Twelve A + level masters?

Leyi took a breath of cold air. If there is such a force gathering 12 A + level experts, it is really possible to subvert China.

Just think about it, the four deans of longhun college are a + level strength. Apart from them, no one else has A-level strength. But under the leadership of the four deans, longhun college has become the fourth force that scares the three families.

Yue Yi once heard Zhao Yun say that it is a main amber, with a maximum of 20 pieces of A-level amber, 80 pieces of B-level amber, 160 pieces of C-level amber, 240 pieces of d-level amber and 280 pieces of e-level amber.

Among the 20 A-level, those who can understand all the strength and reach a + are hard to get three out of the 20. For example, the Qin family and Leyi used to fight against many A-level masters of the Qin family, but their A-levels are nominally A-levels, but in fact their strength is at most B +.

Only when he arrived at longhun college, did Leyi really know what a real B-level is and what A-level is.

Seeing these two mysterious people today, he knew what a + level strength was.

An a + level master can carry dozens of C-level and B-level masters. Even if the opponent has A-level masters, he can still leave calmly, and no one can stop him.

If twelve such people unite, it is really sure that they can overthrow any family.

"Well, the time of choice is not long. Let's make a decision as soon as possible. We don't have much patience. Either follow us or die. Anyway, you are desperate. If we don't kill you, sooner or later you will be killed by the three families and the dragon soul Academy. " Gemini said.

"Well, I promise to do it with you." Leyi thought about it for a while, but he agreed.

Although he doesn't know what kind of organization the other side is, he really wants to know what kind of person he is. He has such ambition and ability. He wants to gather 12 A + level experts.

Gemini and Libra call their boss the Lord, so who is the Lord? What level of strength is it? He sets twelve Dharma protectors, and each Dharma protector needs a + level strength. Can he control it? Once the twelve Dharma protectors revolt, can he handle it?

Yue Yi wanted to meet this person very much. Driven by his curiosity, he agreed to these people. Anyway, even if he didn't agree with them, he didn't know what to do in the following days. Gemini and Libra have a saying that is true. At present, although Leyi is wronged, he is really a lost dog.

Since there is already a mysterious organization that wants to subvert the world, it's better to join them for a super subversion.

"Can you tell me first how many Dharma protectors are missing at present?" Yue Yi asked.

"To be honest, you are the twelfth. There are eleven before you. However, although the number of people is now all, but the strength is not all. At present, only eight of the 12 people have a + level strength, and the other four, including you, have poor strength. Therefore, the Lord will arrange tasks for you in the future. As long as you perform your tasks obediently, your strength will naturally improve. Once all the twelve Dharma protectors have reached a + level, it will be the time for the collapse of the three families. " Gemini said.

Libra suddenly smile, said: "boy, do you really agree to join us? You know, our organization is the most strict one. If you just talk and play, then your nine tribes will die because of your willfulness. Do you understand? Nine ethnic groups, which nine ethnic groups know? Your parents and relatives, even your good friends, will be killed by us. "

Yue Yi's eyes were cold. "I know."

"Well, in that case, put this on." Libra said, throwing a mask from his body to Leyi.

Leyi catches the mask. It's made of special metal. It has a special pattern, or star phase. It's Capricorn, one of the twelve constellations.

"Wear it, from now on, you are Capricorn, Capricorn is you, the name of Leyi no longer exists, you need to use your new name to enter our organization, understand?"

"I understand!"

"In addition, if you take this card, the organization will contact you through it. As long as you obediently work for the organization, the organization will not lose you. " Libra takes out another card and throws it to Leyi.

Leyi took the phone card and inserted it into the mobile phone. In a short time, a phone call came from the card: "Hello, Capricorn, welcome back."

This voice is very hoarse, like an electronic synthesizer.

"Who are you?" Yue Yi asked.

"From now on, you can call me Lord just like Gemini Libra." That hoarse voice said, between speaking, even through the phone, Leyi actually felt the strong power of coercion spread. In front of him, Leyi felt like an ordinary minister. When he saw the monarch, he could not help kneeling down to worship him.

Of course, Leyi didn't shout. How could he call someone else Lord?

However, under the pressure of the other party's words, he could not help but soften his legs and sat directly on the sand. It was supposed to be a kneeling posture, but as soon as his strength changed, it became a sitting posture.

"Well? Don't you want to be my lord? It shows that you are not willing to join our organization, is it? " The husky voice on the other side was a little chilly at once. At the same time, the mysterious pressure was also strengthened.

Yue Yi wants to resist, but in Dantian, Guo Jiaji shouts: "Lord, don't resist, obey him, obey him first!"

Listening to Guo Jia's cry, Yue Yi frowned and cried "Lord" reluctantly!

"It sounds very reluctant?"

"No, it's just that the Lord's pressure is too strong for me." Yue Yi said.

"Ha ha ha..." the other party laughs. Between the smiles, the prestige disappears in an instant. Leyi loosens all over and stands up again.

"Since you work with us, you should listen to us. Your strength is too weak now, but as long as you are loyal enough, we will cultivate you to become a + strength sooner or later."

Thank you

"Good. Next, you just need to follow Gemini and Libra. They will take you with them what to do."

"I understand!"

With that, the other party hung up. As soon as the phone was hung up, there was no record on Leyi's mobile phone. There was no trace of any number.

"It's from the Lord, isn't it?" Libra asked suddenly.

"Yes Yue Yi answered.

"What will the Lord do for you?" Asked Libra.

"Lord, let me follow you." Yue Yi replied.

"Ha ha, come with us, let's go. I'll take you to get together and meet other people of the twelve constellations for a while." Gemini is a little impatient to go back.

Since Leyi has joined them, they are a group of people, and they will no longer defend Leyi. It seems that they really believe in the Lord, but those who have spoken to him have no betrayers. Because the Betrayer, the end is not good death, no one is an exception.

Since Leyi has spoken to the Lord, it means that the Lord has admitted him. Once Leyi wants to rebel, no one else is needed. In seven days, the nine families of Leyi will definitely be extinct. This is the rule of the organization.

The motorcycle was pushed to the road, and Leyi and Gemini rode in the same car.

Libra's attitude is colder to him.

Leyi wanted to ask Libra something in his heart, but he didn't say it after several times. The problem is that he wants to ask Libra whether Su Canhui was killed by him.

After thinking about it, he thinks it's ridiculous. Will Libra admit it? Even if he admits, so what? Can't Leyi confront the Su family with Libra?

With a sigh in his heart, he no longer thought about other issues.

Two motorcycles gallop all the way, that is, along this road by the sea, for more than 20 miles, to a resort.

This is a closed building. It looks like a resort, but there are no tourists. Because the villa is not really open at all, this is a temporary contact point of the mysterious organization.

It is said that there will be a small party here tonight, and other constellation Dharma protectors will also come here.

According to Gemini, the twelve Dharma protectors are basically from the three families. In addition, there are also defectors from dragon soul college.

And Leyi, also belongs to this category, the defector of longhun college.

When you enter the villa, the Libra disappears.

It is Gemini who leads Leyi to an open-air swimming pool at the back of the villa. Any food and drink in the villa is free and on call.

"Don't be polite when you come here. With your participation today, the Lord will definitely arrange tasks, so before that, rest if you can, drink if you can, and eat if you can." Gemini sissy tone said.

Yue Yi said with a smile, "it's like going to the execution ground."

Gemini said, "go to the execution ground? In fact, it's almost the same. Your strength is too poor. If you die in the task, no one will care about you. Today, Libra and I have saved you, but in the task, each performs his or her own duties, and no one will help you, so you can only ask for more blessings. "


"By the way, you have a sword. Show it to me." Gemini thought of his sword, immediately asked.

Leyi is not stingy either. He takes it out and throws it to him.

Qingchen sword!

"It turned out to be Qingchen sword. No wonder it has such power. Hehe, you are not good at all. You have gained some prestige with this sword. I just don't know who is better, you Qingchen sword and lion's Yitian sword! " Gemini takes Qingchen sword, plays a few hands, and then throws it back to Leyi.

Qingchen sword is recognized as the master by Leyi's blood. At present, it only recognizes Leyi. Unless Leyi dies, it will recognize the second master.

So Gemini, even if they like this sword, will not steal it.

"Lion? "Yitian sword?" Leyi was surprised. The so-called lion should be Leo. Does the Leo have a sword?

You should know that both the Qingchen sword and the Yitian sword were forged by Cao Cao, who asked someone to take tianwaishen iron to forge them.

Qingchen sword is the master of cutting, Yitian sword is the master of cutting!

If we use the analogy of general and prime minister, then qingchenjian is a general in battle, while yitianjian is the prime minister in the imperial court.

In terms of killing and cutting, Yitian sword is not as good as Qingchen sword, but its special momentum and strange and fierce body itself have a special power.

Frankly speaking, Qingchen sword is a physical attack, while Yitian sword is a magic attack. It has its own magic power. It's amazing.

Yue Yi always thought that Yitian sword should have disappeared with the death of Cao Cao.

Who knows, this sword not only never disappeared, but also was born. It's in the hands of the lion.!

Who is this lion? How can you master this sword?

"Lion? Will you come this evening? " Yue Yi asked, if the lion will come tonight, he would like to see who he is.

"It's a pity that the lion won't come. This man is too cold and rigid. Sometimes it's common to stay with him all day without saying a word. There will be six at the party tonight. You are lucky to meet some beautiful women. " Gemini began to laugh.


"Yes, there are many beauties in the twelve constellations. Since you have joined our organization, if you have the means, you can do it. If you can get them, it's your ability." Gemini's voice is full of temptation, but from his look, I'm afraid the women in the twelve constellations are not so easy to soak.