- June 21, 2022 | July 2, 2022 - Bearcub

“The World is getting worse and worse as the time passing.” the Taxi driver couldn’t help but sigh.

Meng Zezhi heard, looked up to him from his phone screen, and said, ” Why, brother also watch about these current affairs news? ”

“I don’t care about these things,”  the driver of the taxi said with a smile. ” It is just that, when I am free, I like to browse on Weibo and share some posts. It was a hot search, so it is hard to not know about it.”

Hearing this, Meng Zezhi opened his Weibo slowly and took a look at it.

Out of nine recommendations in the hot search, the first three were all about him.

#supervisor stealing student research achievements

#terrible professor of Jingcheng university

#professor Meng Zezhi’s ugly face

He randomly clicked into a hot search of him and scrolled down and saw all the comments about him and posts reposted by all Big V.

[Professor of Beijing University, terrible!!]

[A living version of mouse shit that ruined a pot of porridge!!]

[This is the Jingcheng’s  well-known Professor?]

[Distressed for Zhang Fangxu!!]

[Strongly appealing the Beijing University to give us an explanation!!]

[ Corruption in academies is still so heinous!!]

[ It is so embarrassing to present such an image of our professor to other countries and ambassadors.]


Meng Zezhi directly filtered out the abusive and curse words about him.

Then he scrolled down and saw all the scolding and distress posts .


“We have arrived at Beijing University,” the taxi driver told him.

” Well,” Meng Zezhi came to his senses, putting away his phone he asked,” How much is it? ”

” Fifty Yuan.”

Meng Zezhi took out his wallet and handed him a one hundred Yuan note.

” Here is your fifty Yuan.”

At this moment, Meng Zezhi’s cell phone rang.

He received his money from the taxi driver and put it away while picking up his call.” Hello, Dean Fu ? ”

A cold voice came from the speaker of the phone: ” You come to my office urgently.”

” Okay.”

After hanging up his phone, Meng Zezhi sighed with a heavy heart, turned to his apartment, took some things, and dragged his exhausted and sick body to the Dean’s office.

And there is no need to mention how many opinions he suffered along the way.

Dean Fu had been waiting for him impatiently and when he saw Meng Zezhi come, he first asked him coldly, ” Do you know everything? ”

Meng Zezhi nodded: ” Yeah.”

After hearing this, as a floodgate has opened, Dean Fu stood up from his seat with a bang, slapped the table, and said angrily; ” Now that things have reached this extent, the Ministry of Education has called and ordered the university to calm down and quell the Public anger within a day. So what should I do now? ”

” I wrote this research article and I also have the raw manuscript.” Meng Zezhi said.

Dean Fu was also suspicious about this matter but it is not the time to pay attention to this right now: ” So what if you have the manuscript, do you think the preconceived perception of the people outside will change because of your words? ”

As they were talking, a middle-aged bald man in his mid-thirties hurriedly came in, ” Dean, something bad happened___”

Just ten minutes ago, Zhang Fangxu’s roommate, Zhou Yi from the department of Biology published a post on his Weibo Id, a student card, and two long screenshots of the QQ app conversation from a year ago on __ the screenshot shows Zhang Fangxu more than once mentioned about his own research.

And he openly announced that he is willing to be Zhang Fangzu’s witness.

It was not this that shocked Dean Fu, but what happened after this, the first person to repost it turned out to be Emperor Chen, who just won the Golden Film Award for best actor in the movie ” Titanic.”

After this repost, flood gates has been opened and most of the people in the entertainment industry followed by reposting this on Weibo.

Thinking about the number of fans of these people, Dean Fu’s heart and feet got cold.

He initially felt that even if it was to protect the face of Beijing University, he will first save Meng Zezhi.

But now it seems …

He weighed his pros and cons and decided and said with a wry smile: ” You see, it is not that we don’t want to save and protect you, but the seriousness of the matter now exceeds our imagination.  For the sake of the reputation of Beijing University…”

” I know,”  Meng Zezhi cut him off, then put a flyer paper in his hand on the table and pushed it to Dean Fu: ” So don’t worry, someone will rush to protect me.”