Leyi and Jessica appeared in the ninth branch, which immediately attracted the attention of the ninth branch.

The president of the ninth branch and the elders were the first to find out.

This is because the direct transmission array of the ninth branch and the general hospital is usually activated only at special times. Once it is activated, it means that the general hospital has sent messengers.

This time, the president of the ninth branch of the Chinese people's court and the elders gathered here, but they saw Le Yi and Jessica coming from the teleportation array.

Now that Leyi is back, his status is very different.

Before that, he was only a disciple of Tianmen courtyard of the ninth branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but now he is the son-in-law of the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His strength is also the cultivation that has reached the peak of nirvana. This kind of cultivation is placed in the ninth branch, which is also the level of the Lord of a school.

Therefore, you elders are quite polite when you see him. Even the president of the ninth branch of the Chinese people's court treated him politely. After all, he did not look at the monks' faces and the Buddha's faces. Yue Yi was the only son-in-law of the Suzuki family, and may be the only successor of the Suzuki family in the future.

On the surface, it's polite. It's necessary.

Leyi's politeness to you is also a response of seven points. People respect him by three points, and he gives people back by seven points.

After all, these people are all senior members of the ninth branch of the Chinese people's court, and they should not forget their roots.

"Yue Yi, this time I came to the ninth branch of the Chinese people's court, but as an emissary?" Asked the dean.

"Report back to the Dean, the disciple didn't come back as an emissary this time, but something happened to the monk in ur city. The disciple was also the son-in-law of the monk, so he came back to have a look. There was an emergency, so the disciple borrowed the direct transmission array between the branch hospital and the general hospital. I'm really sorry to disturb you." Yue Yi said politely.

"All right, all right, what happened in ur? When did it happen? " The president also showed great concern for this matter.

"Just last night, the incident happened suddenly, and maybe no one else was aware of it. Now the life and death of the disciple's father-in-law, Xiu kit, and his mother-in-law are uncertain. Please forgive me for not saying more. Now we need to go to ur city as soon as possible to see the situation. "

"Well, in that case, there's no need to delay. Go as soon as you can. Later, I'll ask the Lord Tianmen to send someone to help you. The city of ur is under the jurisdiction of the ninth branch of the court. If there is an accident in the city of ur, the ninth branch of the court should also be involved. "

"Thank you, Dean."

After saying good-bye to the president of the branch and others, Le Yi breaks through the air and takes Jessica on the jade faced flywheel to rush to ur city.

It would take at least half a day to get to ur city from the position of the ninth branch of the court at the speed of an ordinary carriage.

And the time will come for a cup of tea at most.

The time for a cup of tea is about 15 minutes.

However, when Leyi left, he was found by some people who wanted to go through the city of Mengqi.

When these people see Leyi here, they all show a knowing smile.

"It's time to come, finally. Unexpectedly, he borrowed the direct transmission array and came out of the ninth branch of the hospital. It seems that the president also attaches great importance to his son-in-law. "

"The city of ur has almost become a ruin, but the city leader's family has escaped seriously. According to the original plan, we should kill all the Xius, so as to arouse the strongest anger of Leyi."

"In that case, let's split up and find out the shokit family and kill them all."

"In addition, since Leyi is here, we can't waste this opportunity. At present, it's not urgent. The direct transmission array can only come over, but can't go back. If Leyi wants to go back to the general hospital, he needs to take an ordinary route. Now that he's out this time, let him never go back. "

"That's natural. He dares to go back when the capital comes out? There's no life for him to go back. "

After one or two conversations, these people immediately dispersed. There are a lot of them. They are scattered. If they continue to be summoned, hundreds of them will spread in the city of munch. Search around for the whereabouts of the remnant population of the Xiu family.

At a secret place in the ninth courtyard, a man in a purple robe collapsed from the soil. He patted the dust on his body and took out his special compass.

I saw that the compass was turning crazily, and one of the green light spots was beating on the rear compass, which was very dazzling.

"Well? The green dot? Is that amber? In whose hands? Did I finally show up after waiting so long? "

The man in the purple robe set his direction, then turned into a purple light, shooting into the sky like a meteor.

For him, the border of the ninth branch of the hospital was as if it were a virtual one. In a flash, he crossed the border and flew to the sky, chasing the green light shining point.

In the depth of the ninth branch of the court, after Leyi left, the president and the elders have not dispersed yet. They are also talking about Leyi, saying that this son is extraordinary. In such a short time, today's cultivation has reached the state of the late nirvana. You Quan is a talk after dinner. Just as they say that, they suddenly see a purple light from the ninth branch of the hospital. With a flash of light, they break through the border of the ninth branch of the hospital and chase the direction of Leyi's departure.

Seeing this, the dean asked, "did you see the purple light just now?"

All elders nodded: "see, it seems that he is a very powerful man. I can't feel his breath. He is definitely not a member of the ninth branch of our hospital, but he actually appeared from the ninth branch of our hospital. It seems that the ninth branch of our hospital has no such strength except the president?"

The person who can make the elders feel no breath is obviously superior to the elders in cultivation. It is precisely because he is superior to the elders in cultivation that the elders can't feel it.

"The identity of this person is not simple, I'm afraid the purpose is not simple, I don't know who he is, and I don't know how long he has been lurking in my ninth branch. Let's go to inform the four lords first and ask them to come quickly. The man just followed Le Yi. I'm afraid he's going to do something to le Yi. Leyi is now the only son-in-law of the president. If he has an accident in my ninth branch, I will lose face. " The president of the ninth branch said with a straight face.

"I will inform the four Lords." An elder withdrew and called for the four Lords.

Other people, together with the president, got up one after another, broke through the border of the ninth branch of the court one after another, and chased after ur city.

The president of the ninth branch of the court led, followed by the nine elders behind him. The nine elders are also golden elders, all of whom have Nirvana cultivation.

The speed of the branch Dean is the fastest. He didn't take any flying magic weapon. He just walked against the wind. The speed was also very fast. None of the elders behind him could keep up with him.

After a cup of tea time, Leyi really arrived here in ur City, but saw that ur city had become a ruin.

What happened last night, to this day, there is still a big fire burning in this city.

Generally speaking, the location of ur city is relatively remote. Therefore, even if something happens here, the ninth branch may not be able to detect it.

What happened last night was that it happened suddenly, and it was even more impossible for the ninth branch to know.

Leyi takes Jessica on a jade faced flywheel to enter the city from mid air. As soon as he gets close to ur City, he smells the smell of decaying corpses. Outside the city, there are corpses everywhere, including adult corpses, old people corpses, children corpses, women corpses and so on.

The expression of Leyi's face was twisted and gnashed his teeth: "who did this, even the ordinary city residents did not let it go?"

Jessica started to cry directly. Seeing her home, her parents were even more uncertain. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't hold on at the moment. Sadness comes from it and cannot be cut off. Tears fall down like broken beads. She was lying in Leyi's arms, almost unable to stand.

"I believe father-in-law and mother-in-law will be OK. Don't worry too much." Leyi patted Jessica on the shoulder, stroked her head and comforted her.

But Jessica saw the tragedy of ur City, but no matter what Leyi said, she couldn't stop the pain in her heart and the tears in her eyes.

When they were floating in the original position of the city Lord's mansion, it was already burned to ruins. However, the battle traces nearby are still very obvious. It can be clearly seen that a hole was pierced on the wall by a huge copper hammer. On the other side, there are several strong stone pillars, which are cut in half by sharp things.

After careful observation, Leyi suddenly found something buried in the rubble of the ruins.

All of a sudden, he immediately drove the jade flywheel and floated past. He opened the gravel with one palm, but saw a broken rotary knife under the rubble.

It was a revolving knife like a snail. As soon as Leyi saw it, his eyelids jumped, but he immediately recognized its identity and origin.

It's not the first time he's seen it. It's the second time he's seen it.

The first time I saw this thing was when I met those people of the Yin family and the Ji family in the Xuanyuan battlefield to deal with eight star Warcraft.

At that time, he had seen with his own eyes that the people of the Yin family had used this kind of weapon. If he remembers correctly, this kind of weapon also has a special skill, which is the famous unique skill of the Yin family - [flying snail chop]!

"The Yin family did it!" Leyi clenched his teeth and with a move, the scrapped flying snail chopper fell into his hands.