At the same time, Meng Zezhi went to University and met the reporters sent by three Newspapers in the Dean’s office.

Dean Fu stayed there for some time to say greetings and a few polite remarks and then left for work to give Meng Zezhi and three reports rooms for discussion.

Middle-aged men sitting in the head seat opened the recorder and said politely, ” Professor Meng, We will begin then.”

” Okay,” Meng Zezhi replied in a polite way.

The middle-aged man then continued, ” Professor Meng,  As we all know, your mentor Professor Wan’s field of study and research was canonical groups and matrix geometry, Why did you choose to research number theory after your PhD? ”

” It is like that. . .”

Meng Zezhi and the three reporters had their conversation freely here and the Beijing Public Security Bureau announced Zhang Fangxu’s autopsy report on Weibo at 4:00 PM.

They didn’t have the courage to release the photo of Zhang Fangxu’s torn-apart heart, only explaining that Zhang Fangxu died of a heart attack.

Well, most of the people were not concerned about it and didn’t show any big reaction because, within ten minutes, the Beijing Public Security Bureau posted another Weibo.

[ Beijing Public Security Bureau 2019-1-216: 04: 17

The results of the Investigation regarding Zhang Fangxu’s complaint against Meng Zezhi for stealing his research papers are as follows.

1- The research papers were written by Professor Meng with no doubt and Zhang Fangxu instigated and framed this whole incident.

2- At the start of the incident, Thirteen illegal navy networks manipulated the rumours and incited the citizens. We have shut the website of these network public relations companies down, and the person involved is under arrest. For further details please visit the official site of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

3- The withdrawal of the papers from the ” Chinese Journal of Mathematics” is another planned incident. The behind the scene master has evidence of adultery between the editor-in-chief of the ” Chinese Journal of Mathematics” Liu Shimin and his brother-in-law in his hands and he further bribed Liu Shimin for 5 million Yuan. That is why the papers were withdrawn.

4- The true identity of the master behind the scenes is still under investigation. Once verified, the relevant information will be published on the official blog as soon as possible.

Attached Documents:

#zhang Siyuan’s three-year hospitalization medical bills record and bank statement#

#13 Unauthorized Internet Public Relations Company Names and List of Related Persons in Charge#

#”Chinese Journal of Mathematics”  editor-in-chief Liu Shimin’s evidence of accepting bribes and bank statements#

Beijing Public Security Bureau January 2, 2019]

[ . . . The city traps are just too complicated, I want to go back to the countryside.]

[ Even  Tv dramas don’t have this exciting plot.]

[ If, just suppose Professor Meng wouldn’t be able to prove Goldbach’s conjecture at this moment, what would have been waiting for him? ]

[ Expelled from Beijing University.]

[ Rotten reputation.]

[In case his heart was a little fragile, one can’t imagine the loss. .]

[ Stop talking, we all owe an apology to Professor Meng.]

[ We all are sorry Professor Meng.]

[ I was thinking, why we didn’t think of the truth of the matter? ]

[ . . Because Zhang Fangxu was apparently the weak party.]

[ Because Zhang Fangxu fabricated too much evidence.]

[ When the Chinese Journal of Mathematics withdraw the papers, I firmly believed that Zhang Fangxu is the victim.]

[ Because Meng Zezhi was also known as a domestic violent man.]

[ Public opinion can kill, think twice before acting.]

[ So hates Meng Zezhi so much? who used so many tricks to deal with him and gave away five million to fabricate the stealing of research papers? ]

[ Terrible.]

[ I found out the Zhang Fangxu words are not blocked now! ]

[ Wow, really.]

[ The truth is revealed now, I want to thank the government.]


Here, after giving the interview, three reporters were sent away.

Because the sky was getting dark, Meng Zezhi decided to go home.

Unexpectedly as soon as his car left the gate of Beijing University a group of guys with mics and cameras emerged from nowhere and surrounded him.

”  This is Meng Zezhi’s car, right? ”

” After waiting for two hours we finally found him.”

. . .Before the security guard could come, the reports violently started knocking on the window and doors,

Seeing the eager expressions on these reporters, Meng Zezhi’s face sank, he opened the car door and came out.

As soon as he came out, he was bombarded with micro \phones.

” Professor Meng,  the news. .”

” Professor Meng, you know . .”

Listening, to the noise in his ears, Meng Zezhi said lightly, ” Don’t squeeze, come one by one.”

But his words didn’t work at all.   Fortunately, the security guards came in time and rescued him.

Meng Zezhi adjusted his tie and said, ” Okay, You can ask the question one by one. The girl with glasses can ask first.”

The little girl’s eyes brightened up, and she said hastily, ” Professor Meng, the truth of the matter is in the light now, how to feel about it.”

” Nothing,”  Meng Zezhi smiled, ” The netizens have said everything that should be said.”

After answering, he pointed toward a bald middle-aged man behind the girl.

The other party become excited and asked, ” Then who do you think is behind the scene doing everything possible to harm you? ”

” It depends on who was happy jumping besides those water armies. ”  Meng Zezhi asked rhetorically.

Who was happily bouncing around?

Everyone was thinking about it carefully, until a middle-aged cameraman said weakly, ” Was not this Actor Chen? ”

Everyone was stunned for a moment and then thought about it too, if it was not him who reposted Zhang Fangxu things wouldn’t have excelled so quickly among common citizens.

But, what was his purpose in this?

Before they could think or react, Meng Zezhi turned around and pulled out a magazine from the car, He handed it to the reporter nearest him.

The reporter took a glance at the cover and found the photo of Chen Yinlong bowing to the media and requesting them not to open his wife’s scars.

Chen Yinlong is the chairperson of Jiangzhou Media and Actor Chen is the artist there.