When the leopard fell into the trap, Wu Zhongyi took off his clothes and hung them on the branch, making him mistake them for the truth. He crept around to the back, his knife hidden behind his wrist. He came close without making a sound.

"The last few times [the lion fighting the rabbit] let you escape, this time, I absolutely let you escape, die, Falcon!"

When the leopard was close to the target for nearly five meters, he suddenly burst up, a pair of bent legs on the ground, with a bullet, rushed out with all his strength, and rushed to the dark shadow in front of him.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength. At the same time, the knife hidden behind his wrist finally appeared.

Before, he hid the knife behind his wrist for fear that the sharp blade would reflect light and expose himself. Therefore, he skillfully hid the knife behind his wrist. At the moment of explosion, the knife rotated in his hand and turned into a blade moving forward, just like a mantis opening its arm.


When he hit the target, the sharp knife stabbed in from behind the shadow, and the crack of silk creaked. The blade cuts smoothly!


No, it's too light. There's no block. It just goes in without any obstruction.

It's empty!

"I've been deceived!" The lion made an all-out effort, but he didn't have a chance to stop. When he found out something was wrong, he saw a flash of fire 20 meters away. It was a bullet, especially in the dark.

The lion rolled over and tried to dodge.

Whew, the bullet came in an instant, and it seemed to roll with him. Then the lion let out a groan and grasped his left arm tightly.

"How could it be?" He couldn't believe it when he looked at his left hand, which was shot through by his quilt. The cavity effect caused the whole left arm to be cut off. Pain, heartbreaking pain. It's just that, just now, he rolled in time. In his experience, he should have been able to avoid this bullet. Why, the bullet still hit him.

Moreover, from the point of view just now, even if the bullet hit him, it should not be in this position. It should be the right side, because he rolled to the left just now. When a person turns to the left, his right side will turn.

Therefore, the bullet should have hit the right side. Why the left?

"Leopard, give me another shot."

Twenty meters away, Wu Zhongyi was ready to shoot for the second time. Since the first shot he had just fired, he immediately got ready again.

It takes about ten seconds to build up every time.

Although you can turn and track the target, you need to have a target first.

So Wu Zhongyi lures Leo to speak with words. As long as he speaks, Wu Zhongyi can judge his position, then aim at him and shoot again.

Barrett M95 adopts loybold Stevens m3 super telescope with 10 times magnification.

Red Hawk amber has the ability of [night vision] and the Stevens m3 super telescope, the two complement each other.

"It's undeniable, Falcon, that your shooting is terrible." Leo back a, has begun to retreat, ready to hide again. He just suffered a big loss. He won't be so careless any more.

"Ha ha, your means of assassination are also good. The jungle at night is your home, what? You're afraid that I won't succeed. If you have seed, I'll stand here. Do you dare to come and give me a knife? " Wu Zhongyi sneered.

There was a deliberate intention to provoke him, and there was an intention to cheat him.

He is in the energy, but also a few seconds, as long as the Leo really dare to attack him, then the distance of 20 meters, enough for him to the second time [a hundred steps through the Yang] energy to build good. Then start in time.

"That's what you said. Don't move if you have seed." Leo is a little unconvinced and drinks.

"Don't move, don't move, dare you come here?"

"Come on, you wait for me."

Leo said, really rushed out from behind a pile of bamboo, he judged the position of Wu Zhongyi from the voice, 20 meters, only 20 meters. This time, it's absolutely true.

However, Leo is not reckless. He suddenly takes off his clothes, grabs some thatch from the ground and puts it into his clothes to make them look puffy. Then he buttoned up the opening, carried the clothes stuffed with grass, and quickly approached Wu Zhongyi.

Seventeen meters, fifteen meters, thirteen meters, ten meters, seven meters

Just about six meters away, Leo suddenly rushes into a pile of grass and hides. In a moment, only a shadow jumps up and pours at Wu Zhongyi tiger.


Gunfire, in this moment. The sharp bullet shot, instantly penetrated the dark shadow, and the sound of tearing silk burst directly, and the grass scattered all over the ground.

Fake target!

The shadow is just Leo off clothes wrapped by the false target made by thatch, he also succeeded in Wu Zhongyi on a trick.


Leo a cold smile, his real body from the other side of the disease rushed close, the hand of the knife, this time did not hold in the hand, but out of the hand and fly.

"Poof," the knife hit the target.

Flying dagger!

Every close combat special attack member of fangya brigade has mastered this unique skill. Within five meters, a hundred shots and a hundred hits. The strength is fierce. If you hit the sword, you will die.

The place where Leo jumps up is seven meters away from Wu Zhongyi, but even though it is seven meters, he still shoots.

The knife is about 20 centimeters long. This shot, the whole blade, all shot into Wu Zhongyi's abdomen.

Wu Zhongyi felt the stabbing pain, but his eyes did not blink, and he did not take care of the knife that had penetrated his abdomen. Because he had already seen a shadow fly up again and come at him.

The lion fights the rabbit!

Leo, flying in mid air, is really like a giant lion. The tiger pounces on Wu Zhongyi.

Wu Zhongyi looked at the target and did not aim at it. Suddenly, he fired three shots in a row. Three bullets were fired almost at the same time, forming a line.

[Lianzhu arrow]!

Poof, poof, poof!!!

Three shots are very fast, and the target is also very accurate.

Leo flies to the top of Wu Zhongyi's head. He lands down and hits him violently. Wu Zhongyi's whole body flew two meters and was shocked on a tree. Then he was convulsed with pain, dizzy and unable to move.

Leo a landing, suddenly burst up, holding a sharp bamboo, suddenly rushed up to stab Wu Zhongyi's throat.

They are only two meters away, two meters, too close.

"Dad Wu Tao roars, a flash is about to stop Leo.

Leyi's speed is faster than him, and he has already arrived at his uncle's side.

However, he saw a sharp bamboo stick in his hand and suddenly stopped when he was only five centimeters close to his uncle's throat.

His eyes were bulging, and a stream of blood came out from the top of his head, mixed with white matter. That's the brain.


Leo fell to the ground, when he fell to the ground, Leyi also saw, in the center of his head, there is a blood hole, blood is from there.

It turns out that the old uncle fired before the [Lianzhu arrow] did not miss, three bullets were shot into the head of Leo. Due to the speed is too fast, Leo did not die in an instant, then there was a short burst.

"I'm fine." At this time, Wu Zhongyi also recovered, dizzy for only three seconds. As soon as he woke up, he saw Leo lying in front of him, with blood flowing in the middle of his head.

"Dad, you're hurt." Wu Tao came to Wu Zhongyi and helped him. He had a sabre in his stomach and stabbed him deeply. "Dad, why don't you use the [Petrochemical] ability of liexiong amber? If you open the [Petrochemical] knife, it won't hurt you at all."

Wu Zhongyi is a relaxed expression: "don't worry, this knife won't kill me, I'm ok. If I don't get this knife, do you think he will really fight for me? "

"Dad, you hurt yourself on purpose?" Wu Tao widened his eyes and looked surprised. What's brave and resourceful? That's his father. Deliberately hurt, and lure Leo to attack desperately.

"I didn't mean to be hurt. It's really hard to prevent the attack of leopard. If I hadn't quickly realized the three abilities of Red Eagle amber, I would have died tonight. " Wu Zhongyi is not proud at all.

The dark jungle is the home of Leo. Leo has many advantages in the dark jungle.

If Wu Zhongyi didn't turn on his night vision, the arrow in a row, and the poplar in a hundred paces, he might have died tonight.

"Dad, you are too confused to be sure. Why do you want to be brave? If something goes wrong with you, my mother will beat me to death. " Wu Tao said. It's a bit of a blame.

"It's not a matter of being brave or not. It's a matter of having an end between me and him. Fangs no longer exist, but the former fangs team members can't let you younger generation deal with it. "

"What if something happens to you?"

"If I die, it's my life. There's nothing to complain about. It's not bad to die in the hands of leopards. "

"I don't know what you think." Wu Tao turned his lips.

Wu Zhongyi stood still on the ground and was stabbed in the abdomen. He should not move disorderly and hurt his viscera. That's the fatal problem. Leyi immediately came to him and examined him. He might have hurt several intestines, but Wu Zhongyi had two A-level amber beside him, which could not hurt his life.

"Uncle, please bear it." Leyi helped him press the wound, and then pulled out the knife directly.

Wu Zhongyi took a breath of cold air. The pain made his limbs twitch.

Leyi tore off Leo's clothes and wrapped up the wound for Wu Zhongyi. The most important thing is to stop bleeding. As long as there is no bleeding, as long as a few hours later, the wound will heal automatically.

Leo body side, song Yao and Dai Yu two people have been scrambling to open his Dantian, will be an earthy yellow color lion amber out.


Any A-class amber is a heavyweight sub amber.

This A-level mad lion amber is useless when dealing with the master of the star temple, but it is useful when dealing with other people.

Dai Yu and song Yao guess. As a result, song Yao takes this A-level amber as his own in the laughter.