The next day, at four o'clock in the morning, Leyi was awakened by Zhao Yun, the guardian spirit.

A current like force rushes out of the Dantian. Leyi shivers all over and wakes up immediately.

Take a look at the time with your mobile phone. It's only four o'clock. It's still dark.

"It's time to get up and start training." Zhao Yun, the guardian spirit, made a cold and serious voice.

"So early? Training starts at four o'clock? " Leyi is full of bitterness.

"In ancient times, it was not too early to get up early at four o'clock. When would it be better not to exercise at this time?" Guardian spirit Zhao Yun said sternly.

"All right, all right, I'm going to get up." In the face of Zhao Yun's harshness, Yue Yi thought that he had promised him after all. If he perfunctorily did this, he might make the pedantic ancients angry.

After dressing, he opened the door and went to the utility room to find out the exercise equipment.

Usually my uncle also likes to exercise, so I don't need to buy exercise equipment. I have it ready-made at home. Dumbbells, leggings, lead blocks.

Under Zhao Yun's advice, Leyi just loaded a hundred Jin and staggered every step.

He once told Zhao Yun whether he could lower the starting point. For example, starting from 40 Jin or 50 Jin, he would carry a weight of 100 Jin at the beginning. It's really difficult for him to stick to his weak body.

Guardian spirit Zhao Yun said: "now there is not so long time for you to exercise slowly. You offend a lot of people. If your physical fitness does not improve quickly, it will be sooner or later that you will be chopped to death. If you don't want to die young, don't talk. As a man, what is it to suffer? "

Yue Yi wanted to refute it, but when he heard the last sentence, he was unable to refute it.

A man is a man. What's the point of suffering?

"That's all. One hundred catties is one hundred catties. It's hard work!"

Behind my uncle's house, there is a community gymnasium, which is open. There's a kilometer long plastic track.

At present, Leyi's training is only elementary, so only running 10000 meters is enough. After he gets used to running, there will be other exercises in the middle and later stages.

Zhao Yun said that the fierce people like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also exercised in this way.

Leyi gritted his teeth and gave up completely. Every time he ran a short run, he would rest for a few minutes. Although he only needed to run 10000 meters, it took him three hours to finish the 10000 meters.

After the run, he was so tired that he fell on the run and almost lost his mind.

After more than half an hour's rest, he dragged his tired body home, but Wu Tao was still sleeping in and didn't get up.

My uncle woke up. He didn't know where he was yesterday afternoon. When he saw Leyi coming back from training this morning, he was sweating. He was also surprised: "when are you so diligent, boy?"

"Like Uncle, you study!" Yue Yi is wearing a big sports shirt. If he takes off his clothes at the moment and reveals the load-bearing objects tied to his body, he will definitely scare his uncle.

"I'm sweating just now, so it's not suitable to take a bath. You should sit down and have a rest for a while and have breakfast. It's time for me to go down and open a shop." My uncle said while eating bread. Then he thought of something and asked, "yesterday afternoon, those hooligans in society didn't trouble you, did they?"

"No!" Yue Yi shook his head. Yesterday afternoon, he didn't see Huang Mao near the school.

"That's good." My uncle nodded. As for the fact that he spent 100000 yuan to buy Ping'an for Leyi, he never said anything.

Leyi also has his own secret, and he won't tell his uncle that he has taken back the 100000 yuan.

"Uncle, you were not at home yesterday afternoon. Why did you go?" Leyi also asked curiously.

"Something happened in the west suburb of lengjiang city yesterday. I went to see the excitement." My uncle replied casually.

"What's the matter?" Yue Yi asked curiously. He knew that even his uncle would run to watch. It should not be an ordinary thing.

"Because of continuous rain in the western suburbs recently, many surface collapses occurred. As a result, guess what, some farmers recently found those collapsed places, revealing ancient buildings. As a result, all the experts of the whole city passed yesterday, and this incident also shocked the capital. Not only the guards of lengjiang city were all dispatched, but also the people from the armed police were dispatched to encircle the capital Said the uncle.

"Uncle, do you see anything?" Asked Yue Yi.

"I saw a lot of bones dug up, but according to experts, the ancient tombs there are at least 1800 years old. It's a pity that this ancient tomb was discovered a little later in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and was preempted by a group of tomb robbers. So yesterday, in addition to digging out some useless bones, we basically saw some funerary objects. The capital side attaches great importance to this matter and has ordered that it be strictly investigated and the grave robbers be found out. " At this point, my uncle laughed and said, "things have happened for so many days, and no one has witnessed it. It's not easy for them to catch the grave robbers."

With that, my uncle waved his hand and said that he would go down to open a shop without telling him more.

Leyi let out a "Oh", sat on the stool in a daze, and recalled several key words "1800 years", "ancient tombs", "Tomb robbery" in his head.

Involuntarily, he thought of the dragon soul amber, which he picked up by accident, and the guardian spirit who lived in it was also a character more than 1800 years ago.

Is there any connection between the two?

This reminds him of the BMW X6, which was full of mud and almost hit him.

The dragon soul amber fell out of the trunk of the BMW X6. At the beginning, there were too many things in the trunk of that car, which made it impossible to close at all. When passing through the deceleration belt, several bottles and cans fell, and it happened that the dragon soul amber was in one of the pots.

Leyi immediately asked Zhao Yun, the guardian spirit, if he knew. But Zhao Yun said he didn't know anything, and he had been sleeping before the dragon soul amber was awakened. I don't know how the dragon soul amber was born.

After a short rest, Leyi went to have breakfast and found that he was hungry. The two noodles and eggs left by his uncle were not enough for him.

He took out all the bread from the refrigerator and baked two catties of hot dogs. After eating, he felt a little better.

Leyi found that if he didn't use the power of dragon soul amber, his food intake would not change much. At most, it would be twice as much as before.

Now it's good. Just after exercise, I need to eat so much. Now I'm a real bucket.

"If it goes on like this, such a large amount of food will be discovered by Wu Tao and his uncle sooner or later. It seems that it's time for me to rent a house outside."