Chapter 2040 Celestial Rule Domain

Name:Card Apprentice Daily Log Author:
Chapter 2040 Celestial Rule Domain

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:33

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air Space

With Field Marshal Heatsend, herself, asking them to terminate their mission and head back the ten teams of elite demigods looked at each other wondering what their next course of action should be:

Should they leave, following the orders of Field Marshal?


Should they insist on continuing with their mission?

However, one brave team leader reported, "Madam Field Marshal, we were sent here because you were unreachable," and after a quick pause he daringly enquired, "May I ask what happened? Is Dalton Wyatt safe? Are the kids from the Southern Capital safe?"

Listening to him, other demigods' faces turned dignified as they suddenly felt the pressure of the Field Marshal's divine intent on them increase significantly but they all held their ground and did not show any sign of retreat.

"Things here are of not your concern, report back to your posts or be prepared to be charged with insubordination and receive corporal punishment," Field Marshal Heatsend threatened.

"I hate to disappoint you but it doesn't belong to me," the Field Marshal replied shaking her head, and then asked, "Did you guys not receive any update from the kids' parents? Seeing the dumb look on your faces I take it my niece did not inform you everything but just enough for the mission."

"It is understandable. After all, we are the reconnaissance team. Her Highness might have wanted to cross-check the information she has with what we found before deploying the R&R team," the elite demigod in charge of the teams hurriedly defended Anna's mother's action.

The demigod teams were already demoralized facing the Field Marshal, one of the top ten strongest card apprentices in the world, as their opponent, learning that the higher-ups sent them on a mission without proper information would only further demoralize them so he hurriedly acted to salvage what he can. After all, his mates were not dumb.

"Haha, nice save. As a reward, I will answer you. Yes, you are correct that the blood rule domain is indeed made using celestial force and it belongs to Wyatt," the Field Marshal shared only the things that demigods had already guessed. Simply put, she was bragging about Wyatt.

When Wyatt used celestial force and blood rule in combination to invoke a domain, the Field Marshal was shocked to see Wyatt achieve something she had been trying to achieve for decades. There were records of ancient demigods being able to do this. Now that she had achieved the peak, the Field Marshal tried various things to improve her strength as being one of the top ten strongest did not satisfy her.

The Field Marshal tried to combine celestial force and rule energy to invoke a celestial rule domain mentioned in the ancient records but she had to start from scratch because she had no idea what it looked like nor had experienced it. Since all she had were ancient myths to help her the Field Marshal took many detours in her attempts to recreate the myth and never succeeded even after decades. Despite failing repeatedly the Field Marshal was not without gains as her mastery over the Celestial force borrowed from the world's will increased significantly with every failure. So, imagine her surprise when Wyatt achieved it.

The Field Marshal had a lot of questions for Wyatt regarding the celestial rule domain but most of all she was jubilant that she did not trust the wrong person. It did not take long for her happiness to morph into pride. After all, she wasn't the only one who was attempting to recreate celestial rule domains from myth. Among the top ten strongest in the world, each one of them had tried to recreate the celestial rule domain at some point in their life, failed repeatedly, gave up, and moved on.

In a way, the celestial rule domain was more like an unrequited love of all the top strongest. Even though the Field Marshal herself did not recreate the myth she was proud that the person she gave her undying faith to was the one who recreated the myth. Therefore, she could not help but brag about Wyatt to the fifty elite demigods gathered.

"A blood rule domain made using celestial force, isn't that celestial rule domain?" An elite demigod blurted in shock. However, many demigods present did not seem to know what he was talking about. After all, the celestial rule domain was a myth that only those at the top knew of and pursued. It was more like an extra syllabus for the elite demigods. They still had a long way to go before worrying about recreating myths like the celestial rule domain.

"I am impressed you know about the celestial rule domain," the Field Marshal looked at the demigod who blurted about the celestial rule domain and made a point of remembering those that showed understanding toward the Celestial Rule Domain. Since, they were researching about the celestial rule domain it showed that they had not given up having achieved elite demigods rank and desired more. The Field Marshal who liked to encourage talents did not think twice before adding them to her lost of potential investment.

"Huh, isn't this too peaceful? I thought we were here to fight the Field Marshal!"