Gradually, the rotation speed of that thing is getting slower and slower. The whole space seems to have the light of four seasons.

The sprout of spring, the prosperity of summer, the decline of autumn and the silence of winter!

Four seasons, lightning and thunder, fast light dancing, stabbing everyone closed their eyes, can't look directly at.

Until it slowly stopped, it was still suspended in the air. It was bronze, yellow and orange, but with some green rust. One side depicts the ancient mark and words, the other side is as smooth as water, which is a mirror!

Boom, boom, boom

Since the appearance of this mirror, there have been some changes in the space of the ancient imperial mausoleum, especially the dark clouds in the sky. But for a moment, the local area was thundering and lightning, and there was a rainstorm.

The rain fell on everyone.

But these people's accomplishments are extraordinary. They have spiritual power to protect their bodies. The rain drops down, and they have already fallen before they touch their bodies.

Crackle, click, click

The dark cloud is pressing the top. Suddenly, it turns into night. The bright lightning passes by and makes the whole space pale.

Those thunder and lightning from the sky, breeding and down, were absorbed by the mirror.

Lightning, like snakes and insects, flashed a dazzling arc around the mirror.

"A mirror? What kind of mirror is this Leyi also wanted to take it, but with the lessons of the Ding brothers, he did not choose to take risks, but first looked at the reaction of young master Bai.

Childe Bai just stares at the mirror. He wants to get it more than Leyi. But there are several broken points on his body. Before that, he is elegant and meticulous. Obviously, the broken points on his body should have been injured by the attack of the mirror when he wanted to take the mirror.

Because his accomplishments were high enough, he didn't get any substantial damage, just broke a few clothes. The Ding brothers were not as good as him, so they hurt their chest.

"Ancient utensils, cousin, I'm afraid they are ancient utensils. According to legend, there are five ancient utensils in our dize world: xuanming Shengling sword, Qiankun Yichi staff, Marlboro mirror and Ruyi mountain and river map! Among the five ancient artifacts, the alliance of butchers has three, and this mirror... I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's the Marlboro mirror, isn't it The injured Ding brothers were all green in their eyes.

They were hurt by the mirror, but they didn't hate the mirror. On the contrary, the more powerful the mirror was, the more excited they were.

Just look at the simple appearance of the mirror and its powerful attack effect, which soon reminds them of an ancient artifact left behind in ancient times - Marlboro mirror!

Since ancient times, there have been few magic weapons that can be made into mirrors.

And the magic weapon of mirror shape is not only difficult to make, even if it is made well, its power is very general.

Among all the magic weapons of mirrors, the "Marlboro mirror" is the most special and powerful, ranking the third among the five ancient artifacts.

Its prestige has been famous all over the world in ancient times, but at the same time, it began to fall in ancient times. No one knows where it is, and no one has seen what it looks like in later generations. Only heard of its legend! I know it's a terrible magic weapon related to lightning.

Seeing the surface of it, the Ding brothers saw the growing of electric arc and the anger of heaven and earth, and naturally associated with the "Marlboro mirror"!

Dize world, five ancient artifacts, only four are well-known, and no one knows what the fifth is. So, generally speaking, there are five ancient artifacts, but in fact, we only recognize four“ Although it has been lost for many years, it is still recorded in ancient books.

But there is no record of what the fifth ancient vessel is even in ancient books.

"It's possible." Young master Bai said only three words, and he had such a guess in his heart, but he could only stay in the guessing stage.

If this thing is really an ancient one, then their trip to the ancient imperial mausoleum is not in vain. Even if you only get this mirror, it's a return with a full load. Because it's an ancient weapon, the most powerful magic weapon in the world.

At present, there are three ancient utensils in the Tu Shen alliance. They are xuanming Shengling sword, Qiankun Yichi staff and Ruyi mountain and river map. Ruyi mountain and river map belongs to the Tu Shen alliance itself and was obtained by chance after the establishment of the alliance; And xuanming Shengling sword is the treasure handed down from generation to generation in the leader's family. It belongs to both the alliance and the private.

It is said that the reason why the leader of the alliance can have the supreme cultivation that surpasses all people is that xuanmingsheng's spirit sword skill is indispensable.

The one foot staff of heaven and earth does not belong to the human race, but is the treasure of another race in the alliance.

Just because of this, the last time elder sun went out and rescued Leyi from the God's envoy, what he asked was "Ruyi mountain and river map". He can only ask for "Ruyi mountain and river map", because only Ruyi mountain and river map is public, while xuanmingsheng spirit sword belongs to the leader of the alliance, and generally no one is allowed to bring it out.

The leader of the alliance rose greatly because xuanming gave birth to the spirit sword, and also sat firmly in the leader position because xuanming gave birth to the spirit sword. All sides submit.

If he can get this mirror, and if this mirror is really a Marlboro mirror, then... It can be imagined that their Bai family's status will rise with this ancient tool.

For this mirror is his, and when he takes it back, it belongs to their white house. It's going to be a family treasure! The hope of rising.

"This mirror belongs to me!" The white childe hesitated again and again, finally hand, also toward that mirror to grasp and go.

He protected himself with fire, forming a light shield all over his body. The fire was burning, protecting him in the middle.

But just as he reached over and was about to reach ten meters away, the old mirror snapped out a flash of lightning without exception! He came to him.


The flame shield on the surface of young master Bai's body burst on the spot. His whole body soared up like a whirlwind. He reversed the space, took a deep breath, floated back a hundred meters and stopped. As soon as he drooped his head, he looked at his waist. There was another crack in his clothes, a crack in black paint.

That lightning almost hurt him again!

Undaunted, young master Bai went up to meet the difficulties again. He bit his finger and there was blood on it. He knows that the ownerless things need to see the light of blood and recognize the LORD with blood. As long as you recognize the Lord, the mirror will not attack him. He flickered away, and once again, as he approached ten meters, the mirror attacked again!


The dazzling white light flashed by, and the lightning struck the young master Bai, who struggled with the lightning and threw the blood on his hand to the mirror.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

He did it. The flash of lightning made a bloodstain on his chest. And the blood in his hand, thrown in the past, also dropped three drops on the mirror.

Chi Chi Chi Chi, however, after the mirror was stained with blood, it was smoking.

It's like the transpiration of water drops falling in the flame.

"With my true blood, enlighten it, respect me and obey my orders!" Master Bai made a seal on his hand, recited the mantra, and then stretched out his hand to pull the mirror with his spiritual power.

At this moment, the mirror glowed, and the flashing arc appeared thickly.

Click, click, click

There were more than ten flashes of lightning in a row, all of which aimed at Mr. Bai.

The white childe's face changed greatly. He retreated quickly. He was forced to hurry. He offered a magic weapon. It was a flame lotus. The lotus flashed out in front of him and counteracted nine flashes of lightning for him.

Ooh, ooh, ooh

The flame of lotus rose, whirled around, and flew to the foot of young master Bai.

Young master Bai stepped on the fire lotus like the God of fire. He frowned and wondered: "it's strange. As long as the ancient utensils are ownerless, they should be friendly and close to each other. It's like Ruyi mountain and river map. Anyone can control them, and they are not aggressive. But this mirror, why? Why attack people when they see them? I've shed blood, but it won't recognize me? "

The only way to recognize the master of all magic weapons is to recognize the master by dripping blood. As long as you leave your mark on it, it is your thing.

Just now, young master Bai had thrown out a few drops of blood and dropped it on the mirror, but the mirror immediately emitted white smoke and melted the blood. Seems to refuse to accept the blood of white childe, refused to submit to it.

"It's quite extraordinary. I'm more and more suspicious that it might be a Marlboro mirror. It's psychic. Since my blood doesn't accept it, you'll have a try. " Young master Bai was also quite decisive. After his failure, he immediately asked the Ding brothers and he Jinnian to have a try.

The Ding brothers have been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Even though they have been injured once, for the sake of this ancient vessel, what if they were injured a little more seriously? It's also worth it.

"Good!" The two brothers, Ding Yaozong in the front and Ding Yaozu in the back, learn from the action of young master Bai just now. They are all fighting to be attacked by a lightning in the mirror, throwing the blood from their fingertips in the past.