Chapter 2013 Gloria And Cervos

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Chapter 2013 Gloria And Cervos

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Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 15:18

"You know why I attacked you," Aria responded with disdain and ordered one of her subordinates, "Escort the civilian out of here and back to the city."

"Yes, Captain," As a soldier prepared to escort Jaya back to the city safely. Two teenagers blocked his path and young master Cervos said, "I am afraid that is not possible Captain Art." "Young master Cervos, what is that supposed to mean? I can overlook your unlawful gathering over the air space of a third-rate city but I cannot overlook you intentionally harming an innocent citizen" This was why Aria was hesitant about revealing that they were off duty. The teenagers gathered here were all from prominent families and had little regard for authority, especially for the off-duty Southern Watch squad. "Captain Art, you are going to do just that, unless you want to go against me," Cervos said as a baleful aura emitted from his body covering the Aria and her squad. 'Shit, what kind of mess did I get myself into?' Jaya thought glancing at Cervos who despite being a mere Card Master dared to threaten Captain Art a peak card lord. Not to mention, her squad of teenage soldiers seemed to have the minimum realm of card lord. Witnessing this Jaya wondered what gave Cervos the confidence to go against them together. However, observing how the rowdy crowd was cheering for Cervos, Jaya felt he was not bluffing and might be the real deal, especially considering that even a captain of the Southern Watch addressed him respectfully despite their disagreement. Noticing that the atmosphere was getting heated, Jaya suddenly spoke up, "Captain Art, no need for an escort I can head back to the city myself." Having said that Jaya prepared to rush to the city and report what she saw and heard to her sister and Wyatt. However, before she could retreat the teenagers surrounded her blocking all the exits. Thinking she would have to fight her way out of her, Jaya balled her fist ready to knock a few teeth out. "Where do you think you are going? I am not done with you yet you cow," Gloria said grudgingly. She seemed to have taken serious offense to Jaya's action previously and planned to make Jaya suffer. Seeing Gloria and other kids corner Jaya, Aria stared at Cervos and warned, "Young Master Cervos, you are strong but Wyatt defeated a devil. Please, think twice before you poke the hornet's nest." Having read the Southern Royal family's dossier on Wyatt while serving as his bodyguard, Aria was aware of Jaya's identity as Wyatt's subordinate.

"I have heard about it too but let me remind you he isn't the only one who can borrow powers."