All morning, they were in the classroom. The electronic equipment told them about the origin of dragon soul amber, from the beginning of the three emperors and five emperors to the Three Kingdoms period.

Then at noon, lunch time and lunch break will be a total of one hour. Song Yao and Dai Yu also keep their word. At noon, he said that he would take Leyi to the self financed area for a big meal. Leyi said that he was just joking, but they insisted on pulling him over.

After lunch, the three of them have a rest and will enter the afternoon class.

The old students are different. Sometimes they have no courses.

But because the new college just came in, we must understand what we should know in the shortest time.

Afternoon or in the same classroom, or on the same course.

Once again, the electronic device scanned three people and found that there was no shortage of them. The word "to all" was displayed on the screen. Then we started from the period of the Three Kingdoms, until the modern times of the 1950s and 1960s.

At that time, it was a time of war. Before the invasion of the eight countries, Japan invaded China. Not only China, but also the world war started in an all-round way.

At that time, China was known as the sick man of East Asia and could not resist the Japanese invasion.

The Lugouqiao Incident made Japan invade China in an all-round way. At that time, the people had just separated from the exploitation of the corrupt government of the Qing Dynasty. They were still in dire straits. What could they do to resist the fierce Japanese devils?

At this time, a special person appeared. This special person was Gongyang Changsheng, the founder of longhun college.

Gongyang Changsheng is also a predestined one. He is the predestined one of lingju amber. After he awakened, he found three families at that time.

At that time, when Japan invaded China, although the three families were powerful, they even planned to stand by. Gongyang Changsheng visited the Qin family, Liu family and Su family in person. In the end, he didn't know what method was used to talk through the three families and let them all play a part. At last, a special force was set up, which first dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army, and then the members of the force dispersed, rallied forces all over the country and launched a comprehensive war of resistance.

In this way, China, the sick man of East Asia, finally defeated Japan and established a new China.

But at this time, Gongyang Changsheng was hiding. He destroyed all the information about himself, and even didn't mention his name in the history books.

In Leyi's generation, if I hadn't seen this video, I would not have known that there was a man named Gongyang Changsheng.

After he hid, in order to balance the three families, he founded the dragon soul college, as the fourth force in China, which played the role of a balance bar, so that the Qin family, Liu family and Su family could balance each other and ensure that China was not in chaos.

And after the ram prevailed, he had a son, who restored him.

Now he is the president of longhun college. He was 60 or 70 years old.

After reading these stories, Leyi, song Yao and Dai Yu also know the whole story and origin of the dragon soul amber. Of course, its origin is only calculated, or handed down from legend.

As for its true origin, no one knows at present.

Although this passage talks about all kinds of things like dragon soul amber and the spirit, it doesn't talk about the zero realm.

The zero element realm is a special space that only amber owners can enter, and it has a certain chance to enter.

This space, generally in the middle of sleep, can enter.

In this space, you can exchange everything. The first exchange is not a loss, but the second exchange costs a lot.

Leyi enters the zero yuan world to have a good luck with Su yun'er. For this reason, he also deliberately wants to avoid Su yun'er, for fear that this thing will come true.

However, entering the zero realm, not everyone can enter, even the owner of the main amber may not be able to enter.

The reason why the students don't talk about it is that perhaps none of the university staff has ever entered the zero dollar world.

The first day of the course is very easy, there is no pressure, they are just like high school, just sit and listen to the story, even more relaxed than high school.

In the evening, an hour after dinner, another load-bearing long-distance run.

The same as in the morning, 15 laps, others have an hour, some have an hour and a half. Those who run the whole course in an hour are senior students with more than two years' experience; For those who are less than two years old, it is one and a half hours. Leyi and their three newlyweds spend two hours. After running, they begin to sleep without any noise.

With yesterday's experience, the three of them went to bed earlier and got up half an hour earlier than the prescribed time.

After washing, they went downstairs and came to the equipment room. I didn't think Mr. Zheng was here long ago.

They were all surprised to see Mr. Zheng here.

However, Mr. Zheng gave a smile and said to himself, "this man is old and sleepy. I really envy you young people. What do you want to do when you three get up so early today?"

Yue Yi asked, "the three of us spent a long time running yesterday, so we plan to run earlier today. I don't know if we can?"

This proposal was put forward by Le Yi, and song Yao and Dai Yu agreed. It took them about an hour and fifty minutes to finish the whole race yesterday. Today, it's estimated that it's almost the same. So le Yi proposed to run half an hour in advance. In this way, there will be some time left for the three.

"Well, it's OK to advance. It's not bad for you to know that stupid birds fly first." Mr. Zheng nodded. In longhun college, no matter what happens, it can only be advanced, not delayed. He is very satisfied with the move of the three of Leyi.

Leyi three people are no nonsense, immediately put on their own load, and then began to run.

At the beginning of the run, he was always energetic, so in half an hour, Leyi took song Yao and Dai Yu for four laps. At this time, those old students just began to run downstairs.

Dai Yu and song Yao are accompanied by Yue Yi. In addition, yesterday they dragged him down and made him not eat breakfast. They are very sorry. They secretly swear that today can't be the same as yesterday.

So no matter how tired or bitter they are, they are both biting their teeth and running with Leyi, but they have never lost the team.

In this way, after 15 laps, it was only 6:37.

Their normal time to get up is 5:30. They get up at 5:00 today. It takes only one and a half hours to calculate the time.

After the run, song Yao and Dai yu feel unbelievable. They even finished in an hour and a half.

"It took us an hour and a half to finish."

"It's incredible."

Song Yao and Dai Yu were surprised.

Leyi said with a smile: "today you two performed very well. You didn't have a rest. Naturally, the speed is much faster than yesterday."

Song Yao and Dai Yu take a look at each other. Only the two of them can understand that they don't want to drag down Leyi, so they can't stick to it for several times in the middle of the way. They all stick to it and don't give up. Finally, I went through it again and again, but I also found that sometimes I can't stick to it, but as long as I grit my teeth to get through it, I will have a relaxed time.

"The potential of the human body is infinite. As long as you keep on running, even if you increase to 100 kg in a week, you can also run in this time." Yue Yi said.

"Thank you, Leyi. If it wasn't for you, we couldn't finish this time. It was you who accompanied us that gave us this kind of motivation." Song Yao said gratefully.

"If you are numb, you can tell the girls." Yue Yi gave a smile.

Dai Yu, an introvert, also laughs. Song Yao scratches his head awkwardly and laughs.

Because they finished the task an hour earlier today, the three of them could take time to take a bath, change their clothes and have breakfast.

Then, there will be class. Today's curriculum is different from yesterday's.

Yesterday was storytelling, today is about to enter the main topic, the whole course in the morning, turned out to be fighting course.

There is no tutor to teach the course hand in hand. They also watch the video by themselves. The students provide several ancient boxing skills and all kinds of fighting methods all over the world.

Sanda, Muay Thai and Western boxing have everything.

It's also said in the fighting course that they can practice with each other in the first three days, and they can choose a boxing skill to participate in. After three days, there will be old students training with them, one-on-one training.

If you can't learn anything in these three days, you are doomed to be beaten in three days, and you haven't hit back yet.

Yue Yi can imagine that three days later, when the old students practice with the new students, they are not afraid of anything, while Dai Yu and song Yao will be severely repaired.

For this reason, he also urged them to study hard and learn how to protect themselves within three days.

And Yue Yi also took part in some boxing. Although Zhao Yun taught him a lot, the ancient things may not be better than the modern ones. Some modern boxing skills are better than those in ancient times after being perfected by various reasoning.

And there are more modern fighting skills.

Thai boxing is really ferocious, with elbows and knees as the main attack weapons. It is fast, fierce and accurate. Western boxing, on the other hand, stresses the importance, speed and key points.

It seems that the Jeet Kune Do created by Bruce Lee can be his first choice.

Jeet boxing, as the name suggests, means to strike after others. When others punch, judge the direction of the enemy's punch, and then stop it quickly.

For example, when someone punches, you suddenly hit him with a horizontal hand, and everything hits his wrist. In this way, the power of his fist will be destroyed. There are other people kick, if you quickly kick from the side to his knee, you can also destroy the strength of his foot, this is the essence of volley.

The point is interception!