The more the spirit of death gathers, until the corpses stink. The more the corpses stink, the stronger the spirit of death. Jessica and SunOS have been far away from here for a long time. Leyi intended to leave here, but after thinking about it, there are so many star rated Warcraft here. It's better to stay here than to go to other places. As long as he comes to kill several waves of Warcraft every night in the future, the first place is absolutely impossible.

"Boy, don't force me. I've already told you that you've gone astray. Don't blame me then." The old monster in the jar said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm reluctant?" Leyi had already taken out the gauze and covered his nose for several layers. He couldn't smell the stench, but the breath of death came into his body like a tide. At this moment, he has gathered a lot of spirit of death.

If this "quantity" has to be used as an analogy, then its current storage quantity can kill the two men in black twice. And two seconds to kill, let him have no resistance.

However, as the spirit of the dead becomes more and more strong, Leyi doesn't want to give up the spirit of the dead. He also wants to know how strong the limit of the nine prison hands is!

"You say that this [nine prison prisoner's heavenly hand] is second only to the Xuangong like [Jiaolong method] and [xuanhu killing array]. What's the limit of [nine prison prisoner's heavenly hand], like my current level, if I gather the spirit of death to the maximum extent, what kind of opponent can I kill with my full strength?" Yue Yi asked.

"Gather the spirit of the dead to the maximum? Ha ha, if you are training yourself to be a corpse, you will be covered with the spirit of death. With your full strength, you can kill people at two levels. "

"More two levels of killing? In other words, I continue to maximize the spirit of death, can instantly kill the people in the middle of Nirvana

"Yes, in theory, it is, but who can achieve the cultivation of nirvana in the middle stage is not a general person, and will he stand up and call you? So, basically, if you want to kill the enemy in seconds, you can only cultivate at the beginning of nirvana. In the middle of Nirvana, all his abilities are above you. If you want to kill him by surprise, how can he stand up and kill you? " Said the old monster in the jar.

Yue Yi nodded, feeling that this is more reasonable. The other side is not a fool. It's impossible to stand up and kill you. Besides, you have an assassin's mace. Doesn't the other side have it?

Therefore, in the middle of Nirvana, you can kill at most, not absolutely. If you lower a level and kill the beginning of Nirvana, it should be absolutely no problem.

"Well, that's enough!"

At least, people like Fang Jie don't have to use the power of Amber by the means of Leyi. You can tear him to pieces with one move.

Leyi sat on the edge of the corpse pit, quietly collecting the spirit of death.

Jessica and SunOS sat down tens of meters away. Jessica was hurt a little and took some medicine. As long as she was quiet, it would not be a big problem.

And SunOS also swallowed the pill, but he was not in a hurry to heal himself. Instead, he once again took out the secret script of "greedy wolf killing array" to watch and understand.

This kind of time passed quickly, but Leyi didn't walk here. In a sewer more than a thousand meters away, he didn't dare to walk. I'm afraid that if he moves casually, it will attract Yue Yi's attention, so he has been lying in the mud pit, motionless.

He is also very anxious. In his heart, he secretly scolds why Leyi still doesn't go?

He kept for several hours, but he didn't see any movement there. Later, simply, he also automatically healed his wounds in the sewer.

Le Yi sits beside the pit of the corpse, and the jar is just beside him.

Suddenly, Leyi asked a question: "you have existed for a long time. I want to ask you something. Do you know?"

"You said The old monster in the jar has not been spoken for many years. Leyi occasionally asks questions, but he is very cooperative.

"What do you think the world is?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if you've ever heard of the world of tiny dust, the world of small thousand, the world of medium thousand and the world of great thousand?"

"So that's what you're talking about. Naturally I've heard of it."

"Do you know who manages these worlds? Like the dust world, I heard that the dust world is like some people's toys. What kind of fate is people in the dust world? It has been doomed since they were born, because it has been written on the letter long ago, because the track of their life has been written down long ago, so this person's life will not be separated from the track, just like a train going along the track, oh, No, You probably don't know what the train is. In a word, it means following the track without deviation. He will live as he writes on the letter

The old monster in the jar didn't speak and seemed very quiet.

Yue Yi continued: "but most of the people in the dust world don't know that their destiny has been predestined for a long time. A lot of people are still silly to think that heaven rewards diligence; There are also many people who are silly enough to think that they didn't rise in their life because of bad luck and only one opportunity. But how do they know that all this is fixed, doomed, regret is regret, there is no opportunity but opportunity. Do you say that people living in the dust world are not sad or ridiculous? "

"Not funny at all." The old monster in the jar is surprisingly serious.

After a long pause, the old man suddenly said, "I'm very surprised. How do you understand this when you are young? A lot of people live in vain, just like the thunder world. They dominate here, but they don't know that the thunder world is just a pig farm. You're right. The dust world is indeed a plaything in other people's hands, but what's wrong with the thunder world? Thunder world is a small world, but what about a small world? After all, it's still a plaything. But the people here are luckier than those in the dust world. People in the dust world can't get rid of the shackles of fate, and people here can change their destiny through cultivation. "

"Do you know who manages all this?" Yue Yi asked.

"Is that a question? Nature is God. "

"God? Where is the God? "

"When you know where the world is, maybe you can."

"You don't even know?"

"Of course I don't know."

"Are those who manage the dust world gods? But they seem to claim to be the spokesmen of God. "

"There is law in any world, and even God can't disobey it."

"Law? What method? "

"Rules, rules! Whether it's the small world or the dust world, these worlds can't be compared with the big world. But people in the big world can't get in touch with the small world and the dust world, because there are rules, and the existence of that world can't come to our world. "


"Don't you think, with the power of God, if you come to such a small world, what will the world we live in become with his full strength?"

"Is it hard to be broken by him?"

"Ha ha, almost. You can think so, too."

Leyi is slightly moved. Can the power of God break the planet with one blow?

"Because of this, there are laws and rules, which have strong binding force and make them unable to descend to other worlds. That's why we have a chance to survive. Otherwise, in God's eyes, what are we creatures in the small world? They can make us live and die. You can also be imprisoned in a deserted place for hundreds of thousands of years. Life is not like death. "

"How do I sound like you're talking about your own experience? Who sealed you everywhere? " Yue Yi asked with great interest.

"You'd better not ask about me. I don't want to mention it. It's not good for you." The voice in the jar was very cold, which seemed to be one of his taboos.

"However, all the worlds are relatively fair. Although Xiaoqian world is very small, everyone here can practice. As long as they practice Tao properly, they can get rid of the shackles of their original destiny. In this relatively stable space, it forms a thriving overall ecology. And the dust world, although it is the smallest world, I heard many years ago that there will be some amazing things in the dust world. It's something that even the great gods in the world want, and it's what those great gods dream of. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure there is such a thing. So many years ago, many people were sent to the dust world by the gods to search for it. " Said the old monster in the jar.

When Leyi heard this, his heart moved. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the old monster was talking about dragon soul amber.

The earth is one of the dust worlds, and amber is indeed something that exists on the earth.

Up to now, Leyi has never heard of amber! That is to say, it is very likely that there is no amber in this world at all. Dragon soul amber is just a magical thing belonging to the dust world!

"Don't you say that there are laws and rules in any space? Why can the God of heaven send people to the dust world? " Yue Yi asked.

The old monster sneered: "naturally, the God of heaven can't come down, but if their dog slave dies and the yuan God comes down, it's not a problem. And after coming down, I can't go back. Although this condition is very harsh, I still heard that many dog slaves are willing to do this for the God of heaven and destroy themselves. Then the yuan God comes down and goes to those dusty worlds to look for magical things. "