When the crowd dissipated, Meng Zezhi helped Zhu Zhengqing onto the benches near the fountain and then asked the passer-by to help him buy a bottle of water.

” Drink water.”  He unscrewed the bottle cap and handed the water to Zhu Zhengqing’s mouth.

Zhu Zhengqing opened his bewildered eyes, opened his mouth, and took a few sips, though very reluctantly.

Meng Zezhi could only put down the water, rubbed his temples for him, and said, ” Why did you drink so much, huh? “

Zhu Zhengqing curled his lips and said angrily: ” If I won’t get drunk then how would I confront you? “

Meng Zezhi’s movements paused, and Zhu Zhengqing grabbed his tie. He stared at him with watery eyes and said in a vicious voice, ” You said, why don’t you like me?”

Meng Zezhi’s heartbeat accelerated by his stare and he said softly: ” You are good but..”

Zhu Zhengqing’s eyes were red and his lips aimed at Meng Zezhi were about to be printed.

Meng Zezhi generally raised his head because of conditioned reflux. Although the saliva of AIDS patients will not spread AIDS when the mucous membrane in the oral cavity of the two is intact, it is still better to be careful in everything in case it got worse.

Then Zhu Zhengqing bt on the Meng Zezhi Adam’s Apple: ” Don’t be a baddie.”

Meng Zezhi sighed: ” I also have difficulties.”

He was most afraid that Zhu Zhengqing would avoid him after he knew that he had AIDS.  He originally planned to wait for him to recover before considering whether to stay with Zhu Zhengqing.

Now it seems, Alas!!

” Do you have difficulties or do you still think about your Ex-wife?” Zhu Zhengqing felt more and more aggrieved.

He is just a divorced old man, why doesn’t he like me? 

” No,”  Meng Zezhi’s face sank,  and he finally decided to confess, ” You forgot, I told you I am sick.”

Zhu Zhengqing loosened his mouth and looked up at him.

Meng Zezhi’s heart was beating like a drum. He knew that he was playing with fire, and if he did it say anything, he would burn himself completely.

But under Zhu Zhengqing’s gaze, he reached out and unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, revealing a small rash on his chest.

” Do you know what this is? ‘

Zhu Zhengqing blinked and said hesitantly, ” Isn’t it herpes? “

Then in his dazed state, he recalled the familiar smell he has smelled from Meng Zezhi in the elevator before. It was Ritonavir which was used to treat AIDS.

He said incredulously: ” Do you have AIDS? “

” Yeah.” Meng Zezhi looked at him with nervousness in his eyes, his throat was dry, ” Now that you know about it, do you still want to be with me? “

Zhu Zhengqing was stunned for a moment, and he was half happy and half sad in his heart.

Happy that from Meng Zezhi’s reaction he could feel that others is not insensitive to him. This was enough to make him cheer, but at this time Meng Zezhi’s disease is incurable so he was sad.

Would his first love die before it even started? 

Zhu Zhengqinh was faltering but fortunately, Meng Zezhi helped him in time.

No, He is not reconciled. 

Isn’t it AIDS? 

He gritted his teeth: ” what’ s wrong with AIDS, It is not illegal to get AIDS. Besides as long as the treatment is done properly,  AIDS patients can still live to 70 or 80 years old. Don’t worry, I have money and we can treat it slowly.”

Otherwise,  Zhu Zhengqing felt more uncomfortable the more he thought about it.

It’s a pity that the old man’s hair on his arm is gone!!     [ Bearcub: Gosh, his focus!!]

Hearing this, after the trance passed, Meng Zezhi’s heartbeat was thunderous, and he knew that he has completely fallen into this trap, fallen in love with this man.

There is no turning back for him now.


Germany, Rhine-Ruhr.

After sending away his chatter-box old friend, Fortins asked his wife Mary to help him pour a cup of coffee and he went back to the computer.

Fortins, who just turned 64 this year, is the dean of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Wuppertal. He is mainly engaged in the research of number theory. His greatest achievement is to use of algebraic geometry to prove the Model conjecture in Number theory. And therefore won the Fields Medal in 1986.

Fortins originally intended to send out the paper he had just completed two days ago but he was about to his papers when he received a system prompt to receive a new email.

The email is from the Annals of Mathematics.

He remembered that James, the Editor in chief of Annals of Mathematics, called him the day before yesterday saying that he was asking him to help him review a paper. He was in a hurry at the time and did not ask much so he agreed.

I almost forgot about it. 

He clicked on the email, downloaded the attachment, opened it, and then was stunned.

” Four methods to prove Goldbach’s Conjecture” ?

He squinted his eyes and continued to look down.

Mary came with a cup of coffee and placed it on Fortins’ right hand, she asked enthusiastically, ” Fortins, Mrs.John just called and asked us to ski in the Alps…”

” I am afraid that  i don’t have time.” Fortins interrupted Mary unconsciously.

” Arent you on vacation tomorrow? ”  Mary questioned.

” Someone solved Goldbach’s conjecture.” Fortins tried not to make his voice tremble too much.

” Goldbach’s  conjecture? ” Mary looked surprised. Although she was not engaged in academic research she know more or less about her husband work.

” What method did he use to prove it, the circle method?  The sieve Method?  Algebriac geometry? “

Fortins shook his head.

Mary was even more surprised: ” Did he create a new method? “

Fortins shook his head again, his eyes never left the computer screen.

Mary was a little bit dissatisfied with Fortins reaction.

Fortins took a deep breathe and said in an incredibly unbelievable tone, ” No, I mean he used four methods.”

The author has something to say, 

Zhu Zhengqing: My focus has never been wrong.