never encountered a protagonist like Xiao Dong. While the previous five protagonists had fallen at his hands, a seemingly cowardly and weak character who would leave his woman behind to die was also a protagonist?

Powerless, Murong Lin surveyed his surroundings, noticing the crystal-clear skeleton of ‘Han Tian Cuo’ left on the ground. Devoid of its nourishment, the primordial spirit, the skeleton still resembled a precious treasure carved from high-quality jade, gleaming under the candlelight.

A flicker of joy flashed across Murong Lin’s face as he approached the skeleton. After careful scrutiny, he stored it in his ring of holding. Since the array had been broken by the controlled Luo Miao Miao earlier, retrieving the skeleton became an easy task.

Despite not practising physical arts, Murong Lin recognized the significant value of the item. It could be exchanged for at least a lower Vast grade spiritual item, making it one of the most valuable treasures he had obtained in the Heaven Martial hidden realm.

After a thorough inspection of the cave, Murong Lin sighed, realizing that the sealed Han Tian Cuo was devoid of any other valuable possessions.

“He was sealed quite pitifully, lacking even a spiritual item on himself,” he criticized, turning his attention to Luo Miao Miao, who was beginning to rise. A swift circulation of his spiritual powers confirmed that the ‘Evil of lifelessness, lawlessness and formlessness’ could indeed control her briefly.

Murong Lin commanded, “Go, resent Xiao Dong! Let the entire hidden realm know of his capabilities and cold-bloodedness!”

Disguising it as a byproduct of his cultivation method, Xiao Dong dared not reveal that it was an effect of a mysterious spiritual talisman. Ignorant of the talisman’s true nature, he feared that a formidable cultivator could forcefully wrest it away from him.

This was the reason why he was so horrified when he found out that Murong Lin was well aware of his power of ‘Devourment’, and why he had escaped while abandoning Luo Miao Miao.

“Who is he? How does he know about my power of ‘Devourment’?” Xiao Dong’s face displayed a mix of conflict and panic.

Regaining composure, albeit under the influence of his protagonist halo, he assessed the situation. Whispering to himself, he concluded, “He seems to be the only one who knows. As long as I eliminate him, no one else will know.

He may not be stronger than me, but I can’t predict if he has a trump card, considering he’s aware of my power. He must have a method to counter it. I might be restricted the moment I use it!

No, I need another way to deal with him!”

Contemplating his options, Xiao Dong settled on body refinement. The last book left in Han Tian Cuo’s memories, titled 《A Thousand Wounds Upon the Body》, caught his attention. Determined, he thought, “I’ll cultivate this. I’ll become proficient quickly.”

Utilizing his power of Devourment, Xiao Dong located a valley rich with spiritual herbs and a captivating waterfall. The sight triggered memories of his humble beginnings, standing beneath waterfalls to diligently refine his physical body.

Now, with his cultivation soaring, he had lost his way and became impetuous, vain, and ruthless.

Standing beneath the waterfall, Xiao Dong was touched by a sense of reflection as he thought to himself:

Whoever you are...I am grateful for your reminder. I will transform myself to confront you!

Translator’s note

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