No, I must not sit still to wait for my doom.

At this moment Chen Yinlong was antsy and all of a sudden he remembered whom he should be calling for help and his eyes gleamed with hope: ” Yes, yes, call Qiyang, Qiyang will help me, he will save me for sure.”

Maybe Meng Zezhi took medicine so as soon as he finished scrolling his Weibo, sleepiness came to him and he just ate some bread haphazardly and fell asleep.

When he woke up it was already the next morning.

After refreshing up in a stupor he checked his mobile phone. Missed calls from Dean Fu and  Zhu Zhengqing.

After searching for the phone number he called Zhu Zhengqing and the voice-over there told him that the phone is shut down.

Meng Zezhi sensed that something is wrong but couldn’t pinpoint it.

He then called Professor Wan.

Professor Wan uttered right to the point: ” Do you still have left any copy at your place?  I want more copies.”

He was talking about the flyer of the research article proving Goldbach’s conjecture that Meng Zezhi publicized in the Annals of Mathematics.

The Annals of Mathematics only sent him 30 number of flyers. Meng Zezhi gave the Professor Wan  five as the gift on his birthday.

He inquired: ” What happened? ”

Professor Wan said dubiously: ” It is just that your Uncle Xia and others came to meet me in the nursing house yesterday. I couldn’t help  and took out the flyers you gave me…”

Oh, he is saying he took out the flyers to have  a look but actually he took them out to show off.

Meng Zezhi knew the old man’s thought process.

” And guess what happened after that,”   Professor Wan spoke angrily,” After they took them to see they ran away. I am already 70s so I have to save my face and I couldn’t chase them back.”

He also wished to keep one or two copies of pamphlets and want them to cremate them after he will die. But those guys left nothing for him.

But still, you can hear the pride in Professor Wan’s tone even though he is scolding.

” Okay.”  Meng Zezhi smiled happily and spoke: ” When I have time, I will give you more copies.”

” Five more!”  Professor Wan urged, ” Make sure you remember it.”

” Mm.”

After hanging up the call, Meng Zezhi called Dean Fu.

” Excuse me, Dean Fu, I was in a bad state yesterday, so I went to sleep early. What can I help you with? ”

” Not feeling good, Are you better now? ”

” I am feeling better. Thank you for caring.”

” That is great.”   Dean Fu came straight to the point,” I looked for you for two main reasons.  One is that, the report meeting. As we have already discussed, you need to confer on the setup of the University. The second one is,…..”

Dean Fu continued very excitedly,” Three Newspapers   ” People’s Daily”,  ” University News”   and “Jincheng Daily” want to have a joint interview with you. What is your opinion, Professor Meng? ”

Of course, these are also part of it.

Meng Zezhi nodded: ” This is a positive thing, but you know that Dean Fu, I am not in a good health these days and I am also readying for the report meeting too. Speeches and PowerPoint. So these interviews and other things, if they are unnecessary, please evade them.”

Dean Fu thought of Meng Zezhi’s current loss of weight, he repressed the dismay in his heart.

He also wished that through Meng Zezhi’s golden coattails, the reputation of the Mathematics Department of Beijing University in China would raise to a new higher level.

He added,” Health is important, health is important. You take care of your health, I will manage it.”

He said again,” The matter is difficult to discuss on the phone, Professor Meng. Are you convenient now? ”

” Yes,” Meng Zezhi spoke,” How about I come to your office to meet you? ”

It is great.”

After hanging up, Meng Zezhi traveled to Beijing University.

He didn’t hurriedly go to meet Dean Fu but visited the laboratory first.

After greeting Xu Yehua and others, Meng Zezhi asked, ” Oh, Where is Professor Zhu? ”

” You are asking about Professor Zhu? ”  Xu Yehua confirmed, ” He went on a leave, stating that the elder in his family is sick.”

” Do you have any idea where his house is?”

” No, We don’t know about it.”

” Okay.” Meng Zezhi withered a bit.

Hearing Zhu Zhengqing’s news is a good thing, but then he thought about such a big thing and it doesn’t make any sense that Zhu Zhengqing wouldn’t inform him about it.

And his cell phone is still out of reach…

While thinking about these, he reached Dean Fu’s office. After knocking on the door he stepped in.

” Dean Fu.”

” Professor came.”  Dean Fu face flushed and he poured a cup of tea for Meng Zezhi himself.

Meng Zezhi took it respectfully and talked to the point,” Dean Fu was talking about report meet? ”

When it came to business affairs, Dean Fu instantly sobered up: ” That is right.  Specific details and arrangements of the report meetings will be handled by the academic committee and the student union.  I invited you to come here, First to consult the specific time formats for the report meeting.  Secondly to decide the list of the invitations.”

Meng Zezhi nodded: ” Regarding time, let us arrange it for the next Saturday. I will be held for 2 days. I will deliver lectures on Goldbach’s Conjecture in the morning session on both days and then in the afternoon, we will arrange a QA session. Is it okay? ”

” Of course, okay.”

With this, Dean Fu passed Meng Zezhi a file,” This is the list of guests invited by the Academic Committee, Examine it.”