"Even Xiaoci is missing!"

Yue Yi believes that Chen yingci's disappearance was not caused by a quarrel with her father. Because if it's uncomfortable, the afternoon when Xiaoci quarreled with her father, she won't go back. Since she went back, how could she disappear again?

"God, what do you want?" In a fit of anger, Yue Yi smashed a table and immediately fell asleep on the sofa in the room.

He knows that he can't get in touch with the old Taoist in reality. Only when he dreams, can he see if he will enter the zero realm.

If it's the old Taoist who did it, it's very likely that Leyi will go to zero as soon as he goes to bed. Because if Lao Dao does this, he must take it as a bargaining chip to blackmail Le Yi.

In less than ten minutes after this sleep, Leyi really came to the zero world as he expected.

Familiar streets, familiar environment, familiar stalls and familiar people.

The peddling is still going on, but Leyi is at the entrance of the zero yuan street, and doesn't really step in.

On the left side of the entrance, a stall is placed here, and the person sitting behind the stall is really the old Taoist.

"How? Now if you bow to the sky, it's not too late. There's still a chance. " Lao Dao twisted his beard and laughed, quite proud.

Since he can say this sentence, it means that everything in reality should be made by him.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, it's the will of God. It's the will of God, and you have to obey it. If you go against the sky, then those things that you regret will naturally happen one by one. If you are still stubborn, then at that time, even if you regret, it's too late. Now, just in time. " Lao Dao said with a faint smile that he had a great power in his hands. He was in charge of the world and no one could disobey him.

"Where have all the people around me been taken by you?" Leyi asked with gnashing teeth.

Lao Dao was not flustered or busy. With a move of his right hand, he grabbed a handful of sand from somewhere and threw it on the table. Then he put some more stones.

"Do you know how small you are? You want to go against the sky? Do you know how big the sky is? As a person of the earth in the 21st century, you should know how big the sky is. And the earth in the vast universe, what is it? But it's just like a grain of sand in this handful of sand I caught. There are countless sands like this in the vast universe. Don't think that what you see and what you know are facts. In fact, what you don't know is endless. You're just a frog sitting in a well watching the sky. What do you know? How much do you know? And talk about fighting with heaven? If I move my finger casually, you will be constrained everywhere. Are you convinced now? " Lao Dao was sometimes severe and sometimes profound. During his speech, he put a few coconuts of head size on the edge of the pile of gravel.

In this way, sand, gravel, coconut, form a sharp contrast in size.

"I ask you, where did you get the people around me?" Yue Yi asked, suppressing his anger.

"What's the rush? This time I called you to let you understand the depth. These sands represent a world the same size as the earth. This kind of world is originally dust, which can be called micro dust world. And these gravel, hundreds of times larger than gravel, can be called small thousand world. A small world is hundreds of times the size of your earth; These coconuts are hundreds of times larger than gravel, which can be called the world of thousands. And whether it's a small world or a medium world, it's all contained in the sky and managed by the sky. "

"Dust world? Xiaoqian world? Thousands of worlds? There's a world out there? "

"Of course there is in the world!" The old Taoist nodded his head and moved his hand. Suddenly, a stone millstone came. It was as strong as the waist of an old man. Such a large stone on the table, suddenly, those coconut, gravel, can be ignored.

"This can be called the great world, which is divided into five elements: the world of gold, the world of wood, the world of water, the world of fire and the world of earth. Under the five great worlds, the vast majority of medium and small worlds are under their management. As for the dust world like the earth, there is basically no need to calculate it. So, think about it, how small should you be as a creature on earth? "

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't worry. Let me finish. The universe is divided into five elements. The world is so big that you can't see where it is or know where it is. But your earth, and this galaxy, I can tell you clearly, belongs to the world of fire. But it's just like the dust around the millstone, it's just under the control of the world of fire, and the creatures living in the world of fire are what you call gods. And Laojiu is a subordinate of the gods, who specially control you human beings living in the dust world. Therefore, aging represents the decision of the Supreme God. Now, are you convinced? " Said the old Taoist.

He told Leyi all about the division of the universe, the small world, the middle world and the big world, so that Leyi could understand his weakness and insignificance.

Human beings are just so many tiny and pitiful creatures in the dust world. It is not worth mentioning in front of the big world, even before the small world.

"Again, where have all the people around me been taken by you?" Leyi clenched his fist, and the bright silver gun appeared in his hand.

"Ha ha, it's time for you to persevere? I'm telling you this just to let you know how small you are. I don't want to kill you myself, because you don't have to kill a chicken. This time, where did the people around you go? I can also tell you that your loved ones are just in a corner of the world of fire, or in the small world, or in the middle world, or in the big world. Anyway, you can't find it. Unless you promise me ten conditions. "

"Ten conditions?"

"Yes, the first condition is to hand over all the amber you have. Before let you take the initiative to hand over amber, can let you keep one, but you don't know good or bad, disobedient. Now, God's decision, not to leave you one. If you don't agree, then you will never want to meet your women and relatives in your life. They will be alone in another world, and then they will be eaten by beasts, or forced by aborigines, or captured as slaves

Listening to this, Yue Yi clenched his fists as hard as a rock. His nails had penetrated into the skin and flesh for a long time, and he was unconscious of bleeding.

"The second condition is that you break your arm. This is a necessary punishment for those who do not listen to the word of God and want to go against the heaven."

"Third, it is also a punishment to gouge out one eye. Those who are against heaven have to be prepared for five evils and three deficiencies."

The so-called "five evils and three shortages" refers to widows, widows, loneliness and disability, while the "three shortages" refers to lack of money, power and life.

Therefore, you can often see those fortune tellers who are either broken hands or feet or blind. Because the so-called fortune telling, in fact, is to leak the secret, but also a kind of adverse behavior.

As punishment, the more accurate the calculation, the shorter the life span.

"As for the other seven conditions, I haven't thought of them yet. I'll talk about them later. Now, if you are willing to hand over ten amber, then the people around you are willing to send them back immediately. If it's late, don't regret it. " Lao Dao never smiles. He threatens the safety of the people around him.

In Le Yi's mind, his parents, his uncle and his wife, then Wu Tao, song Yao, Dai Yu, then big Qiao, little Qiao Yun, late autumn, song Xixi and others suddenly flash

If they don't hand over the amber, they will be exiled to other worlds and be bullied. Or being captured as a slave, or being eaten by a beast... These consequences are beyond Leyi's imagination.

In the heart of compassion move, he can't help but want to comply with the old way, to take out the amber in the Dantian.

This time, Lao Dao really caught him dead. He tried to resist and could not resist with so many relatives as a threat.

Because the vast world, they so many people, how to find?

It's hard for man to win over heaven!

Yue Yi laughs miserably. He knows that once he gives up the amber, it will be like fish on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered. But if he doesn't, he will have to watch his relatives live in a strange world, and his life and death are unknown.

If it were someone else, it would be very resolute. However, Leyi is a person who attaches great importance to friendship and family. He will never give up his family and women for his own sake.

Therefore, he thought about it and reluctantly chose to accept the old way's conditions.

Hand over ten amber, then cut off one arm and gouge out one eye!

Just when Leyi started to take out the amber, in his Zhongdan field, suddenly, Guo Jia's voice came over: "Lord, don't be fooled!"

Yue Yi was awakened from his confusion by this cry, and he began to communicate in Dantian: "what are you fooled by? Now that so many of my relatives are made by him, if I don't listen to him, how can I save them? "

Guo Jia said: "there's something strange about this matter. Amber can't be handed over. If it's not handed over, there's still room for negotiation. If it's handed over, there's no room for negotiation at all. At that time, Lao Dao didn't need to discuss. He could do whatever he wanted. With the past performance of my Lord, do you think that if you lose amber, this old Taoist will spare you? "

Yue Yi sighs. Even if Guo Jia doesn't say it, he knows it. However, the lives of his relatives and so many women are much more precious than his own. If it is to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the lives of those people, Yue Yi thinks that it is also worth it.

However, he suddenly found a strange thing, his mind suddenly sank into the Dantian, asked: "how can you communicate with me? This is the zero realm. It's a dream. How did you get in? "