The depth of the lake is about 15 meters, which is not too far. For the first time, Leyi and song Yao are both looking for a place. After all, the lake is so wide that it is difficult to find the entrance. So they separate and look for each other.

Song Yao is not a boaster. People who grew up by the sea are very watery. In this small lake, he is as flexible as a fish in water.

Leyi's physique is better than that of ordinary people, and his physical strength is strong enough, so it's very flexible and fast to swim.

Dai Yu, a draught duck, had to wait on the shore to see the play.

"Leyi, I found it. There is a rock area under it. There are huge holes, but I don't know if it's the entrance." After about five or six minutes, song Yao yelled.

"Oh?" Hearing the cry, Yue Yi immediately swam over, and then dived down to the bottom to see the situation.

There are lots of rock areas below. In the middle of the rock, there is a big cave. The cave is very smooth, neither spraying water nor absorbing water.

Leyi observed it for a while. When he got into the hole, he only felt dark, but when he climbed forward a little, he could see that the fluorescence was shining.

He picked up a fluorescent object and looked at it. He found that it was a fluorescent stick with a strong light. It was all along the cave.

He guessed that this should be used by those people in front to mark the road. When they go, they can light up the road, and when they come back, they can also follow this road.

Fluorescent rods don't go out in water. They are of good quality and should be bright for at least several hours.

After discovering these, Leyi plans to quit and ask song Yao to swim in the direction pointed by the fluorescent stick.

But when he just turned back, he saw that song Yao had sneaked down.

He immediately made a gesture to ask song Yao to follow him closely and go into the cave together.

Song Yao nodded and followed him.

They swam and swam, but they didn't swim long. They swam about 40 meters in the rock cave, and suddenly saw a bright light ahead. Leyi sped up and broke through the water. At the end of the curved cave, it turned out to be a cave.

He quickly crawled out, and there was a light nearby. It was the kind that someone placed the light and installed the battery. It was very bright for a long time.

"Huhuhuhuhu ~ ~" Song Yao also climbed out and gasped: "Alas... It's killing me. Fortunately, it's so far away. If it's longer, I'm afraid I'll die of lack of oxygen."

"Ha ha, don't you boast that you are very good at water? It's only 40 meters, and it's only 50 meters when you come down from the water. Can't hold on? " Yue Yi laughs.

"If it's swimming, I'm sure it's OK, but it's diving. It's still under water. It's too much pressure." Song Yao said.

Normally, it's hard for ordinary people to get in such a long distance. Unless he brings an oxygen cylinder, song Yao can swim in with him, which really proves that he is very good at water.

"Come on up." Leyi climbed out of the water and came to the land in the cave, where the ground was full of sand and damp.

Both of them brought mobile phones, which were tightly wrapped in plastic bags before, but the mobile phones didn't get into the water. It can be used normally. Now the flashlight function is turned on to light up the road and move on.

"This kind of environment is good for people who own Red Eagle amber. Once their night vision ability is turned on, they can walk freely in the dark without a flashlight." Yue Yi said in his heart.

"Leyi, there's no sound in it. Aren't there many people coming in? Why is it so quiet? " Song Yao was a little flustered when he remembered that the shop owner said that this was an ancient battlefield.

Leyi listened quietly for a moment. The cave was really quiet, and there was no sound at all. After listening for a while, he ran to the side again and put his ear on the rock wall to listen. After listening, he heard some sounds.

"There's a sound, but it's far from here. Let's go, let's keep up. It seems that we choose to go out during the day, and it's not too late for them. " Yue Yi gave a smile.

After walking for more than 100 meters, the cave is winding. The decay is very serious, which makes people uncomfortable. In the light of the mobile phone, suddenly in front of a piece of white forest things - bones.

"It's human bones." Song Yao exclaimed, "many, many human bones. Isn't that the ancient battlefield above? Why are all human bones in this cave? "

"It's just human bones. Don't panic." Leyi looked at the bones of those people and found that there were only skulls, no other bones. This made him wonder why there was only a head and no body here?

"Lord, this is not caused by the battlefield, but a kind of sacrifice!" Zhao Yun suddenly popularized science: "in ancient times, this kind of sacrifice was very common, with the head of a slave to sacrifice. The ancients believed that human blood was the purest thing, and it was also the favorite thing of gods. Therefore, killing people and sacrificing existed in many occasions. Small scale sacrifice, killing 99 people, taking the head, placed in the tripod; The medium-sized sacrifice, which killed 999 people, was placed in the nine cauldrons; In ancient times, most of the royal families used medium-sized sacrificial rites. There are also large-scale sacrifices, which kill 9999 people, build mountains of bones and make altars. If what I expected is right, it should be a large sacrificial altar. "

"Ancient people were really cruel, killing people and offering sacrifices. Did they really think that they could get the protection of gods?"

"Lord, don't believe it. As long as you master the method, this kind of sacrifice really works. For example, in the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor of Qin burned books to entrap scholars, which was actually a large-scale sacrifice. As a result of this sacrifice, the first emperor of Qin ascended by the green dragon. " Zhao Yun said.

"Flying up by the green dragon? Is that a joke? According to the history books, he didn't die very well. After his death, Qin II succeeded to the throne. How could you fly up by the green dragon? "

"At the beginning of Qin Shihuang, he trusted the alchemist and lived a long life in alchemy, but later he realized that the alchemist was not trustworthy, so he sent Xu Fu out to sea to seek the elixir. But in the end, Xu Fu never came back. After Qin Shihuang had no choice but to trust the evil law, that is, to use large-scale sacrifice to make himself immortal. However, the effect of large-scale sacrifice does exist. As a result, his soul will ride away by the green dragon, leaving his body. After the 49th day of July, the body will die. "

"Ha ha, do you believe that?"

"I can't help believing that this is the information left behind in the amber. It's absolutely true. It is said that Qin Shihuang was the first one to combine five pieces of dragon soul amber. He never got nine pieces of dragon soul amber, but he finally made a big sacrifice and adopted evil methods to supplement himself. Finally, he succeeded. Lord, you should know that in the Qin Dynasty, the murderer Wang Baiqi was actually the one who had the chance to master Qilin amber. At that time, Li Mu of Zhao state got xuangui amber, so Li Mu's defense was the best. These things are all recorded in amber. Sometimes by chance, the owner can see them. "

"Well, let's just say so. Who made the sacrifice here? And for what? " Asked Yue Yi.

"It's hard to know. It's estimated that some people want to learn from the first emperor of Qin, and they want to get immortality through large-scale sacrifice." Zhao Yun said.

"Then what period is this probably?"

"It's hard to say. Just looking at these skulls, we can't see any name, let alone know the specific age."

Leyi looked at the mobile phone and found that there was a signal in the cave, which showed that the cave was very close to the ground. Moreover, the cave wall should be very thin, otherwise, the signal would never come in.

Jump over the altar of the head, suddenly see in front of, more than a fork in the road, two roads.

"Leyi, there are two roads. Which one shall we take?" Song Yao asked.

Yue Yi looks at the ground carefully. There are footprints on both sides of the sand, which shows that there are people on both sides. Immediately said: "there are people walking on both sides, let's separate action, there is a signal in the mobile phone, if you find anything, you can call me. In addition, you don't need to be afraid. Anyway, the people who come here this time are all from our college. In the process of the task, they won't do anything to you. "

"Good!" Although song Yao is a little afraid, Yue Yi has said so. If he shows fear again, it will be too manly.

The two move separately, with song Yao on the left and Yue Yi on the right.

Without song Yao, Leyi also began to take out his mobile phone and send a text message to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li should have come in a long time ago, and he should still be deeper at the moment. Leyi sent him a text message at this time, just to ask about the situation.

As soon as the text message was sent, it didn't take long to receive a reply - "brother Le, you've come here. It's slow enough."

"Have you found anything? I just passed the fork road and came in from the right. Which road did you take? " Asked Yue Yi.

Jiang Li replied: "in fact, no matter which way you go, it's the same. It's really a big advantage for you to come in at this time. Those who came in before met with many dangers. There were ancient mechanisms in the cave. A lot of people have been injured. Now you come in, they have ruled out the mechanism. "

"Ha ha, it seems that it is wise for me to go to bed early last night."

"Come back to the point, brother Le, you need to speed up. I'll wait for you in front of me. The cave extends in all directions. There are four branches and eight branches in front. Well, I'll pick you up. Don't go yet. "


Leyi observed the passage. Jiang Li said that no matter which way he took, it was the same. In other words, I'm afraid no one has found the specific location of the destination.

These forks extend in all directions. If you take the wrong one, you have to start over. At the moment, even Jiang Li did not find the right way.

Leyi really won't leave, just waiting for Jiang Li. Anyway, he is not interested in this mysterious spirit.