Chapter 1217 Professor Sansa Orian

Name:Card Apprentice Daily Log Author:
Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 07:21

Location- Unknown, Paw Clan Secret Base

A crystal coffin was placed at the center of a spacious but dark basement lab. Within the crystal coffin, a figure of a woman peacefully sleeping could be seen. Suddenly her eyes opened and she began to grasp for her breath as she shoved open the crystal coffin lid. This woman closely resembled Sansa Baylor who had just committed suicide in the secret prison.

"Fuck, that old bastard really planned to kill me. I will fucking kill every last one of the freedom fighters that should teach him not to mess with me," Sansa cussed in fury, her mental state after attempting a successful conscious transfer appeared not to be stable. But she regained her calm soon or it appeared so as she added, "Except for my darling of course."

Then she summoned her grimoire and began to use her ability to awaken one-third of the sleeper spies she had planted in the Freedom Fighters asking them to kill and capture as many Freedom Fighters as possible and surrender to the government while handing over the captured Freedom Fighters and any information about them for leniency in their sentencing. Calming that Freedom Fighters were a demonic cult that preached freedom to prompt their demonic agenda.

Was Sansa overreacting? No, not at all. Because despite all the cards in his hands to force her to do his bidding, Henricks chose to kill her. This meant war, where neither side could surrender. Besides Sansa was not the first to attack, Henricks was. If Sansa did not react to his killing intent toward her then she would be a fool.

Having made her move Sansa headed outside to adjust to her new identity. Walking out of the basement she was greeted by two teenage girls of the card lord realm, "Welcome back Professor Sansa Orian. How was your experiment?"

"The experiment was a dud, did anyone come by while I was retreating for the experiment?" Sansa was not surprised by the two teenage girls calling her Sansa Orian instead of Sansa Baylor. As these two girls were her minions who were tasked to maintain the presence of her fake identity Sansa Orian.

"No, Prof. Sansa," One of the girls answered.

"You guys did good," complimented Sansa then ordered, "Register a class for the upcoming first year. I plan to teach dungeon exploration, make it happen."

"Yes, Professor," the girls agreed as they were the official student assistants of Professor Sansa Orian.

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 08:01

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Unknown

"Sir, I am sorry to disturb you. But Baylor's wife and the two agents interrogating her have disappeared," Uri's handler reported to the master he and Uri served.

"It must be Henricks, his ability is tricky. I will think of something. Update me on Agent Uri and Lois's status. Did the southern royal family agree to hand them over, what do they want in return?" The mysterious master did not seem to be affected by the betrayal of Henricks he appeared rather rational and calm as if this level of the matter was nothing to him.

"..." Uri's handler was unable to think of words to explain his negotiation with the southern royal family. Not to forget, despite how cool and level-headed their master appeared, he would not hesitate to kill millions of innocent lives over a simple inconvenience. How could he dare to report bad news to someone like that? But Uri's handler did not dare to delay his report any longer as their master hated repeating himself, "Master, the southern royal family killed Agent Uri and claim to not know of Agent Lois's situation. I had the diviner look into it, and she too concluded that Agent Uri is dead but Agent Lois's status is still unknown. I believe that Agent Lois managed to escape using her physique and is in hiding."

"I did not ask for your opinion. You should not talk about things that you don't understand. Agent Lois's ability is miraculous but it is not almighty. She must be taken prisoner by the southern royal family and held somewhere our diviners cannot reach," the mysterious master calmly explained to Uri's handler like an elder teaching their younger generation.

Uri's handler was surprised to see that their master was not bothered by Uri's death and Agent Lois being captured. Ignoring that he hurriedly said, "Then I shall make arrangements to rescue Agent Lois."

"No, that is a lost cause. You said they lost one of them right, Heatsend will be out for blood, it would be better if we stay clear of him and let Lois be his vent. Don't worry about other masters I will handle them," the Master seemed to have given up on Lois in exchange to appease the patriarch Heatsend for the loss of his grandniece Dr. Luna Lorn.

"Yes, Master," Uri's handler did not dare to argue. Their master was willing to sacrifice Lois who had a legendary physique, a paper pusher like him was not a big deal.

"I am restarting the trinity immortal project, I need volunteers and recommendations for the next trinity immortal," With Uri dead, the mysterious master lost one of his best assassins. Fortunately, he had the recipe to create another one of those.

"..." hearing Henricks say that he would be restarting the trinity immortal project, Uri's handler's mind went blank understanding that if enough people did not volunteer then he and other desk warmers might be forced to participate until one of them becomes a Trinity Immortal. Yet, he gathered his courage and nodded in agreement, "Yes, master."

As if the mysterious master could understand his subordinates hesitation he said, "This time the person to become the Trinity immortal will be made the Field Marshal."

With Henricks and Lois out of the picture, two field marshal seats were up for grabs, and the mysterious master planned to have one of his men sit in one of two seats. But not anyone could become a Field Marshal they had to be worthy and strong, and someone with the trinity immortal physique fit the bill. With their assassination technique, they will easily be able to gather the merits worthy of a Field Marshal in no time.

"Master, I would like to recommend someone for the Trinity Immortal project, Ada Davis."