Tuya could swear that her heart collapsed when she heard these words!

On one hand, she really didn’t expect Fu Jinxiao to be tempted. After all, in her opinion, there was a big reason why Fu Jinxiao, who has kept himself clean and single all year round, has never had a date. And the reason was because he was picky! 

He didn’t like the good-looking ones, the ugly ones, the smart ones, the stupid ones, the profit-seeking ones, and the ascetic ones. To be honest, he was ridiculously clean to the point her group of friends was secretly betting on whether Fu Jinxiao would stay single for the rest of his life! 


Wouldn’t being looked at by this old fox be… a pitiful fate? Wouldn’t they be eaten to death? 

With much difficulty, Tuya struggled but managed to ask him, “Which person do you want me to help you connect with?” 

Fu Jinxiao stood opposite her, raising his eyebrows when he heard this, as if Tuya was talking nonsense to him. But he still answered her with a slow drawl, “Well, what do you think?” 

‘Yaya doesn’t know, it’s none of Yaya’s business.’

Others don’t know about this event, but Tuya could be said to be terrified. Tonight was bound to be a sleepless and restless night. But! She wanted to share this gossip! But, but! There’s nobody to share this with (without risking her life). She was so uncomfortable. 

Afternoon passed, the director’s team gathered everyone together. The sun was not very hot, the staff stood in front and said: “Now that everyone’s work for the morning and noon shift has been finished, let me announce the ranking of the players with the highest professionalism and after comprehensive consideration.”

Fu Jinxiao scored 230 points,

Instructor Li and Tuya scored 200 points,

Shen Xingsui scored 180 points,

Li Xu’an scored 178 points,

Shen Xingchen scored 150 points,

Anran scored 142 points…

After the rankings were released in order, Shen Xingchen was quite dissatisfied: “Director, I have worked hard all morning to cook, and only give me have 150 points, is that appropriate?”

“Hey, it’s generous of us to give you this score,” The director said with a deadpan expression:,”The ingredients you wasted and the pots and pans you smashed are more than enough to deduct your points.” 


Shen Xingchen fell into a rare silence.

Of course, the audience had some sass to say: 

[Young Master isn’t cooking the ingredients, he’s cooking the kitchen.]

[Hehehe, I’m still willing to eat any food he cooks~]

[Are you sure? You’re not afraid of dying from that food?]

[Yeah, it’s worrying, hahaha.]

The director ordered again, “Now, you all go back to your original position from this morning. The top three winners of this afternoon’s competition will get a small gift bag and a hint card, please work hard!” 

This brief meeting was equivalent to checking scores. And because of their work before, they already had an idea of what to do. 

Shen Xingchen went back to the kitchen in the afternoon and wanted to chop some firewood, but happened to meet Anran who came to fetch water. Anran came over with a smile and said, “Is Chen-ge chopping firewood?” 

Shen Xingchen replied in reflex, “Yeah.”

“Chen-ge, can I try?” Anran asked from the side.

Shen Xingchen said impatiently, “What are you doing? You can’t even hold an axe steady with that little strength. Have you finished your work? Don’t come here to make trouble for me.”

Anran choked up, but still used his usual coquettish trick. He said with a softer approach, “I just want to try it. If you let me try it, I’ll leave. I promise I won’t bother you. Really, I’ve never split wood before. This looks so fun.” 

Shen Xingchen was disgusted by Anran’s demeanor. He wanted Anran to go away as soon as possible, so he just relented, “Okay, fine. Try it.” 

Anran took the axe happily and tried it a few times. He couldn’t split the log with a couple of blows, so he gave up and returned the axe to Shen Xingchen. He sighed, “It’s so heavy, Chen-ge, be careful when you’re using this. Or else, your back will definitely hurt in two days.”

Shen Xingchen didn’t bother to pay attention to him. “I’m in good health, you take care of yourself first.”

Anran could see that he was getting impatient, and finally wisely left after returning the axe to him.

In the afternoon, everyone was busy with work, trying to earn points in their respective positions. They gradually became familiar with the students, and occasionally stopped to chat for a while. The students in this school were very shy and withdrawn. When chatting, they usually grouped up together. They were currently happily playing around. 

When Shen Xingsui was cleaning in the afternoon, he talked less. He always worked silently by himself. He would not go to play with other people when he could rest occasionally, but just sat in a daze in one place.

Netizens had a mixed opinions about this:

[What are you doing? You’re too tired so you’re just sneaking around?]

[So boring.]

[Could it be, he’s writing a song? Don’t just look at the surface when judging people.]

[The fans are too outrageous. So you say he’s writing a song without any pen and paper?] 

Although the audience was complaining, they didn’t always mean it. In fact, the more vicious the complaints were, it would attract more of the fans to defend Shen Xingsui. On the contrary, the number of people was still rising. The live broadcast platform has given each guest a separate live broadcast room, and each live broadcast room has a number of currently watching audiences. As of present, Shen Xingsui’s popularity is second only to Fu Jinxiao and Shen Xingchen, and even surpasses most members of the boy group.

In the evening, after their task– 

The director announced today’s points ranking. Not surprisingly, the top three winners are: Fu Jinxiao, Shen Xingchen, and Tuya.

Instructor Li raised his hand and asked, “Why is Shen Xingchen second? Didn’t he break a lot of bowls?”

“Yes, but it was covered by the number of logs he cut today for the fuel. Even the canteen auntie praised him for that.” 

Instructor Li: “…”

No one expected it to be like this.

The director saw that everyone was exhausted and had a hard day, so he said: “If everyone has no objections, we can clean up later, say goodbye to the students, and then we can leave the school.”

Shen Xingsui raised his hand: “Director, I have something to say.”

The program team looked at him unexpectedly.

“I passed a classroom when I was cleaning today.” Shen Xingsui said with a smile, “I saw an old piano inside, so I want to ask if it can be used?”

The director didn’t know what he was using it for, but still replied, “Yes, yes, but what do you want to use it for?”

Shen Xingsui had a gentle smile on his face, “I want to play a song as a gift for a student here.” 

After he finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room naturally knew who this student he was referring to. When the director was hesitant on his decision, Shen Xingsui used his trump card, “I remember that during the call session in the morning , you promised me to get one instance of help or request from the staff anytime.” 

The director could only nod, “Then you want to…”

Shen Xingsui replied, “Yes, I will use up this opportunity. “

This was a crucial opportunity to make a request with the staff team. No one thought that Shen Xingsui would use it without hesitation, just to play the piano once!

But since he said so, of course the program group wouldn’t break their promise. After organizing the guests to eat in the cafeteria, the piano had already been tuned and carried out. 

It was almost night, around 6 o’clock. The sky was dyed red with the twilight, and the piano was neatly arranged on the playground. Besides the guests and the staff, the students and the school’s staff were also here.

To Shen Xingsui’s surprise, that little boy Qi Xiao was also among them.

The director said to Shen Xingsui, “This piano is ready to use now. We had already asked a piano tuner to make sure it can be played.” 

It’s all handled very well. Shen Xingsui responded with a thank you.

He walked in front of the piano, and the children passing by all around stopped. Shen Xingsui walked in front of the piano, his hand dropped, and his fingertips slid across the piano. His movements were elegant and natural, and he was probably familiarizing himself with this particular piano. 

After playing a couple of tunes, he raised his head to look at the crowd, and smiled slightly, “It’s a pleasure to meet everyone in this school. Before I leave, I want to sing a song for a particular student here.” 

The wind blows in the sunset, bringing a little coolness. The young man sitting in the center of the playground has a straight figure, illuminated with the soft dusk’s glow. He was eye-catching.

Shen Xingsui pressed the piano keys with his slender and fair fingers, and the crisp and elegant piano sound poured out. This was a somewhat low tone, very gentle, although very simple. But with an inexplicable tenderness, his hands fell on the piano keys, and the melody was clear. 

After a short intro section, the young man started singing, his voice was very gentle in the twilight sunset:

“If I were the wind, then I’m the invincible wind.” 

“Rolling under the sun, crossing fields, through the mountains, and finally arriving at your side.” 

The lyrics were simple, it was very poetic, and it didn’t have any rhyme. But with a low and elegant tune, the beauty was still clear to everyone hearing it. The touch of childishness didn’t feel out of place; if anything, it gave a hint of innocence and nostalgia. It reminded the adults of their childhood’s days. 

As the sun died down, the sky gradually turned dark purple. It casted Shen Xingsui in a long shadow, his singing voice was so contagious that the originally noisy playground became inexplicably quiet, everyone was listening to the song.

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked:

[Don’t tell me this is the song of that kid he met during lunch?]

[He actually composed the song in one afternoon, and even memorized the song!]

[Wait, didn’t we watch him all afternoon? When did he have time to compose it then?]

[He actually write it in that short of a time?? Insane…]

“If I were a beam of light, then I’m just a thin strip of light, peeking through the trees and the foliages.” 

“In the dark night, I will creep over the high wall, break through the darkness, as the moonlight that fell down on you.” 

The melody lowered down, then it swelled up during the refrain. Shen Xingsui’s voice was clean and pure. He raised his face, his gaze crossed the crowd and landed on the boy with red eyes. He could see the young boy mouthed along the lyrics, trying his best to not let his tears fall. 

“So the weather won’t be hot all the time, so the night won’t be dark all the time. The temperature will drop, the sun will rise, and our days will definitely be fine.”

“It’s okay if it’s hot, it’s okay if the sun doesn’t rise. Our days will definitely be fine in the end…” 

As the melody rose up, Shen Xingsui kept his voice steady and clear. The clean piano ring sounded graceful and lovely, dancing side-by-side with Shen Xingsui’s singing. Shen Xingsui did not break his voice, and his rich and deep appeal was explosive. The lyrics might be immature and nonsensical, but when it was sung from the depths of his heart, it was enough to draw people in. The joyful emotion perfectly harmonized with the inner affection. 

“And so…” Shen Xingsui slid his keys across the piano keys, and his voice sank: “We will wait until the sun rises again.”

When the last steel note fell, the audience was silent.

Then, someone took the lead to give him a warm applause. Little by little, everyone followed. This was especially exciting for the students – this was the first time they saw a professional musician playing live. 

Shen Xingsui stood up and bowed to everyone, his movements were elegant and solemn.

He was not wearing a tuxedo, but when he stood next to the piano, he had that regal bearing of a musician during his recital. He was confident, he was the master of his own music, he was the protagonist. Everyone’s attention was on him.