After Leyi and others left Singapore, the chaotic city gradually restored its original order under the control of the army. The airport is also in normal operation.

A plane with 20 minutes to go before check-in has already stopped at the cabin gate. It will be restarted after all kinds of arrangements have been made at the airport.

The plane was about to leave long ago, but the flight was delayed because of a sudden event in the central city.

Some people who have been waiting for the plane in the airport complain that they don't know what's going on in the central city. It's just complaining about how the airport can do this. As soon as it's delayed, it's delayed for several hours.

A lot of business people talk about business, that is to say they want to meet each other at a certain point. This time is delayed. If you go late, at least you have to look at each other's face.

However, some people have seen what happened in the central city and are frightened, so they want to leave Singapore and go abroad to avoid it.

In the men's room, a man in a suit was talking with his mobile phone while he was convenient. His tone is also very impatient, "of course, I know the concept of time, but our plane is delayed and I can't help it if we don't take off. what? You don't believe it? Do you want me to take a video for you to see? I'm waiting in the airport now, and I have about ten minutes to check the registration card. You can rest assured that I will definitely arrive today, just later. "

There are not many people in the toilet, just two at this time.

The man on the phone came first, and then came a man who looked a little polite, wearing a pair of green sunglasses.

If Leyi can see this person at this moment, he will recognize his identity. He is Jiang Li, whom Leyi has always wanted to kill.

Before leaving, Le Yi also tells the Su family about Jiang Li. The Su family has suffered a huge loss this time. Although they hate Chunyu Kui and Xiao Wansheng, what they hate more is the black hand behind the manipulation.

Yue Yi gives a general description of Jiang Li's appearance. He is fat and thin. When the Su family learned about it, they sent all the people to overturn the whole of Singapore and find him.

Although Jiang Li has been running away for a long time, the effect of Su family's doing so is estimated to be small, but no matter the effect is large or small, it is to show an attitude.

If not, is it not a joke to be used and indifferent?

But he said that the Su family's strength in Singapore was really great, which also caused a lot of trouble to Jiang Li.

When he came here, he came directly by plane. Although he didn't use his own ID card, when he just entered the airport, he found that there was one more barrier, that is, he had to check the height of the people entering and leaving the country.

This makes the sensitive Jiang Li immediately realize that the Su family must know something, so he secretly starts over the wall from the edge of the airport.

After entering the airport, I found the flight that will take off to China.

But without a registration card, he will be intercepted even if he wants to take off later.

From Singapore back, the plane is undoubtedly the fastest means of transportation. Jiang Li didn't notice how Leyi and others left, but he noticed that Leyi and others didn't come to the airport.

At least he waited outside the airport for a whole hour, and did not see the appearance of Leyi and others. So he confirmed that Leyi would either not go today or go by water.

So, he bravely climbed over the wall into the airport and quietly entered the waiting room.

In the middle of the men's room, he pretended to wash his hands and looked at the hands of the precision photoelectric watch on his wrist. There were still 15 minutes left.

Fifteen minutes to say long or short, he turned his head and fixed on the man who was still talking on the phone. The man had finished, but he was still talking on the phone in the toilet.

I used to be talking about business, but now I seem to be talking to women.

There is no doubt that the woman on the phone is very sweet and tired of her voice, but this man has to coax her like a child. The content of the conversation between the two people was very numb.

Even as an onlooker, Jiang Li felt a layer of goose bumps on his skin.

"Well, be good. I'll do you a good job when I come back. Oh, don't cry. It's so loud. How hard would it be to let people hear you? I'll just go for three days. After three days, you clean up and wait for me in bed. Well, that's a deal. Come on, kiss one. " The man is smiling.

It seems that the phone is about to finish, he also began to come out, ready to wash his hands to the terminal.

"OK, I'm boarding soon. I have to line up. Bye, honey." The man hung up and immediately frowned, looking at Jiang Li, who had been standing there washing his hands for a long time and didn't plan to leave, "how can you be such a person? You're draining water all the time. Don't waste water, you know? "

Jiang Li looked at his watch again. Twelve minutes later, it seemed that it was almost over.

At that moment, he suddenly turned around and looked at the man. Then he suddenly grabbed the man's tie and pushed him backwards. Step by step, he was pushed into the toilet room and closed the door.

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned pale with fright. He tried to struggle, but the other side seemed weak, but in fact he had great strength, which was not what he could resist.

When he was pushed to the toilet, he said with trembling: "that... I just said it unintentionally. We Singaporeans have been instilling the concept of water conservation since childhood, so... Don't be surprised. And... I'm... I'm straight, not curved. I like women. Please don't mess with me. "

On the one hand, he was afraid that this person would be angry because of his words just now; On the other hand, he was also afraid that the man in front of him was a crooked man and wanted to get him.

So, he quickly expressed his position, "although I'm a man, if you mess with me, it's... It's also against the law, you know. Let me go now, and I'll take it as if nothing happened. Otherwise... "

"You know what? You talk a little too much. Take out your registration card and ID card. " Jiang Li said coldly.

"What do you want to do? Listen to your accent, are you from inland? Are you robbing? You are all barbarians. "

"Why don't you say another word of nonsense?" Listen to this man's nonsense, Jiang Li immediately grabbed his neck, strength dark increase, this man's face suddenly rose purple, can't breathe.

"Don't... Don't kill me... I'll give you the money..."

Only then did the man realize that he was wrong. He quickly took out his wallet and revealed a pile of money. It was probably because he had to travel to the inland of China, so the money in his wallet was RMB. There's a lot more. There's got to be ten or twenty thousand in cash.

However, Jiang Li didn't look at his money. He just robbed his ID card and found the registration card from his pocket.

Taking these two things in hand, Jiang Li took another look at his wallet and thought that since there was so much cash, he would not let it go for nothing, but also put it into his pocket.

"Please give me the registration card and the ID card. I'm going on a business trip. It's very important... Please give it back to me. Those things can't be exchanged for money. I don't want any money. I'll give it to you. I don't call the police... Absolutely don't call the police..." the man said in a hoarse voice, and he was extremely scared.

"Give it back to you? Well, if you're still alive. " Jiang Li sneered and doubled his strength.

The man struggled so hard that the part of his neck turned purple and his eyes almost protruded. He sat on the toilet, kicking his legs wildly, and his hands were constantly tearing and scratching at Jiang Li.

"Well! barbarian? Then I'll show you. " Jiang Li's hand suddenly twisted, and the man's cervical vertebra was twisted off. Under his hard squeeze, the man's seven orifices were bleeding, and his tongue was very long. Struggling legs are no longer struggling, tear grasp the hand, also dropped down.

Dead, very miserable.

Jiang Li arranges his clothes, takes what he should take, and then closes the toilet door. This man died in it, and it will take at least several hours to be found, maybe several days to be found.

However, in today's weather, dead people will probably soon stink.

"Ha ha!" Jiang Li smiles. This is not what he should care about. He washes his hands and wipes away the filth. Boarding begins.

In the men's toilet, someone came again, but the killing without blood didn't make these men aware of anything. They come and go, and they don't realize it's wrong.

Jiang Li naturally took the person's ID card and registration card, after queuing up, smoothly got on the plane.

When entering the warehouse, I saw a stewardess who was in good shape. I did not forget to pat her on the warped part. Soft and elastic feeling, which is difficult for domestic girls to have.

This action caused the stewardess full of resentment, just want to remind him, but saw his fingers holding more than ten pieces of red RMB, stuffed into the stewardess chest full of gully.

The stewardess, who wanted to talk but stopped, was startled. She immediately covered her chest, but her heart was beating. Then she moved naturally and secretly, and put away all the money without any trace. And cast a charming look at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li smiles and walks into the engine room.