Volume 1 - CH 2.3

◆3【Gals and Cleaning】

It was Sunday afternoon.

It was late afternoon when Takarai came to our house.

Takarai pretends to be my girlfriend, but her main job is to be a friend of Tsumugi.

I was expecting her to go straight to her room with Tsumugi.

“I have some things I have to do.”

Takarai placed her bag in the doorway.

It was a large backpack that looked like it could be used for mountain climbing.

“I noticed it the other day when I was standing here in the kitchen.”

“What is it?”

“You’re not that great at cleaning, are you?”

“*Gunu… I’m trying to clean it, though, okay?”

I think I’ve done the bare minimum of cleaning, including the bathroom and the carpet in the living room where there’s a lot of commotion, but when you’re doing housework alone, your time is limited and you just can’t get around to it.

“I don’t mean to blame you, but since I’m here, I thought I’d help you out.”

The backpack Takarai had placed on the floor was filled with cleaning tools I didn’t understand.

“I have a secret weapon, you see? What do you think? You can use my body for free right now.”

The gal showed off her full array of cleaning tools and looked at me with a smug face. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

“But having a visitor clean for us…”

“Don’t worry about it. I just like doing it.”

“Hey, Shin-nii. Let’s do it together. It’s fun to clean together.”

Tsumugi was enthusiastic.

I can’t just refuse Takarai at this point.

“All right. It’s a good opportunity. Thanks for going to the trouble.”

“It’s one of Nagumo-kun’s good points that he can say thank you honestly even though it’s not honest.”

That’s why, at the behest of Takarai, who has been selling her body (labor) for free, the cleaning of our house began in a hurry.

It was evening by the time we finished the cleaning.

I sat down deeply on the sofa in the living room where the setting sun was shining.

It’s been a while since I’ve done any serious cleaning, but I’m really tired.

“Nagumo-kun, thanks for the hard work!”

Takarai brings me a cup of cocoa.

Takarai was working harder than anyone else, but she was more energetic than anyone else.

“Takarai… is still energetic.”

“I guess that’s youth.”

When I see her smiling without breaking a sweat, I feel like I’m much older than she is.

“You’re right. If you’re tired, I can at least give you a massage if you want.”

Takarai waggled her hands. You mean you’ll rub my shoulders?

If a girl of Takarai’s caliber rubbed my body, even if it wasn’t a sensitive part, I was sure I’d get out of control, so of course I was going to refuse.

“This is also a service, don’t be shy.”

With a light touch, she walked around behind me and rubbed my shoulders over the back of the sofa.

Thanks to the perfect amount of pressure she applied, the fatigue in my shoulders disappeared quickly.

“…You’re so used to this that it’s kind of scary.”

“Don’t get any strange ideas.”

She put her hands on my left shoulder and used some kind of ancient martial arts technique that caused me a lot of pain, and I shouted “give up” without any shame.

“…I’ve never had my father do this to me before.”

“What kind of father is he?”

Takarai tilted her head curiously, but she felt bad and rubbed the sore spot.

“Oh, Shin-nii is becoming a king.”

Tsumugi came into the living room and found me.

“I’ll do it too.”

Tsumugi quickly came to my feet and started rubbing my calves.

“Oh, it feels so good to have Tsumugi rub me there~.”

“Nagumo-kun, aren’t you becoming like a grandfather who loves his grandchild rather than being a siscon?”

I do think I’m becoming a grandpa on the verge of passing away as I bask in the moment of bliss.

“I’ve cleaned Nagumo-kun’s room while I was at it.”

With a word from Takarai, my consciousness, which had been on the verge of rising to the heavens, suddenly turned to the earth.


I left Takarai and Tsumugi behind and ran upstairs to my room.

This is not good. There are things hidden in my room that I don’t want anyone to see.

When I ran into my room, I found the booklets of the “Kenen” in a neat pile on my desk.

“Guha~! I knew it!”

I hid them under my bed!

“What the hell, you’re acting like an old lady…!”

“Huh? What did I do?”

Takarai comes out from behind my sagging body, talking like a “Narou” protagonist.

“It’s the same person on all those covers, isn’t it? Are you a fan?”

“…No, well, rather than a fan-“

It can’t be helped that they’ve seen it already.

If they were coming in and out of my house, there was a good chance they would have found out sooner or later. It’s time to talk about it.

“This is my father’s… so as a family, we have to keep it.”

“Seriously!? Nagumo-kun’s father is famous, isn’t he!?”

Takarai’s eyes sparkled as she picked up one of the books piled up on my desk.

The magazine featured a tall, muscular man wearing only black short tights, holding his championship belt high in the air.

While I’m a plain, gloomy, nominally “skinny” guy, my father was a dynamic, cheerful, and a stout wrestling world champion.

From my point of view, he was just a dynamic old man, but when I found out that he was treated as a superstar abroad, I wondered what the joke was.

The reason why he tends to be away from home for some reason is because of his job. Due to the fact that he has to drive all over the country, he could only come home once in a while.

“Or rather, why did you hide it under the bed?”

If she knew I was hiding it, why did she even bother to pull it out?

“You know, it’s actually kind of creepy to keep a magazine with your own dad in it.”

That’s not acceptable behavior for a high school boy.

“It’s not creepy. It’s great to be honest. It means you care about your father, right?”

Takarai said, flipping through the magazine.

“I’m jealous of you for that.”

“Takarai-san’s father is…?”

“Eh? No, my father is not a celebrity or anything!”

Takarai waved her hand in a strange panic.

Well, it’s not a good idea to make assumptions about a high school student who lives alone.

“Shin-nii didn’t want Uncle Hiroki to find out about it, so he hid it from him, right?”

Suddenly, Tsumugi came over and said so.

“If Uncle Hiroki knew that Shin-nii was a fan of his, he would be overjoyed.”

It was not hard to imagine.

“That’s just too depressing for adolescent boys like me.”

“It’s because Shin-nii just started muscle training, he’d be like, ‘Oh, you’re finally going for it! The father-son duel is my dream, so I’m glad you’re willing to go for it,’ while saying it excitedly.”

“I hope he doesn’t involve his son in his dream.”

“But Shin-nii is working hard every day, right?”

“No results yet, though…”

I started strength training not to follow my father’s dream, but rather, for Tsumugi.

Even though I started training like a star performer just to be able to protect my family… my body has not changed yet.

“Nagumo-kun, you’re doing strength training? Me too!”

“Eh? Takarai-san, do you want to be a female professional wrestler?”

“Of course, I don’t. You need to get your head away from wrestling for a while.”

“Yua-san’s great figure is thanks to your hard work, isn’t it?”

Tsumugi touched Takarai’s slender arm.

“Well, I don’t really go to the gym or anything, I just do a little bit at home.”

Takarai looked embarrassed.

My view of Takarai had changed a little.

I used to think that Takarai was just a person who had been blessed with good looks from birth and was sitting on her laurels, but Takarai’s appearance was partly created through hard work.

“Do you want to touch it? It’s a little cracked, you know?”

“Eh, really?”

I was filled with the feeling that Takarai was amazing, so without thinking too hard, I reached for her abdomen.

This is… not a normal crack, but an exquisite crack that makes the belly look dented and clean… If you are a critic of these, you would probably say something like that.

“I-I told that to Tsumugi-chan though…”

Takarai, whose cheeks were covered in red, said while looking away from me.

“Oh, my bad!”

I immediately took my hand away because I felt like I had sexually harassed her.

“No, I said some misleading things, too.””

Takarai didn’t blame me, though.

“In return, let me touch you, too, Nagumo-kun.”

On the contrary, she suggested a sexual harassment.

Of course, no matter how embarrassed I was, there was no way I could refuse.

“Whoa, you’ve got a crack.”

When Takarai touched my abdomen, I felt like my whole body was going to lose strength. Because Takarai’s fingers were so close to my lower abdomen.

“It’s just because I’m thin and don’t have much fat that my abdominal muscles are floating. Everyone has abs by nature, you know.”

I don’t want to use the term “thin macho” to cover up my skinny body. It’ll be rude to the real thin machos.

“Let’s do our best.”

This is how we became acquainted with each other’s abdominal muscles.

“I’d like to meet Nagumo-kun’s father.”

“When you meet him, you’ll just be annoyed by his hotness, you know?”

“But still…”

Takarai chuckled.

“Because he’s Nagumo-kun’s father.”

Do you really want to see him that badly?