Deep at night, quiet.

To work at sunrise and rest at sunrise is the law of ordinary people's life, but it is also a law for those who practice the way of heaven. When stars move, they can be divided into day and night, which can also be regarded as Yin and Yang.

Day is the sun and night is the shade.

For this world, yin and Yang, tiny creatures, can only comply with it, not against it.

Therefore, after this night, few people come back to Tianfeng. However, on each peak, there is still a relatively strict guard, but at the foot of the mountain, that is not the area on guard.

Because two days later is the marriage day of the white feather and the black feather, so the red lanterns are lit in the families of the twelve married women.

One in the East, one in the west, rises gradually. In this night's view, the Huitian peak is like a ladder to heaven.

It's a little cool from the mountain. The sound of the tide in the distance is quite loud. In the night, it spreads far away.

On a big stone, Yu Dabao sat on the stone and looked at the woman beside him strangely. Finally, he could not help talking: "Yu live elder sister, you... Why do you want him to save you when you can come out by yourself? Why don't you just walk away? "

This is his question. During the day, he told Yuzhu about it, and also told Leyi about his date tonight for Yuzhu.

If Le Yi comes, she will leave with him.

Although Yu Dabao didn't give the letter to Leyi himself, his feedback to Yu Zhu is that he has completely told Leyi. And said that Leyi will definitely come tonight.

However, whether Leyi will come or not is unknown, and whether Yuzhu himself can come down the mountain is also a big problem.

During the day, Yu Dabao asked her how she could get down the mountain?

However, there are four peers who guard the peak day and night. There are four of them. No one can go in and no one can go out. How can Yuzhu get down?

At that time, Yu Zhu didn't tell him the specific method, but at night, Yu Dabao wanted to avoid suspicion, so he couldn't go to 66 peak, so he waited here.

But he didn't wait long. He really saw Yu Zhu's sister come down quietly from above.

He was very surprised and didn't ask her how she got down. Since she can get down by herself, she can run away by herself. You don't have to wait for someone to save you.

So, after all, he asked this question and wanted to hear the specific answer of Yuzhu.

"Where can I go by myself?" Yu Zhu asked.

"Er..." Yu Dabao was in a daze. After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to be quite able to understand it. Then he asked, "sister Yu, how did you come out?"

"Most of the peaks have a secret escape route. Don't you have peak 25?" Yuzhu stands in the night wind like a Snowbird.

Yu Dabao scratched his head. He really didn't know about it. He has heard of this rumor, but only his father knows about the escape way. Moreover, even if his father knew this, he would not tell him casually, because this is the last escape route of every white feather tribe and every peak leader. How can he let people know?

Even his own son, will not easily tell, usually only tell one person, that is, heirs. That's the one who inherited the owner.

Yu Dabao is the second in his family. He has a elder brother whose accomplishments are taller than him, who is taller than him, who is more knowledgeable than him, and who is more handsome than him. So it's not his turn to know such secrets.

"Elder sister Yu Zhu, since you can get out through the escape way, then... Does Yu Yan'er also know the escape way of 67 peak? If she knows, can she get out by herself?"

"You've always liked swallows, haven't you?"

"Er... Yes." Yu Dabao nodded in embarrassment.

"She's a good girl. Unfortunately, her life is not good either." Yuzhu sympathizes with them, but he thinks about himself. Isn't he more worthy of sympathy like himself? Is a smile, in this night, again silent down.

Yu Dabao and she have been waiting here for five or six hours. When Yu Dabao was very anxious, he couldn't help shouting: "you come, you come. How long will you be delayed?"

Naturally, he shouts to heaven and Leyi in his heart.

But it's useless after all!

There is no expression on Yu Zhu's face. The decision and choice she made today is expected by Yu Dabao. But who knows how determined she was to make this decision? How many times have we fought?

Maybe it's a moment of impulse, maybe it's a moment of self escape and self exile.

Her heart is heavy and messy, before the next peak, she hesitated, whether to go or not?

If that person really comes, do you really want to go with him?

Is that what a broken pot is?

But if not, what can she do as a woman?

Born in such an era, such a family, what can she do as a woman? As long as she stays in the family, her father has the right to decide everything about her.

Just like this time, without knowing it, she had been sold to the black feather by her father, and the price was a shengzaohua Dana.

If she stays in the family, even if she can avoid this time, she can't avoid next time.

If she leaves her family, what can she do as a woman? Wandering all over the world? No place to stay?

There are many strong women in this group, but how big is the base? Can there be one in a hundred?

Yuzhu admits that she is not. In the final analysis, she is a weak woman, like a vine.

Vines only rely on big trees, in order to climb, step by step up. If there is no big tree, it can only linger on the ground and become the belly meal and foot mat of wild animals.

Moreover, according to the tradition of the white feather people, women also rely on men.

Therefore, if Yuzhu wants to escape being married to the black feather, she has to find another man. Only in this way can she start a new life.

But how is she going to find it?

How can I find it in such a short time?

During the day today, Yu Dabao mentioned Leyi, and her heart was suddenly trembling.

The humble race, who had touched her twice, had the closest relationship between men and women. If, in such a short period of time, she has to choose another man, maybe the man who has had an intimate relationship with her is also a choice worth considering.

After all, the body has been given to him, what are you afraid of?

Little by little, in the early morning, the man they were waiting for had not appeared.

Yu Dabao is a little embarrassed. He boasted that the Terran would come, but it's early in the morning. He can't even see the shadow of the other party.

"It seems that he will not come." Feather live self mockingly said a, don't lead the body of her, the canthus of the eye has already slipped two lines of tears. Yes, she has always been a woman nobody valued or wanted.

Dad didn't want her, so he sold her for a shengzaohua pill; My mother didn't want her. At that time, because of one of my father's faults, I didn't understand her at all, so I killed myself and left her alone. After her mother died, although she had a father, how ever did her father manage her? Have you ever asked about her?

This time, it's good. She places her hope on a humble human. She has been struggling for a long time. She has put down her prejudice, dignity and the face of her daughter's family, and has come here to wait for him.

As a result... Does he also dislike himself? So you're not coming?

"Elder sister Yu, don't think about it. Maybe he has something to delay. Just wait. Anyway, he's been waiting for a long time, and it's not bad for a while." But Yu Dabao tried to persuade again and again.

In his persuasion, feather live also really wait here for two hours, but this time already nearly dawn, people still didn't come.

Yu Dabao has scolded Yue Yi for many times in his heart. He has scolded all kinds of words, but he just won't come. Is this shameless human, cowardly human really ungrateful?

Feather live but didn't continue to wait, suddenly wings a exhibition, she directly flew up, went back.

Yu Dabao can't stop her even though she shouts. He can only watch her fly back to the sixty sixth peak from the front.

On the sixty sixth peak, the four guards were surprised to see her coming back from the outside. But after all, people are back, but no one has investigated and asked more.

Yu Dabao's heart is bitter. If the Terran doesn't come, he has no hope.

His favorite woman, in two days, will be married to the black feather tribe with Yuzhu sister. From then on, she was a woman of the black feather nationality, who was humiliated and upright by the black feather nationality.

Thinking of this, Yu Dabao gritted his teeth and got angry. His blood was boiling in his body and his brain was hot, so he ignored everything. Since no one can help him, he has to rely on himself.

Immediately, a pair of his white wings also spread out, like a meteor to the 67th peak, he wants to find feather swallow, to take her away!

But when he just stepped on the territory sky of the 67th peak and wanted to rush in, the four guards on the 67th peak, though of the same age as him, were much stronger than him.

"Come down here!"

The four men shot at the same time, and the magic power was like a big net. As soon as they bound Yu Dabao, they were caught by force.

Yu Dabao struggles hard. Nirvana cultivation breaks out in an all-round way. Resist! However, before he broke free from any bondage, he was hit in the back of his head by one of them, vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot and passed out. And then they were crushed to one side and couldn't move.