Just when Meng Zezhi got home, Mother Meng called over there.

Meng Zezhi closed the door with a backhand while taking off his coat, he picked up the call and asked, " Mom, are the third brother and second sister family here?"

"It's all here."Mother Meng said worriedly.

"Well, You can turn the phone speaker on."Meng Zezhi threw his clothes on the sofa and poured himself a glass of water.

"Fourth brother, what the matter with you calling us over here?" It was Brother Meng who was speaking.

Meng Zezhi drank two sips of water and said, " The matter is, Just now eldest brother in law called me and said that his two sons are getting married and asked me to send 600,000 yuan to buy a house for them."

The fourth child seems to have something to say!! 

Second sister Meng and third brother Meng looked at each other, both with solemn expressions on their faces.

He Zhenli looked embarrassed, and his heart become more and more uneasy. He flinched: "This. . . fourth child, if you have a tight hand, then forget it ..."

"Isn't it just six hundred thousand? Money is what I have," Meng Zezhi slapped the coffee table: "But I just want to ask, Your two sons are getting married, what does it have to do with me? "

"This ...this," He Zhenli was taken aback and stammered: "How can it be, they are you, nephews. Even if they are not blood-related but they called you uncle for more than 20 years..."

"I would rather not have these two nephews___," Meng Zezhi said angrily, completely substituting himself into the identity of the predecessor.

"In my whole life, the one I am most sorry for is my eldest sister. Just to support my schooling, she was forced to marry a widower who was around a decade older than her and became a stepmother of three childer as soon as she walked in. The time she was forced to marry a widower she was only eighteen years old."

Hearing this Eldest sister Meng was in a daze.

Mother Meng's eyes flushed directly, and she blamed herself for not being capable so that she could only send her youngest son to school by selling other children.

"It's fine if she had a good life, but in fact, she has been married for twenty-four years and as a woman, she doesn't even have the qualification to get pregnant and have her children. Why?"

"Because her widower husband already has three children, who can pass on the family lineage. and family conditions are already bad. Naturally, there is no need to have another child to increase the burden. Anyway, he remarried to have a cheap nany to serve his family."


"Fourth child, What nonsense you are talking about?" He Zhenli was frustrated but no one paid him any attention at all.

Hearing this, the second sister Meng and third brother Meng also understood that Meng Zezhi's anger was not because they stared at his money but rather annoyed at He Zhenli.

They breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

"Just for the 1500 yuan money, for 24 years she has served four of you father and son, but it is not enough. She has to take care of your grandchildren too. There is no such good thing in the world. The most ridiculous thing is, He Zhenli you still have the face to let me buy a house for those two little beasts!!"

Before his predecessor was admitted to the university, the three children of He Zhenli's family never called his predecessor's uncle. Whenever my predecessor went to their house for New Year's greetings, he saw them embarrassing Sister Meng in front of their relatives more than once.

When predecessors had money they would say how sweet uncle was.

"You ...you.." He Zhenli became angry from embarrassment and reached out to grab his mobile phone in Mother Meng's hand.

"What do you think you are doing? " The third brother Meng and the second brother in law of Meng stood up from sofa suddenly and protected Meng's Mother behind them and glared at He Zhenli.

Meng Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Now she finally knows why the fourth child asked her to just call her third child back first.

On the phone, Meng Zezhi took a deep breath and calmed down, "In the past, I didn't make trouble I always feel that my eldest sister is already very old and there is no one of her own children underneath. She definitely has to rely on them in the future. The two little beasts are old enough so let's live the life like this."

This is not only the idea of the predecessor but also the idea of the Meng Mu.

"I guess you think so too" This is obviously addressed to He Zhenli.

"That's why you dare to ask me for money like this unscrupulously, which is 600,000 yuan at the first statement."

This pricked He Zhenli, his face was turning green to white, so lively.

Eldest sister Meng burst into tears, holding her second sister and wept bitterly.

Hearing all this, He Zhenli's eldest son, He Jiaming got frustrated and said angrily: "Why won't we dare, if it were not for my family 1500 yuan, you thought you Meng Zezhi could have today?  That's my mother's life money."

He Zhenli's first wife died in a car accident and the owner of the car gave 2000 as compensation money.

"So my eldest sister has been working hard for your family for more than 20 years and I paid 80,000 yuan for your family to build a house, Is this not enough? "

Meng Zezhi said coldly: "My family has long since paid what we owe you."

He said again: "Look at this, eldest sister, do you still expect him to provide you with a pension in the future.? "

"What do you want? " He Zhenli gritted his teeth. He cant believe it. Could it be that Meng Ze wants his sister to get a divorce now? 

Meng Zezhi did as he was thinking: "600,000 yuan I have. Sister, I will give you two choices."

Sister Meng sobbed, she sat up from her second sister's arms, raised her sleeve, and wiped the corner of her eyes. 

Before that, she never felt her little brother so reliable.

"First choice is, If you want to stay at He's house, I will buy you two houses with 600,000yuan. In the future, you will be the master and if He family dares to show a little bit of bad attitude you will drive them out."

Hearing this, He Zhenli blushed and looked bitterly at the mobile phone in Meng Mu's hands. 

"Second, If you divorce He Zhenli, I will still give you 600,000 yuan, You can move back to live with your mother, or buy a house to live alone. You are only forty-three years old this year. and you still can have children at your age. If it's not possible there are a lot of people you can raise a child and when the child grows up you are only in the sixties. Just in time  for that child to provide you for old-age care."

"You.. How dare you? " He Zhenli was struck by lightning, never expected Meng Zezhi to actually make this suggestion.

No, no, if Sister Meng really divorces him, he has to take care of Xiao Ning, He can't do heavy work at all now, and who will take care of the seven or eight acres of land in the family and the wedding of the two sons....

He Zhenil looked horrified, he instantly calmed down and looked at the third brother Meng asking for help. 

The third brother looked at him indifferently, distressing for the eldest sister is one aspect, there is another one too.

Isn't it obvious? The fourth child now hates the wicked He Zhenli family, if he rushes to speak for He Zhenli, he must offend the fourth child.

He has nothing to do now, but in the future, he will count on the fourth child to help his two sons. You said at this time, how can he dare to go against Meng Zezhi? 

This is true.

There is no way to ask for help, He Zhenli gritted his teeth and turned to look at Sister Meng and said in a low voice: " Jingshu, Jingshu, I admit that I used to be sorry for you. For the sake of a husband and wife relationship for more than ten years, Jingshu gives me a chance...."

Seeing this scene, Sister Meng looked confused, freedom on one side and the person to who she had been married for more than 20 years. 

"No hurry," Meng Zezhi said, "Sister, you can think about it and tell me when you have decided about this."

He loosened his tie: "It's too noisy, third brother kick these two guys out."

After a while, He Zhenli's voice on the other side of the phone become more and more urgent: "No, Jingshu, Mom, I know it was wrong...Fourth, fouth...."

The ears are finally clean. 

Meng Zezhi said again: " Okay, the eldest sister, you live with mon first, the third brother please take care of our mon and eldest sister during this time, lest He Zhenli jumps over the wall and causes something bad..."

After arranging the things at home, Meng Zezhi is relaxed, followed by the tiredness hitting his body,. While rubbing his temples he wondered if he had forgotten something very important. 

But more he tried to remember, the more chaos in his mind. { Sigh, poor Zhu Zhengqing!!} 

He simply didnt want to think about it anymore, covering his mouth and yawning, he got up and went into the bedroom, got out of the shower, got into the bed, and fell asleep directly.