Volume 1 - CH 3.2

◆2【There’s No Way I Can Fit In a Place Where Half-Naked People Are Roaming Around】

The day had come.

It was finally time to go to the pool.

I had imagined it would be something like the local residents’ pool, but Takarai suggested a spa resort where we could play all year round while enjoying the gorgeous theme park-like interior.

What made me nervous was the fact that it looked like it would be swarming with people with a positive aura who seemed to be enjoying life.

I would have been fine with a plain and simple pool with more of a public facility feel, but…

Now that I had entered, there was no turning back.

I changed in the changing room and waited for the girls.

To my left, there was a huge water slide that undulated like a colon, and in front of it was a pool that looked like a real beach, with artificial waves coming in. Of course, there was also an orthodox pool that I knew. It seemed to be used mainly by children and elderly people. It was much more relaxing than the spaces where people of my age and college students were hanging around.

It seemed to be based on a tropical island motif, and the structure was so realistic that I felt as if I had wandered into some foreign country, even though I had never been to one. The room temperature was controlled just right for me to be in a swimsuit, and I was comfortable to say the least.

“There sure are a lot of people here…”

I guess it’s natural to be crowded when you come on a Sunday.


As I was fantasizing in my mind about a giant overrunning the crowd, I heard my step-sister’s resentful voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“I knew you were lying! Everyone is wearing cute swimsuits! Yua-san too!”

“No, isn’t Tsumugi cute enough?”

“Even though I’m wearing a school swimsuit!?”

“That’s why it’s fine.”

Tsumugi’s swimsuit was a plain navy blue separate type used for classes in public middle schools, with neither a large handwritten name tag pasted on the chest nor a drain.

By the time the day came, Tsumugi, who didn’t own any swimwear other than her school swimsuit, had been asking for a new one, but I had persuaded her to wear the one she was wearing to class because I didn’t want to expose her to the gaze of the many people who would be looking at her, which was a natural thing for a responsible guardian to do.

“…I knew it was Nagumo-kun’s idea.”

While I was trying to persuade Tsumugi, Takarai’s voice rang out in disgust.

“I feel sorry for Tsumugi-chan. Nagumo-kun doesn’t know this, but before she went to the changing room, she had this sparkling look in her eyes, but as the other girls around her changed into cute swimsuits, her face became more and more anxious, and when she left the changing room, her shoulders slumped.”

Why the heck is she meddling in other people’s homes…!? The monster parent’s lingering spirit possessed me, and I looked at Takarai with growing frustration.

I had to quickly avert my gaze because of the pain in my neck muscles.

“…Aren’t you mistaken about something?”

“Eh? Did I do something wrong?”

“This is a place to swim and have fun, not a place to expose yourself as much as you want, so know your TPO.” [TLN: TPO = Time, Place, Occasion (or it could be Opportunity at times).]

“If you’re going to argue with me, make eye contact.”

“I’m not so good-natured as to share eye contact with someone who dresses in such an indecent manner.”


I got worried because she sounded triumphant, as if she was about to lay waste to the weak.

“Hey, Nagumo-san.”

Suddenly, Takarai, who suddenly called me with a “-san”, came at me with a ghastly smile on her face. I could tell just by her presence.

“Maybe you can’t look directly at me with my swimsuit on~?”

She’s right.

Takarai was wearing a bikini-type white swimsuit that exposed her top and bottom. The fact that Takarai had chosen to wear a pure white bikini made my heart feel like it was going to explode.

Her waist was thin, her legs were long, and her breasts were much larger than I had expected. I could almost feel them swaying with just a little poke. I’d like to believe that I was just startled by an unexpected event and not thrilled by the sight of Takarai in a swimsuit.

“What are you talking about? Swimsuits are just for swimming. It’s not something you wear to be stared at. So I just don’t look. Don’t misinterpret swimwear.”

I was desperate because if Takarai found out that I was flustered by her swimsuit, she would definitely tease me.

“But hey, it’s also something that can be seen, so there are all sorts of different looking swimsuits, right?”

Even though she was Takarai, she was logical in her argument.

“I chose this swimsuit because I wanted to show it to Nagumo-kun.”

Don’t lie to me.

“I usually wear a black swimsuit, but I thought I’d go for white today.”

You didn’t have to change from a black swimsuit to a white swimsuit for such a big moment. Just go along with the wind.

“It’s not like showing me your swimsuit is going to do anything for me. Why don’t you be more careful with your surroundings?”

“Eh, why?”

“Takarai-san would have a high rate of pick-up encounters, I think.”

“Hee~. What’s this, are you worried about me?”

Takarai’s mouth was like a cat’s. It shook. Even though she just walked for a bit…?

“If you’re that worried, a ‘boyfriend’ should protect me, right?”

Takarai looked at me as if he was testing me.

With Tsumugi around, I couldn’t deny that Takarai wasn’t my ‘girlfriend’, so I had to give a vague reply.

“…Just because of that, don’t go setting yourself up to get into some trouble.”

“I know. I know how to get out of such situations.”

Takarai looked comfortable, as if she was used to being picked up.

It would be reckless to ask me to play the role of repelling men.

I’m too weak to be any kind of deterrent.

Takarai, in a good mood as if she thought she had outsmarted me, grabbed Tsumugi’s hand.

“Let’s rent a swimsuit for Sumugi-chan. I feel sorry for her.”

“…Tsumugi, you don’t want to wear a school swimsuit?”

Faced with Tsumugi’s dull expression, I felt a pang of remorse.

“Yes, I want to look like Yua-san.”

“No, someone like Takarai-san is…”

Maybe you should wait until you’re a little older.

“Since we’re here already, why don’t you let Tsumugi-chan do what she wants?”

Takarai slid around and took my arm.

“If something bad happens, Nagumo-kun will be there to take care of it.”

You’re still saying that after witnessing my half-nakedness, which is usually hidden from the public.

“Okay, Tsumugi, pick one you like.”

I decided to give in.

If I refuse too much, Tsumugi might feel oppressed and start to hate me.

And if Takarai got any closer, my body wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“Yay! I love you Shin-nii!”

“I’m super into it, too!”

Tsumugi hugged me tightly, and I was glad that I could make a decision that would not leave Tsumugi’s mind.

“Shin-nii, I wub you~!”

“I hate imposters who pretend to be Tsumugi to no end.”

“That’s just too much.”

Still, for some reason, Takarai didn’t crack a smile… I’m scared.

“Shin-nii~, why do you treat Yua-san so coldly even though she’s your ‘girlfriend’?”

Tsumugi’s expression, which had been in a good mood until then, suddenly became stern.

“Even though we’ve become friends, Yua-san will give up on Shin-nii if you act like that.”

Tsumugi, stretching as much as she could, pinched my ear.

“If Yua-san gets affectionate with you, Shin-nii won’t be able to have a girlfriend anymore.”

“Y-You mean that much…?”

Does Tsumugi think I’m that unattractive? Well, there’s nothing about me that makes me irresistible to girls.

“Don’t worry, Tsumugi-chan.”

Takarai gently grasps my hand.

It was as if she was trying not to let me go.

“Nagumo-kun is a little cold to me because that’s how he plays.”


Don’t call it a play in front of Tsumugi…

“Sometimes it’s better to be a little cold to me. I love it!”

“I see. I’m sorry, Shin-nii, I didn’t know about that.”

“Don’t worry about it~, Tsumugi~.”

I smiled at Tsumugi and focused on my left hand, which was connected to Takarai.

It was a sign that I shouldn’t say anything else.

“See, Nagumo-kun is making it very clear that he wants to connect with me, isn’t he?”

“That’s right. Yua-san knows everything, after all.”

Tsumugi’s eyes shone as she gazed at the two hands that Takarai held out, overlapping mine.

It seems like it’s useless for me to resist.

She could do as she pleased now…

There are times when I hate to go to an event that I’ve been dreading, thinking it would be a hassle, only to find that I enjoy it and end up having more fun than anyone else.

That was the case with me this time.

Perhaps it was because I was with Tsumugi and Takarai, my ‘girlfriend,’ that I didn’t have to worry about the presence of people around me who emitted a positive aura.

We played with water in a pool with artificial waves, rented a beach ball and had a tossing match, but Takarai’s big chest was too big for the ball, and rented a rubber boat shaped like a shark and played in a flowing pool. We were playing in a flowing pool in a rented rubber boat shaped like a shark, and halfway through the pool, Tsumugi said, “I want to practice swimming,” and I had to straddle the shark with Takarai instead. It was a humiliating experience.

Finally, we got to ride the giant, undulating water slide, the most prominent attraction in the facility.

When my turn in line came around.

“Shin-nii, let’s slide together.”

With a sparkling smile on her face, Tsumugi made a wonderful proposal.

Of course, there was no way I could say no, so I tried to slide down the water slide with Tsumugi right behind me.

“Me too!”

Even Takarai was attached to my back. Both of our legs were pinned together in a torso-clinching sleeper hold.

“Oh you, stop doing this all of a sudden…!”

Before my upset voice could even reach me, the three of us were already sliding down the long slope.

A known ridge with an unknown feel against my back. I slid down standing up, but my @ss was still on the platform.

The three of us landed in the pool with a mighty splash.

“That was really dangerous, wasn’t it?”

Takarai, soaking wet that her hair even sticks to her face, clung tightly to my arm with a carefree smile on her face.

I wanted to argue that it was me who was in trouble, but I didn’t want to say exactly how, so I had to keep quiet.

“Hey, Shin-nii, why don’t you two slide together next time?”

Tsumugi waded into the water.

“Because this is also a date with Yua-san, isn’t it? You have to take care of her sometimes.”

Tsumugi proudly exclaimed, as if she was a capable woman.

I wish she hadn’t been so considerate about that.

“I’ll be in the front this time and Nagumo-kun will be in the back.”

“Oh, hey, what if Tsumugi gets kidnapped while waiting all alone?”

“I’ll be just fine~. Uncle Hiroki taught me how to control my joints.”

How dare that old man teach her something I don’t know!

“I’m sure Tsumugi-chan will be fine, she’s very strong.”

Takarai pulled me toward the line.

“There’s a lot of impact when you jump into the pool, but don’t let your swimsuit get blown off.”

“It’s not that easy to get rid of a swimsuit.”

Takarai said with a laugh.

“If you’re so worried, why don’t Nagumo-kun hold me from behind?”

“I’m out for molestation. What are you even talking about…”

“It’s safe~. After all, I’m your ‘girlfriend’, right?”

Takarai held my arm.

“If Nagumo-kun wanted to, I’d let him do something even better.”

Don’t joke about it. I don’t think you’ve been messing with me too much lately.

“You can hold me anywhere you want.”

That’s only provocation. Too bad, though. I won’t let you have your way with me, I swear.

“Well then, I’ll just put my arms around your neck.”

“Then you’ll squeeze my neck~!”

Takarai was so happy that she stuck to me even though we were standing in line.

Since we were not in school, there was no need to be wary of the piercing glances of our male classmates, but even so, Takarai’s good looks seemed to be accepted outside the school, and I was forced to monopolize the attention of the pool.

At first, I was so shocked by Takarai’s swimsuit that just looking at her was enough to make me agitated, but I think I’m getting used to it. However, I’m not a well-trained hermit to the point where I don’t feel anything when I’m in close contact with her.

So when it was our turn, I was troubled when Takarai sat down in front of me.

Takarai’s back was as white as freshly fallen snow, and I was afraid that if I were to stick to her back like this, I might come in contact with the part of her body that would trouble me.

“Nagumo-kun, hurry up, hurry up!”

Takarai looked at me expectantly, as if she was an elementary school student again instead of a high school student.

Unfortunately, I’m sensitive to the eyes of those around me, so I’m vulnerable to silent pressure.

I couldn’t stand the aura of, “Are you guys not done yet?” emanating from the long line behind me. I had no choice but to stick close to Takarai. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t so cold-hearted that I wouldn’t mind pushing Takarai out and sending her off alone.

As I press my chest against Takarai’s back, I’m nervous that she might hear my heart pounding.

Takarai didn’t seem to mind, and pulled my arm and wrapped it around her lower chest.

“Oi, you didn’t ask for my permission.”

I said, feeling extremely nervous.

“But if I don’t do this, Nagumo-kun won’t hug me for a long time.”

Before I could say anything back, I was sliding down the water slide.

When we got back to the surface, sandwiched between the current on our backs and Takarai’s touch from the front, we were thrown into the pool like garbage being discharged.

“Thanks to you, my swimsuit is intact.”

Unlike me, who was blown away in a spectacular fashion, Takarai, who had plenty of time to spare, came over to me.

But up close, Takarai’s cheeks were red.

“But it was a little hard to roll you over, wasn’t it?”

When I saw Takarai’s embarrassed expression, I felt like I had caused her a tremendous amount of trouble, and I decided not to try to stick to Takarai’s back and slide down ever again.