"Variables? I'm curious about this. How does this variable come into being? What causes variables to occur? " Yue Yi asked.

In the world, there are both ways of divination and variable. Divination can only be done in one way, but it can't be 100% accurate. If it is 100% accurate, then the person who can do divination is not God? I often know what will happen next, so that I can intervene, control, and control everything in my own hands. In this way, the world will be in chaos because of this person.

"The so-called way of heaven is impermanent, and there are many ways to deal with it. If Yin and yang are in balance, then variables will not be generated, and when one aspect of yin and Yang exceeds the other, then variables will begin to appear. This so-called Yin and Yang refers to the two sides of the world. Brother Le, you should understand that? " Jiang Li explained with a smile.

Yue Yi didn't understand, but Jiang Li continued: "there is another one, that is, people's minds are unpredictable. That's why I have to do Divination as late as possible, because if I do divination too early, if those people's minds change, then the results will change. So, try to go back, and the error will be much smaller."

"Did the Sima family come this time?" Yue Yi asked. Sima's family also has a piece of xuangui amber in their hands. It can be said that they are equal to Jiang Li.

Since Jiang Li can calculate that they will come here to steal Diao Chan's soul, on the other hand, can the Sima family also calculate that someone will rob them?

"Naturally, they are here. Without the help of Sima family, the Qin family will never find the location of Diao Chan's tomb." Jiang Li said.

Yue Yi said: "since the Sima family are here, they can certainly count that we will be blocking the road and robbing, and we will be on guard."

"That's right, but the Sima family can count on this, but they can't count on a variable." Jiang Lishen gave a mysterious smile.

"Where are the variables?"

"You are the variable!" Jiang Li stares at Yue Yi and says.

"Me? Why am I a variable? "

Jiang laughed and said, "I know the Qin family started today because I bought eyeliner and saw them go out, and after I followed them, I found them on the plane to Xuzhou. These can't be calculated. It's called pre arrangement, and vice versa. Even if Sima's family can count that someone is robbing them, he can't count who is robbing them. So, this is the variable. He calculated that there are people, but it is impossible to calculate that the people who come to rob today will be you and me, especially you, as the owner of the poor amber, who come and go without a trace. Therefore, with your participation this time, our action is very likely to be successful. If it's someone else, I'm afraid that no matter how many people come, they may not be able to succeed. "

At this point, Jiang Li shakes the turtle shell in his hand and suddenly arranges the nine copper coins in the turtle shell.

Nine copper coins fell, even in a row, no one out, very neat.

With a smile, Jiang Li clapped his hands and said, "wonderful, with brother Le's participation, it's absolutely safe. I didn't call the wrong person this time."

"What kind of divination is this? What are you talking about? " Asked Yue Yi.

Jiang Li pointed to the nine copper coins and said, "brother Le, you see, these nine copper coins are arranged in a line, and no one comes out. This is exactly the use of qiangua. The so-called situation of a group of dragons without leaders is for good luck."

"Why is it auspicious to have no leader? Isn't it time for chaos? "

"You don't know about it. This is the way of the book of changes. The dragon takes the king as its priority. No matter how many dragons there are, they will keep their peace. Only when there is a dragon king, and under the leadership of the Dragon King, the dragons will be restless. Therefore, it's auspicious that all the dragons have no leader! This hexagram has a more rigid and flexible combination, and the change of heaven and earth will lead to good fortune. " Jiang Li said.

I can't understand what Leyi said to him. These are probably from the ancient words of the book of changes. It is very difficult for people who are not involved in this field to understand them.

"Anyway, in a word, this action must be auspicious, right?"

"Yes, the soul of Diao Chan will come into our hands." Jiang Li said with a smile.

Then he looked at the front, then hooked up his mobile phone to calculate, and suddenly called out: "Dunzi, drive the car into the small mountain road, hide it, and we'll get off here."

"Here we are?" Asked Yue Yi.

It's been three hours, at least 70 or 80 kilometers away from the city.

"That's right. According to my calculation, it's almost the same. They left earlier than us, so we can't go to Diao Chan's tomb to meet them again. In that case, we will only meet their muzzle. So we have to wait here for them to come back from here. "

"Are you sure they'll go back the same way? What if they go the other way? "

"No, I've checked the map before. I've seen the terrain here. There's only one road here. From the other side, it's a continuous wilderness. There's no road at all. They can't give up the easy way and take the hard way. What's more, they have so many experts this time, and they are confident that they will go the same way. Don't worry, I'm absolutely right in this game. If the expectation is not bad, they will pass here in 20 minutes. " Jiang Li said confidently.

"What about us now? How to do it? "

"Dunzi, just do what I told you before."


Jiang Li said to Dunzi. Dunzi immediately got a big bag from the car and ran away with it on his back.

Leyi's eyes were puzzled, while Jiang Li said, "don't worry about him. Now you and I are all dressed in disguise."

The trunk of the car was opened and a lot of equipment was put in it. As expected, there were several sets of clothes here. They are all camouflage clothes, and they are very high-end ones. If you put on these clothes and hide in the wild, even if you look carefully, you may not be able to find people.

"Put it on. In addition, if you cover your face with gauze, they won't recognize us."

Leyi chooses a suit that fits him, laughs and says, "once you call the wind and the rain, they will know that you are here. What's the difference between camouflage and not camouflage?"

Jiang Li said with a smile: "since the equipment has been bought, don't waste it. If you recognize me, it's OK. Brother Le, don't let them recognize you. "

Leyi quickly put on the camouflage clothes, put them on the outside of his clothes, and put them on as a coat. They are very loose, and they are very sensitive. Then, he took a mask, which is probably the special mask for special forces. He put it directly on his head to show his eyes, nose and mouth. The effect is very good. Outsiders can't see what he really looks like after wearing the mask.

Jiang Li himself also changed a suit. In the jungle, he still changed into a camouflage suit. The safety factor would be much higher.

"Brother Le, choose a weapon. You have both a gun and a knife." Jiang Li opened a box with two black pistols and daggers in it.

"You can get all this?"

"It's just a small thing. These things are nothing at all."

The two pistols are Austrian Glock 17 pistols, which are made of synthetic materials with simple structure and light weight. They are called Glock 17 pistols. Today, this kind of gun has been used in the army and police of more than 50 countries in the world, of which the Glock pistol equipped by American police alone accounts for 40% of the total. "I'll knock him down with Glock!" It's a catchword for American police today. Glock 17 pistol fired 9 mm barrabellum pistol bullet with initial speed of 360 m / s, total length of 185 mm, weight of 0.62 kg, barrel length of 114 mm, magazine capacity of 17 (or 19) rounds, effective range of 50 m.

Leyi didn't want to take it, but after thinking about it, sometimes a gun on his body can also be used to guard against unexpected needs. For example, when he meets a real expert, and his time to control qiongqi amber is almost over, what should he do then?

There is no doubt that you have a gun on your body, which is the best weapon. At that time, just pull out the gun and fight when you see people.

Thinking of this, he picked up one of them and put it on his waist. In addition, he saw that the daggers were also very good, and the material was very high-grade. He also took a knife and inserted it in a knife pocket of his trouser leg.

In today's operation, Leyi should guard against not only the Qin family and Sima family, but also Jiang Li.

Because up to now, Jiang Li doesn't know that there is Zhao Yun's soul in Leyi's poor amber, so today, it's impossible to use the imperial spirit.

Although Leyi and Jiang Li have a cooperative alliance, even if they have such a relationship, they should have some reservations.

This is called keeping one's hand. As long as one's hand is kept, one can turn over and save one's life in danger. To cooperate with others, the most important thing is to keep a card for yourself. Otherwise, if you let the other party know the root and the bottom at the beginning, isn't everything in the other party's hands?

"Fortunately, I have mastered some tricks of Tenglong Qishan. Today, I try my best to grab things and then run away. I don't want to have a direct conflict with the Qin family. Among them, there are no less than two or three A-class amber. With so many experts, if I come hard, I will suffer a great loss."

Leyi had his own plan in mind long ago.

Jiang Li's side, he suddenly rushed to the deep forest, and then sat down cross legged in a weedy place, one hand on his chest, the other hand on his forehead.

In a flash, a pair of eyes appeared on the sky, which disappeared in a flash.


The eye of heaven has been opened! The opening of these heavenly eyes is invisible. No one can see it. It can see everything in a certain area thousands of miles away under the control of the person who used this method.

After only five or six seconds, Jiang Li's voice came from the grass: "brother Le, you prepare quickly. The soul of Diao Chan has been got by them. It's packed in a bronze box. They drove six cars, right in the trunk of the third car."