It is mentioned in the romance of the three kingdoms that Liu Bei told Cao Cao at the beginning that his third brother Zhang Fei had the ability to take the rank of general among millions of troops. Cao Cao has no doubt about this, because Guan Yu's bravery comes first, and Zhang Fei doesn't seem to be good at it. Therefore, in the battle of Changbanpo, he broke the bridge with three roars and yelled: "who dares to fight to the death?"

In this way, Cao's army was scared away and Cao Cao did not dare to pursue.

In addition, Zhang Fei's record was that he once singled out Lu Bu and won 50 rounds without a division. Later, he fought again and won hundreds of rounds without a division.

One round to kill Deng Mao, three rounds to kill Cao Bao, ten rounds to kill Ji Ling... His achievements are so many that he is the most powerful general of the Three Kingdoms.

In those years, Zhang Fei was carrying the bear amber. With the bear amber, he had the ability to win the rank of general among millions of troops.

Now, the descendants of the strong bear amber also came to lengjiang city.

Even if the Liu family came here before, now another family has heard the news and has come here.

"These two people should belong to another family, but how did they know that Liang Jun knew us? Liang Jun is dead, including his two private detectives. The Liu family should not tell them the news, right? How could they find us? " Wu Tao felt very strange.

Leyi also finds it strange that the situation in lengjiang city is changing. It's really getting more and more chaotic. Under such circumstances, it's better to leave as soon as possible. Stay for a long time, no one knows what will happen.

Now there are two families involved in lengjiang City, and the disturbance caused by the two families will be more and more serious. If they don't leave lengjiang city earlier, they will be involved in it sooner or later and can't extricate themselves.

"We have to leave lengjiang city as soon as possible. If we don't leave, I'm afraid sooner or later we will be involved in the storm that we don't want to involve." Yue Yi said thoughtfully.

"Brother Yi, whatever decision you make, I will support you. If you want to leave, just tonight." Wu Tao doesn't matter. As long as he has games to play, he can adapt to wherever he goes.

"Well." Leyi nodded and decided to go home and pack up immediately.

On the way, Leyi also asked Zhao Yun what abilities lie Xiong amber had.

In those years, the five tigers in Shu once fought together on the battlefield, and they knew each other well. Zhao Yun knew not only the ability of Red Eagle amber, but also the ability of fierce bear amber.

"Lord Hui, there are also four abilities that bear amber knows. These four abilities are: crazy, bloodthirsty, petrified and giant spirit."

"What are the characteristics of these four abilities?"

"The first of these four abilities, crazy state, is that once triggered, it can increase ten times the strength, which is the most elementary. That is to say, the e-level bear amber can have ten times the strength, and there is no limit to the ten times. For example, if a strongman can hit 500 Jin with one punch, then he can have 5000 Jin after triggering crazy." Zhao Yun said.

Yue Yi was very surprised and asked, "level E has ten times the strength. What about level D? What about ABC? How powerful is master amber? "

Zhao Yun replied: "with a ten fold increase, e-level is ten times, d-level is twenty times, C-level is thirty times, B-level is forty times, A-level is fifty times. Master amber is stronger and can have 80 times power."

Leyi takes a breath of air-conditioning. He is a good bear amber. He is really strong. No wonder Zhang Fei was so fierce at that time.

With Zhang Fei's power, once it triggers 80 times the power, it is no different from jiuniu and erhu.

Eighty times the strength is equivalent to 80 strong men working together. How much strength can it have?

"This kind of power we calculated at that time, ten people are equal to the power of a cow, that is to say, the peak power of bear amber can have the power of eight cows." Zhao yunning said gravely.

"The power of eight oxen, my God, I remember you said that you only had the power of three oxen, didn't you?" Asked Yue Yi.

"Yes, I only had the power of sanniu, so I couldn't compare with Zhang Fei in strength." Zhao Yun is also very frank. He is famous for his agility, but his strength is not his strong point.

"But the power of eight oxen is too terrible. I guess Zhang Fei didn't have the power of eight oxen, right?" Yue Yi asked.

Zhao Yun sighed, nodded, and said, "yes, the owner of the strong bear amber is likely to be accompanied by a disease. Yide could only exert 60 times the power at most, which is equivalent to the power of six oxen."

"The owner of bear amber will be accompanied by a disease. Why is it so?"

"This is closely related to their ability. The first madness can be triggered at any time without any conditions. The e-level can have ten times the power. How can ordinary people bear it? Just like Lord, when you start to exert your power, you can't bear it. Then there is the bloodthirsty ability. The bloodthirsty ability is that when a person with strong bear amber touches the enemy's blood, his own speed will suddenly increase by more than three times, and the more fierce the Vietnam War is; And the ability of petrification is that their skin can be petrified for a short time; The last ultimate ability is the giant spirit. The body will expand more than twice and become a giant three meters high, doubling its strength again. " Zhao Yun said.

"Fierce, really fierce!" Leyi has to admit that Zhang Fei is really fierce. These abilities are models of violence.

"It's generally acknowledged that bear amber is very fierce, but it's just because it's too fierce that nine of the ten owners are suffering from diseases. How strong Zhang Yide was then, but after he had bear amber, his health got worse and worse. Because of this, he was killed by two of his men. If it were in his heyday, who could plot against him? " Zhao Yun also felt sorry for Zhang Fei.

It is said in the romance of the three kingdoms that Zhang Fei heard that Guan Yu had died in battle. He was furious and asked his men to make a lot of hemp clothes to avenge his death. But the time he set was too short. Within the time, he couldn't do so much mourning. Two subordinates plotted against him after he was drunk.

He was one of the five tiger generals in Sichuan. He was famous at that time. Unexpectedly, he died in the end and was killed by his subordinates.

"What level of amber did the two men who stopped us just now have?" Yue Yi asked.

Zhao Yun pondered for a while, said: "if I'm not wrong, the two people should have C-level bear amber. Their fluctuation is higher than any of the Liu family. And

"And what?"

"It's nothing. I just think of one thing, but... It may just be my illusion." Zhao Yun seems to think of something in Dantian, but he doesn't dare to confirm it, so he wants to say it again.