"Which car?" Leyi also looks at the rear through the side mirror. He didn't notice this. He had been thinking about Liu Changqing's sinking into the river, and didn't care about the situation behind the car.

When he wanted to come, he drove directly out of the capital this time. When he left the capital, he made a few rounds to make sure that no one was following him.

After running so far, there will be no tail.

Now, song Yao actually said that there was a car behind him, which seemed to follow him?

"That's the SUV. Didn't you find it? Harvard H6, license plate number 993, you see. " Song Yao did not show too obvious, said in a low voice.

According to song Yao's license plate number, Leyi looks back through the rearview mirror. It is true that there is a Harvard SUV with license plate number 993 in the back.

But the road is so wide, it belongs to the urban area, and people's cars are driving in the back, which doesn't mean people are following you.

Leyi deliberately slowed down a little. When he was at a fork in the road, he stopped at the side of the road. He borrowed the car to buy a bottle of water to test the car's performance.

As a result, when he was buying water in the canteen, the Harvard H6 passed by their car and went away. As it passed, there was a harsh sound of heavy metal music in their car.

Yue Yi bought some water, went back to the car and said with a smile, "where are people following us? It should be on the way. With such noisy music, if such people are also trackers, it's really ridiculous."

Song Yao scratched his head and said, "maybe I made a mistake, but I did look at it for a long time. It almost went into the city with us, and then it was the same route. But it's not a big city. I think I made a mistake. "

The Harvard H6 disappeared when it was driving, which confirmed that song Yao's guess was just a guess.

"Where are you going next? What should I do this time? Please give me some information, otherwise I'm always curious. " Song Yao asked, he would like to know this time, Leyi took him to drive from the capital, mysterious, in the end is for what.

Yue Yi thought for a moment, thinking that song Yao was not an outsider anyway, and now he was his own, so he told him about Canglang amber.

As soon as song Yao heard this, he took a breath of air, and his face was covered with surprise. He had been surprised when he heard that Leyi had poor amber on his way. He didn't expect that this time Leyi was looking for Canglang amber. According to Leyi, it seems that this time he came to lengjiang city after confirming the location of Canglang amber.

"That's... That's great?" Song Yao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and clenched his fist, thinking that it would be great for Leyi to have the rare amber. If he got the Canglang amber again, wouldn't it turn the world upside down?

"Don't get excited too early. Let's go and buy something first."

"I don't have any money to buy anything."

"Don't worry, I have plenty of money."

Leyi took song Yao to the equipment store, bought two sets of diving equipment and several more oxygen tanks. After loading the car, he continued on his way.

"Diving suit? Do you really want to go into the water this time? " Song Yao licked his mouth. He was joking with Dai Yu at that time. He didn't expect to go into the water this time.

"Yes, you're good at water. It's up to you this time." Yue Yi said that each person has his own advantages. Song Yao was born by the sea and has a good water quality. Compared with water, Yue Yi can't match him.

"Well, it's on me." Song Yao smiles. There are so many things that Le Yi surprised him. Fortunately, he still has the same strengths.

To be on the safe side, when Leyi left the city, he still made a few detours around the city. Then he made sure that no one was following him. Then he left the city and headed for the neighboring county.

At the beginning, the place where he killed and threw his body was on a fork road between lengjiang city and neighboring counties. He drove along a mountain road until he reached the muddy swamp area.


The engine of the car is booming. It rushes up a loess steep slope and comes into the car unsteadily along the mountain road. There is grass beating on both sides of the window.

Both sides of the road were full of gravel and thorns. After driving less than 800 meters, the front tire on the left side of the car made a sharp bang and burst.

As soon as the tire burst, Leyi burst the other one. In this way, although the car was driven high and low, it would not be crooked. After driving three li reluctantly, a mud pit appeared. The broken car couldn't climb any more.

"Get out of the car, carry things, anyway, the distance is not very far." Yue Yi shouts and leaves the car, thinking that he should have come by motorcycle if he had known that.

Song Yao is also full of energy. When he learns that he is looking for Canglang amber this time, he is so excited that he answers immediately. He and Le Yi move all the equipment in the trunk. They carry the equipment all the way to the river.

Leyi took the hovercraft and began to inflate it. At the same time, he asked song Yao to put on his diving equipment and oxygen bottle.

Lengjiang is not a small river. It is hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep. From ancient times to the present, it belongs to the big river and nurtures people.

"Go After the hovercraft is inflated, Leyi and song Yao get on board. There are four oxygen cylinders in total, two for each person in case of emergency. There are also two hovercraft, one for each.

After putting on the equipment, Leyi leads the way and song Yao follows him. Although the lengjiang river is very large, its current is not very fast. In ancient times, the current may be very fast, but in modern times, many gates and power stations have been set up, and the river basins near cities are generally relatively stable.

So their hovercraft is also running smoothly. According to the map in his mind, Leyi uses the oars to quickly draw the hovercraft to the target position.

When he got to this point, the map in his head disappeared with a brush.

"No more?"

But it doesn't matter, before he has seen the location, right here, now, just go into the water to find it.

"Song Yao, remember one thing. In ancient times, nine amber were divided into nine colors. Green unicorn, purple poor strange, black and white tiger, brown wolf, silver foal, brown bear, red eagle, yellow lion, blue turtle. This is the color of nine amber, the cold river is so big, even if you find this place, you may not be able to easily find Canglang amber for a while. But if you see something glowing Brown at the bottom of the river, it must have something to do with Sirius amber. " Yue Yi said.

"OK, I see." Song Yao was impatient. As soon as the oxygen pipe was plugged in, he jumped into the water without waiting for Le Yi to say more.

Leyi followed him and jumped into the water. Song Yao went to the left and he went to the right. The flashing point of the map in his mind was near here, so it should mean that Canglang amber was within 100 meters of this water area.

The water in lengjiang is still clear, but when it comes to the bottom of the water, it's dark below. The water is too deep. It's more than 130 meters. The closer to the bottom of the water, the darker the light is, and almost nothing can be seen with the naked eye. Occasionally, there are schools of fish running by, but when they see people, they disappear quickly.

The problem of light is not so difficult for Leyi. He bought a searchlight and immediately turned on the switch. The lights in three directions turned on, making the underwater very bright.

Some catfish that stick to the bottom of the water and eat rotten food are scared away when they see the light. They hide in the dense black water grass.

A hundred meter square is not big, but small, but not small. Leyi first walked around to see if the wolf amber was exposed to the water.

What he worried about was that the wolf amber would sink in the sand. In this way, it would be inconvenient to find it.

Song Yao was similar to him. He heard that Canglang amber was brown, and all amber would shine in the dark, so he first found it from the surface of the water.

Two people work together, looking for more than two hours, the first oxygen bottles are used up, have swam to the surface for a few breaths. There was an undercurrent at the bottom of the water, but the hovercraft didn't float far. They got the boat back and lay in the hovercraft for a rest.

"I've looked for the surface of the water, but there's nothing. It seems that we need to dig. What about your side? What do you find? " Song Yao gasped.

"I don't have one either. Let's have a rest and try digging later."

It's very difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, we can't ask more people to help because others can't believe it.

"Good! I'll go first. " Song Yao closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body. He was not tired, because this time in the river, he was not turning shells, but looking for Canglang amber. Canglang amber is the fourth of the nine main amber. It was the amber on Guan Er Ye.

Guan Erye has many oxen and forks, as everyone who has read the Three Kingdoms knows.

But between the two of them, on a palm tree on the Bank of the cold river, there was a man sitting in the middle of the luxuriant branches. Although he was very big, he was as light as a cat sitting on the tree.

"Ha ha, diving? Is this looking for something? What is it worth these two people coming here from the capital to look for There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the burly man.

He followed Leyi and song Yao here, and his tracking method was so clever that neither Leyi nor song Yao found him. And he doesn't plan to appear now, because it seems that Leyi and song Yao haven't found what they want.

He is ready to wait until Leyi and song Yao find what they want.

"I hope you can move faster, but the sword in my hand is already hungry and thirsty." The burly man stroked a sword placed in his arms. The handle of the sword was inlaid with two crystals, which seemed extremely noble. However, the body of the sword was extremely simple, which was obviously an ancient noble sword.