Chen Yinlong didn't think much about this.

In his eyes, Meng Zezhi was already a dead man.

The calmness and composure he showed at this moment can be described as gloomy in Chen Yinlong's eyes. 

But that's it. The day he and Xu Jiaqing got married will be the day of Meng Zezhi's destruction.

After all, this is the cruelest torture for a love rival.

Thinking of this Chen Yinlong sneered and walked away upstairs with Xu Jiaqing.

The atmosphere quieted down instantly, Meng Zezhi put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at Zhu Zhengqing: " Sorry, I let Professor Zhu laugh! "

Seeing Meng Zezhi's indifferent face it's obvious that he didn't take the divorce matter too serious, Zhu Zhengqing's eyes flickered and kindly suggested," Anyway, we have almost eaten, why not go back?  I will take you to visit the lab and go around." 

" Alright." Meng Zezhi nodded because he didn't want to see Chen Yinlong again.

After checking out the two drove to Beijing University.

The department of Biology has always had shortcomings in Beijing University. The only ones that can be named are key laboratory of the Minister of Health and a key laboratory of Education. 

( Laboratory levels are divided into national laboratories,  National key laboratories, provincial laboratories, municipal laboratories, and school/institute level laboratories.)

The school leaders seem serious about revitalizing the Department of Biology, otherwise, they wouldn't try their best to invite Zhu Zhengqing back from Harvard.

Zhu Zhengqing arrived for the first time and had few qualifications. It was impossible to get rid of the original leader of the laboratory and let Zhu Zhengqing in charge of it. 

So the School simply Built a laboratory for him. It was branded as a school-level laboratory but the specifications exceeded that of a provincial-level laboratory.

Anyway, the school doesn't feel sorry for the tens of millions moreover these are state subsidiaries.

At this time, the laboratory has been arranged almost but it's just a start so the specific personnel arrangements are still to be discussed so there was no other person in the laboratory.

Meng Zezhi glanced roughly and is very satisfied. Basically, all the instruments he expected to be used are available in the laboratory.

" The expenses incurred by me doing experiment are calculated according to the school laboratory equipment loan billing standard, which is closed every Monday." 

" Okay." Zhu Zhengqing didn't say much. On the one hand, he believed that Professor Wan Vision and didn't think that Meng Zezhi would do anything illegal and indiscipline.  On the other hand in his opinion, since Meng Zezhi is doing the private experiment, he thinks it should be confidential so there is no need to ask.

With that Zhu Zhengqing's gaze fell on a small piece of plastic tape exposed from a safety cabinet by the wall,  probably because the person who carried the instrument did not notice it.

He walked over, stretched out his hand but couldn't reach it, and stood on tiptoe still so short.

Meng Zezhi saw it, he Chuckled lightly came forward and reached out to grab the plastic strap, and pulled down___ 

Zhu Zhengqing turned around and faced a thin and slightly curved lip then saw the plastic tape with a bundle of compacted cardboard boxes hitting Meng Zezhi's back.

Meng Zezhi staggered and rushed toward Zhu Zhengqing.

The air was quiet for a moment, and Meng Zezhi pressed down on Zhu Zhengqing and a faint scent came out. Now that he smelled clearly. It was not a lotus leaf or mint, but a perilla with an inaudible sweetness in it. 

Zhu Zhengqing breathed slowly and that lips were so close in his field of vision that they look doubled, it was so close as if the next moment they would stick to the side of his face.

Meng Zezhi's gaze fell involuntary on Zhu Zhengqing's smooth and delicate cheeks and in a daze, he could even see clearly how the hair on the opposite person's face are shaking in the breath he exhaled.

There seems to be something wrong. Meng Zezhi felt drness in his throat.

The two remained in stalemate for half a minute until Meng Zezhi's cell phone rang.

Meng Zezhi was the first to recover, barely suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, took two steps back with a guilty conscience, took his mobile phone in his pocket out, and said, " I will answer the call first." 

After informing him he turned around and walked out of the laboratory.

Zhu Zhengqing pursed his lips and looked at Meng Zezhi back feeling very upset.

Fu8k !