When Leyi saw this scene, he was very angry. He suddenly realized something. He was used by a knife.

He immediately rushed to his car, opened the door, got into the car, then started the car and quickly left the community.

He has understood that today's incident was deliberately designed and then used to stir up the topic. Song Xixi had just finished the press conference this afternoon, explaining that her affair with Leyi was nonsense. But it was only in the evening that the reporters photographed Leyi at the door of song Xixi's house.

What does that mean? Under the reporter's pen and ink, it's absolute to have an affair.

Although it is also good for Leyi if the gossip warms up again, he can gain more willpower, but he can't stand the taste of being used.

After driving out of the community, he stopped at the side of the road, then got out of the car, tore off a piece of cloth and covered his face. I ran after the reporters who had taken pictures before.

He knew that some of the reporters had taken photos, some of them had already run away, and some of them had already uploaded them directly. He thought it was impossible to destroy those photos before.

What he can do is to catch a man, beat him and tell him who made him do it.

Under the shade of lush trees, there are several dark shadows that haven't gone yet. They are laughing and chatting, "they can even take this kind of photos. It's definitely a good price to sell them. Let's go."

These people came by motorcycle and stopped under the shade of trees. Say, get on the car one after another, started car engine, want to leave

Leyi rushed all the way. When he heard the engine of the motorcycle start, he was in a hurry. He picked up a stone from the side of the road and quickly took nine steps. Seeing that the last motorcycle was about to leave, he grabbed the stone hard and smashed it.


Stone off, he used a full force of two cattle, the strength of the fierce equivalent of two galloping motorcycles hit.

On the spot, the car overturned, the rear tire and even the steel plate were seriously deformed, and the body fell to the ground, marking a distance of 15-6 meters.

The reporter sitting in the car was also thrown out and fell on the road. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet and banging all the way. There were at least several fractures and dislocations on his body.

Other reporters also heard the news, but they didn't mind their own business. They were not together, so they wouldn't mind the last person's life or death.

Leyi rushes to the reporter, takes off his helmet and punches him in the face.

Under the dim yellow light, the reporter was covered with blood, his arms were rubbing against the ground, his clothes were broken, and his arms were peeling off. Just when the motorcycle collapsed, his strength was so fierce that he couldn't stop and resist.

"You... What are you doing?" Although the reporter was seriously injured, but the voice is still very moderate.

Without saying a word, Leyi hit his left face with another fist. Under the two fists, the reporter's cheek swelled up.

Reporters are also full of anger, his right hand is estimated to have dislocated, because now it has numbness, no feeling. There are a few ribs in the chest, and I don't know if they are broken.

Looking at the angry Leyi in his eyes, he suddenly exclaimed, "I know who you are. I know your dress. You are the Leyi. How dare you hit me? You're dead. You're waiting for the court flyer. "

The reporter severely threatened that the first eloquence in their business was good, and the second was hard. If anyone offends them, they will try their best to kill each other. Even if the whole does not die, it also completely discredits the other side with the pressure of public opinion.

Leyi is now half a public figure. If this reporter goes back and publicizes today's events, in terms of media, Leyi will become a violent maniac, beating reporters.

Not only will this matter be subject to criminal punishment, but the police will not let Leyi off easily if this reporter goes deep into it.

"Court leaflets? Good With a sneer and another punch, the reporter's head tilted, and thick blood flowed from his mouth. Some teeth mixed with blood also spat out.

"You want to sue me? It depends on whether you have that life or not. " All of a sudden, Leyi hit him with a right hook and hit him up from his chin. The reporter's four front teeth banged and broke each other. His mouth was full of blood.

The reporter was stunned. He had never seen such a ferocious person. He was not afraid of his threat, and the more he beat, the more fierce he was.

"Don't... Don't fight, don't hit me..." the reporter asked for mercy.

"Who told you to do it?" Yue Yi asked coldly.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? " The reporter shook his head.

"Pretend to be confused with me? I'm asking you, "who asked you to come here to take pictures?" Yue Yi asked in a more emphatic tone.

"We... We often come here to take pictures... Where do we need someone to direct us?" The reporter said in fear.

"Come here often? That's what happened today? If you don't come early or late, just as I was walking out of song Xixi's house, you showed up and took a positive picture? " Leyi suddenly pulls the cloth off his face. Now that the other party has recognized him, it's meaningless for him to cover his face. He's not afraid that the other party knows it's him.

"This... I'm telling the truth, but today I heard a friend say that at this point, I may get some valuable things. I really don't know anything." The reporter was afraid to be beaten again.

"Who is your friend?"

"I just left..."

"Where did he get the news?"

"I don't know. I have to ask him, but I don't know him very well and I can't find him." The reporter has a bitter face.

"You photographed me coming out of song Xixi's house tonight. I'm afraid it won't be until tomorrow. My affair with song Xixi has to be embellished by you. It's like the story of Pan Jinlian and XiMenqing, isn't it?" Leyi asked coldly.

"This..." reporters are not straightforward, because this is for sure. If they don't write brilliantly, what do they rely on to eat?

To be a journalist, you need to make something out of nothing, add fuel to it, and write what you don't have as something, and write what you have as something that is overflowing. Anyway, about a word - must be eye-catching!

"Will you sue me again?" Yue Yi squatted down, grabbed the reporter's tie and lifted him up.

"No... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"I don't believe in you evils. In the 21st century, the four new evils are lawyers, journalists, public knowledge and elites. Your words are just like farting. You can't believe it." Leyi also wants to save some trouble for himself. If this reporter really wants to revenge himself after he leaves this time, he has to spare time and energy to deal with it. Therefore, it's better to take precautions first.

"Hey... You... What are you doing... What are you doing taking off my clothes..."

"I'll knock out your teeth again, believe it or not?" Leyi issued a warning and then said, "be conscious and take off your pants."

"Don't you... Don't you have that gay hobby?" The reporter's legs trembled a little, but he didn't dare to neglect. His right hand couldn't move, and his left hand was quite obedient. He untied his trousers.

However, Leyi took out his mobile phone and took several photos of him before and after, and then gave up.

"I'm waiting for you to sue me. When you sue me, these photos will fly all over the sky. You can do it yourself."