The special mobile phone card issued by the school, he lost it in the channel and didn't bring it out. He knew that if he kept the card, he would be found by satellite positioning. In addition, he also lost his own card.

He knows the strength of longhun college. If longhun college really wants to arrest him in an all-round way, it's easy to get caught as long as it leaves a little clue.

The exit of the passage is sealed by a metal gate, which is so thick that it may not be able to be blown open even with a grenade.

Leyi came to the door, just with the ability of instant movement, in a flash, to the door.

He immediately closed his eyes and stood still for more than 20 minutes. Long time in the dark, accustomed to the dark, this suddenly came out, need to adapt to the time, if suddenly see light, eyes may be blind.

After getting used to the outside light, Leyi saw that this is a mine cave. It's 50 meters away from here, and it's outside.

"Where is this?"

It feels like it's a wilderness outside. Leyi doesn't know where he's been, but he keeps going south. It must be not far from the capital.

Out of the mine, the outside is still a desolate, mountains, but there is a road outside.

Leyi goes along the road. Since there is a road outside, he may get a free ride. As long as he has a car, he can go back to the city.

He plans to meet Wu Tao in the capital first. In addition, he also wants to inform his father and mother about some things.

As soon as director Zhu died, the dragon soul academy could not catch anyone. It was very likely that he would go to his home and talk about it with his parents.

Therefore, in order not to worry about their parents, but also to make them prepare in advance, it's time for Leyi to confess to his parents.

Walking, passing a fruit forest, there are a lot of jujube trees. That jujube tree, bear a lot of jujubes, not yet fully mature, but also a big head.

He was so hungry that he ran to the edge of the tree and shook it with a branch, leaving a large area behind. He picked it up immediately and ate it with a big bite.

But he didn't eat for two days and nights, and he didn't eat when he was punished in the college. On the morning when Zhu Dao was killed, he only ate a steamed bun and a bottle of water.

He can come out of these two things completely through willpower.

He ate no less than two or three hundred of them. He had an amazing constitution and a large amount of food.

Although these dates are not fully mature, they are slightly sweet and nutritious. It's a great surprise in the wilderness.

This orchard is very large, probably not mature season, and there is no guard in this orchard. When Leyi was full, he lay on the ground for a rest. In the past two days, he did not dare to rest at all.

After lying down, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Until it was dark, mosquitoes came and woke him up. The mosquitoes on the mountain are very poisonous and itchy. As soon as he woke up, he saw a light not far away, a car. It meanders along the road.

"Gee, there's a car!"

It's easy to have a car. Otherwise, with his own legs, he doesn't know how long it will take to get to the capital.

He immediately rushed to the side of the road, first hid, and when the car passed in front of him, he ran after him, jumped up and jumped onto the car body.

This is a large truck, full of goods. Leyi lies down on the goods and goes south. No matter where the destination of the truck is, as long as you follow the truck, you can always go to the city.

Sure enough, lying on the truck, all the way south, more than three hours later, he really saw the outline of the city. That shining light, will be the day to reflect the red half.

The truck did not run at high speed, but entered a small town from an ordinary road.

After entering the town, Leyi got off quietly. To be honest, his current image is very frightening. There are bloodstains all over the body, some of them belong to others and some of them belong to oneself.

Zhu Dao's blood on his hand didn't have time to wash it. When he was walking through the jungle, he was scratched by thorns and shed a lot of blood. In two days, although his strong constitution restored the wound, the blood was not removed. He looks terrible. If this image appears in public, it will definitely frighten people.

Fortunately, there is a river across the town. Leyi went to the river and cleaned it. After cleaning up, I went back to town and planned to find a place to live.

He had no cash on him, so he planned to pay for it by Alipay or WeChat. But when he recharged the bank card, he found that the bank card was frozen, and his huge fortune could not be used at all.

"Damn, so fast even my account has been frozen?"

Angry, Leyi contacted Wu Tao with QQ and asked him to transfer a sum of money. Then Leyi stayed in a small hotel. The hotel didn't need to register with an ID card. As long as he gave money, he could stay.

Leyi also exchanged some cash with the boss of the hotel. The boss didn't want to exchange it, but Leyi didn't want to say much. He gave him a ratio of 1:2 to exchange it. Then the boss "readily" exchanged the cash for him.

Leyi changed 10000 yuan, went to the street to buy a new set of clothes and shoes, and then stayed in the hotel first.

That night, Wu Tao talked with him for a long time, and he told Wu Tao all about himself.

Wu Tao said: "which bastard should hurt you like this, but it doesn't matter. Brother Yi, you should find a place to hide for a few days. I asked the boss to get you a new ID card. With the new ID card, you can change your face a little and come to the capital."

"All right."

With Wu Tao, Yue Yi calls his uncle again to ask for help. After listening to his story, the old uncle didn't say much. He only said that he could help him deal with his new identity in three days. In addition, Yue Yi thought about it. He thought that it might not make sense for his parents to talk over the phone, so he asked the old uncle to explain it to Yue Yi's parents. There is an old uncle to explain, this should be no problem.

For the next three days, Leyi just needs to hide here.

In fact, there is no need to hide here. This small town is not big and no one knows him.

Here, I waited for three days. In the three days, it was calm and nothing happened.

On the morning of the fourth day, Wu Tao came here to find Leyi himself. He brought his new ID card.

"Why did you come by yourself?" Leyi was also surprised to see him.

"I'm the fastest. If you take express delivery, you'll have to wait a few days, and it may not be safe." Wu Tao said, and then very puzzled to ask: "how did you get into trouble with this matter, in the end who actually started such a poison, with such a cruel trick to plot against you?"

"I don't know. Now in the capital, do you know about it?" Asked Yue Yi.

"It was just yesterday that it was spread all over the country. The dragon soul college gave notice to the three families to let them jointly arrest you."

"What's the attitude of the three families?"

"Wocao, of course, is arresting you. Even the Su family is arresting you."

"Is the Su family going to arrest me?"

"Yes, longhun college said that whoever can catch you will be given three places to enter longhun college. This condition is too tempting. The three families have always wanted to send their descendants to longhun college. Last time, the Su family had a place, which made the Liu family of the Qin family very popular. If you enter the capital now, I'll bet you'll be watched in half an hour. "

"It's all like this." Leyi is very emotional. When you come into close contact with a force, maybe you can't feel its strength. But if you are against him, it is easy to show whether this force is strong or not.

"More than that, when I came out, there were a lot of Su's family following me, but it took me a lot of effort to get rid of them and replace them with three cars." Wu Tao said with a bitter smile.

"How are you doing at the Sue's?"

"I'm living a good life. The Su family's master takes care of me. With his care, other people don't dare to touch me even if they have different feelings for me. And this time, Su yun'er's father, Su Daoyuan, taught me what he knew. I'm very strong now. " Wu Tao said with pride.

Yue Yi laughs. Wu Tao owns A-level white tiger amber and C-level qiongqi amber. Even if he has mastered A-level strength, in Leyi's opinion, it's similar to those ordinary Qin family A-level masters. Strictly speaking, it's not A-level at all, but B + at most.

The real A-level master is very strong.

None of the class B tutors in longhun college can be underestimated. If Leyi doesn't need to show his holiness, he may not be able to compete one-on-one with a tutor with B-level amber.

They master too many skills, and their skills are also very strong.

In those days of dragon soul college, even Zhao Yun admitted that the control of amber in dragon soul college was even stronger than him. Zhao Yun was a general at that time. His fierce skill was to kill people on the battlefield. His skill was very strong, but his control over amber was not as good as those experts in longhun college.

"It's a pity that I escaped from the college this time, and I'm afraid I'll never have the chance to go back to study again." Leyi sighed.

"Brother Yi, here you are." Wu Tao gives him his new ID card. Le Yi takes it and takes a look. The new ID card is called Bailong. It's a very common name. It's also a rural person. It's similar to le Yi in appearance.

"Brother Yi, what are you going to do next?" Wu Tao asked, now all over the world are looking for Leyi, and I'm afraid Leyi's bright future is doomed.

Yue Yi thought for a moment and said: "I will try to negotiate with the college first to let them return my innocence. If they can give me innocence, that's good. If they must slander me, that's OK. Then wait for me to set off a storm and let them wait for regret!"