"One? Why? Can't all three be inlaid“ Yue Yi asked.

Yan Ming said seriously: "the quality of these three magic crystals is very high. If they are hard, they are easy to break. Your weapon is not a long weapon, general. One is enough“

"Then why are seven of your iron seals inlaid“ Yue Yi asked.

"I... my Tieshu..." Yanming suddenly looked a little inferior and said, "to tell you the truth, although my Tieshu was handed down from my ancestors, the seven magic crystals inlaid on it were all inferior magic crystals. Seven together, are no more than a higher magic crystal, so, inlaying seven naturally is no problem. But God will your magic crystal, every piece is high, this level of magic crystal, is indeed a enough“

"It's a pity that only one can be inlaid“ Yue Yi touches his chin. His idea was to inlay all three pieces, but since Yan Ming said that one was enough, he had to inlay one.

"If you want to insert more magic crystals, you can replace them with other magic crystals, such as earth magic crystals. These two kinds of magic crystals are incompatible. On the contrary, it can increase strength and power“ Yan Ming said.

Yue Yi nodded and understood this. The so-called five elements, then between each other there is a way of mutual restraint, fire and earth, there is no mutual restraint, so can coexist.

The other three types are naturally antagonistic to the water attribute, and counteract each other, which will reduce the power of both sides.

With the metal, also counterbalance, fire can melt, will reduce the power of metal, add metal magic crystal is not added.

With the wood properties, more compatible, fire can burn wood properties are not left, worse than the tolerance of metal.

So fire can only be with earth.

"By the way, lend me your iron shield“ Leyi suddenly had an idea to borrow Yanming's iron shield.

Naturally, Yan Ming didn't mind, so he offered his iron shield. Yue Yi grabs it, then jumps out and cuts off a stone in the distance.


He didn't use much of his own strength. He just used the inertia force of the iron shield to smash it like this. The stone was broken instantly.

"It's a great power. I'm afraid the combined power of these seven earth magic crystals is equivalent to the power of sanniu“ Yue Yi guessed in his heart.

He returned to the team and said to Yanming, "how about making a deal with you“

"What deal“

"I'll give you a metal magic crystal for an earth magic crystal“ Yue Yi said, handing out a metal magic crystal in his hand.

Yan Ming was stunned, "Lord general, do you want to exchange the first-class metal magic crystal for the second-class earth magic crystal“

"Why not? Do you want to change it or not“

"If it's changed, then I'll take advantage of God's general. It's good for you to defecate, which makes me uneasy“ Yan Ming shook his head, very straight. The more he found that Leyi was capable, the more he admired and respected Leyi. Naturally, he did not dare to take advantage of Leyi.

"Although you've taken advantage of it, it's also my reward. You can help me inlay the magic crystal. As long as it's inlaid well, you should get some benefits“ Yue Yi said.

Yanming sees that Leyi is not joking, and his expression is sincere. He immediately nods excitedly and takes the metal magic crystal from tie Shuo and Leyi: "I must live up to my expectations, but now I can't do it in the wild, so I have to go back to the holy mountain to do the mosaic work“

"Well, I'm not in a hurry“ Yue Yi said.

The team bypassed the stone forest and took a safe route. After five consecutive days, I met several groups of Jinwu people and ChiYan people.

Without exception, all those people were defeated by Leyi by one person. Moreover, they robbed a lot of horses, which made the people of the holy flame clan have horses to ride and no longer have to walk on their legs.

On the seventh day, because of the horses, they quickly arrived at the foot of the holy mountain at noon.

Holy flame peak!

As expected, it was like a finger, standing up from the ground, as high as the sky.

The peak is surrounded by flames all the year round, especially at the top, which seems to be a huge torch. The fire at the top of the peak will never go out.

And the whole mountain peak, which is barren of grass, has been burned to form a crystal block, which is extremely clear.

"Lord general, that is the holy mountain of our holy flame clan, holy flame peak“ Yanhong pointed to the tall mountain.

"Now, under the mountain, it should be the Shengguang people who are occupying. They are numerous and powerful. If we go here, we may have to fight a bloody battle before we can enter the ancestral holy land“ Elder Zuo said.

The right elder looked at Yue Yi and said, "we have the help of the general of God. We should be able to deal with those people of Shengguang clan. Besides, the Shengguang clan is just a puppet supported by the ChiYan clan and the Jinwu clan. It is the weakest of their collusion forces. It is absolutely no problem to have a God General in it“

Over the past few days, Leyi has shown great power, which has greatly boosted the confidence of the right elder. I think as long as Leyi is there, there is nothing that can't be done.

"I can take the lead and kill all those dog bastards“ Yanming gritted his teeth and said that they were defeated by Jinwu, ChiYan and Shengguang from here, and almost destroyed the whole family of Shengyan. Now there are only a few people left.

Yan Ming has a lot of anger and hatred in his heart. At the same time, it's Yue Yi who has been fighting against his opponent for many times. As the first warrior of the holy flame clan, he also wants to find a chance to show his strength.

Although his holy flame stone has no energy, there are few opponents in terms of martial arts.

They came to the foot of the mountain. As they guessed, this place has long been occupied by Shengguang people. And the people of Shengguang clan saw that there was an enemy approaching, so they gathered their troops early and formed a formation under the mountain.

There was a man in his forties, with a golden crown on his head and a golden robe, who was very dazzling.

Beside the man, there was a high priest with a strange pattern on his face. When he saw the figure of Leyi in the crowd opposite him, he pointed to Leyi and yelled: "patriarch, it's him... It's him... He's the devil, it's he who hurt the little Lord... It's he who defeated our people, it's the devil“

The middle-aged man was very angry: "did he hurt my son? Hum, if you dare to hurt my son, I want him to pay for his life. Set up“

With a roar, the formation at the foot of the mountain suddenly changed into a "wild goose formation".

All the knights on one side, all the sacrifices on the other side.

Led by the middle-aged man, a strange mantra read out, only to see the sky brush to condense into a network of fire, and then the fireball fell like hail.

At the same time, the cavalry team lingered on the flames and rushed out.

The elder and Yanhong were so scared when they saw each other's momentum. Even Yanming had said he wanted to be a pioneer before, but the other side was so powerful, and the flame was so powerful that he didn't dare to rush forward for a moment.

But Yue Yi chuckled and said, "elder left and right, who is the man in the brocade robe“

Elder Zuo said, "that man is the head of the Holy Light clan. Yan goes back to the north“

"Oh? It's the head of Shengguang clan. We have an old saying that shooting people first, shooting horses, and catching thieves first, catching the king. Just a moment. I'll take his head“

Yue Yi stretched out his hand, "general Yanming, I'd like to borrow your iron“

Although this iron shield is not very handy, it has the advantage of being long and powerful.

"Lord general, please help yourself“ Yan Ming threw the iron shield.

Yue Yi receives tie Shu, which is five meters high. Holding it in his hand is like holding a penny. It looks funny.

But at this moment, Leyi suddenly jumped up, this jump, longitudinally across the kilometer, and fell in the air. It just landed in the middle of the wild goose formation.

The power of sanniu comes out when tie Shuo stirs up. The seven earth magic crystals of tie Shuo are close to the power of sanniu. Then Leyi's Canglang amber also has the power of sanniu. Sanniu plus sanniu is the power of liuniu.

This is also the main reason why Leyi wants to borrow Tieshu. How can these forces be combined to describe terror?

When tie Shu went down, he stirred up. At that time, he saw that people were looking up and the horses were all flying. A good wild goose formation, all of a sudden like the center of flowering, was broken.

As soon as Leyi [volleying] finished, he immediately took over [whirlwind Huilong chop].

[whirlwind dragon chopping] the most suitable weapon is Guan Dao, because Guan Dao is long and sharp enough.

In the past, Leyi used to use either the green sword or the bright silver gun to perform this move, and its power was greatly reduced.

This time, he used Yan Ming's five meter long iron shield. When the "whirlwind dragon chopping" swept away, it was a huge whirlwind. Within a five meter radius, anyone who touched it was killed instantly, blood and flesh flying.

The first target of Leyi is the man in the golden robe, who was angry and wanted to avenge his son. But I didn't expect that Leyi was so fierce.

The sacrificial rites around him have long described the power of Leyi, but he has doubts, because he has lived in Yanjie for more than 40 years, and has never seen anyone as terrible as the sacrificial rites described.

Therefore, he launched the attack without hesitation.

But all of a sudden, he regretted, he believed what the priest said, this is true, this person is not human, is the devil, is the devil that human can't stop.

Unfortunately, now regret, it's too late, that terrible whirlwind has caught up with him, sharp blade instantly cut him into seven or eight pieces, no bones.

Brush brush brush~~~~~

[whirlwind Huilong chop] the corpse flies across the place, leaving nothing.

The people of Shengguang clan were defeated, or died or fled. In less than ten minutes, all the people here fled or killed. Only the majestic Yue Yi holding the iron shield and the corpses everywhere are left.