After Qilin, Baihu, qiongqi and Kuangshi roared, xuangui and Fenghuang finally settled down and stopped arguing. As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless. Yin and yang are natural enemies, but they are inseparable.

In the past, Phoenix amber was stronger than xuangui amber, but now xuangui amber has got crystal stone, and it is perfect crystal stone. Crystal stone and amber merge into one, and it has achieved perfect state.

If Yang is abundant, Yin will decline; If Yin is abundant, Yang will wither.

All along, the stronger the Phoenix amber is, the stronger the suppression of xuangui amber is. Naturally, it's not the Phoenix amber that intentionally does it, but the one sensitive to the Yang pulse in the whole space is the Yin pulse of xuangui amber.

Therefore, the strength of Phoenix amber, even if it is not active, also has a certain impact on xuangui amber. As soon as xuangui amber returns to its perfect shape, it can't help but compete with Fenghuang amber.

The Phoenix amber felt that the Yin pulse was greatly enhanced, and it also had a sense of crisis, so the Phoenix spread its wings, and the virtual shadow became apparent. This was the scene of rosefinch fighting Xuanwu in the Dantian.

"The battle between yin and Yang is really wonderful." After the dispute between yin and Yang stopped, Leyi's body returned to normal. Under the active suppression of Qilin amber, qiongqi amber, white tiger amber and crazy lion amber, xuangui amber occupies the leftmost end of the Dantian, while Fenghuang amber occupies the rightmost end of the Dantian. The two are as far apart as possible, and are not affected by each other.

Yue Yi looked back at the woman's corpse, only to see that after he collected the xuangui crystal, the ice here began to melt automatically. However, before Yue Yi could see her face clearly, she saw that her body had dried up and quickly became corrupt.

At the same time, not only she, but also the other seven corpses were rapidly corrupting.

These corpses have been frozen here for a long time, maybe even longer than those corpses that Leyi had seen before. If they have been ice hidden in the ice crystal, it can be preserved forever. However, as soon as the ice crystal melts and their bodies come into contact with the air, the bodies will decay quickly.

With a kind of irreparable gaffe spread throughout the body, skin black spots, decay, shriveled, and then a little bit, become a mummy.

Boom... Boom

After the evolution of corruption, the corpses fell to the ground and scattered into a pile. The weapons on their hands all clatter to the ground. Among them, swords, guns and other things are extraordinary. From the perspective of Yue Yi, they are at least eight or nine items of Taoist weapons. Close to the famous!

Weapons like this are also rare in the outside world.

Leyi didn't waste it. He put away all these weapons.

But just as he was about to go deeper, suddenly, a rotten corpse on the ground suddenly stretched out a hand and held his heel.

That hand is holding his right foot. Leyi thought it was a trip. When he looked back, he found that it was the corpse who reached out and caught him.

With this fright, he would smash the corpse. But all of a sudden, I heard the corpse seem to speak: "finally, when the descendants of the protoss come, go quickly... Will..."

The sound is not audible. It's also because it's too quiet in here. Leyi heard it vaguely. After hearing "go quickly", the voice was completely out of hearing. Leyi squatted down and asked, "what did you say?"

Some day in the future, the hand that held his heel slowly dropped and felt so strong that the body was kept in the ice for so many years, and it kept the last breath. It condensed the essence and spirit of the body in the corpse, and was waiting for his own people to explain something important to him one day.

However, he has been frozen here for too long, so long that he can't completely say what he wants to say. That's half the story. His breath, which has been preserved for tens of thousands of years, has been exhausted.

This mummy, whose hair was as hot as fire before, was flying all over the sky. Now, with the decay, the fiery red hair also dried up and turned into a pile of purplish red grass.

Protoss, this man is a Protoss member!

He just grabbed Leyi and said, "finally, the descendants of the protoss have arrived." that's when he mistook Leyi for the descendants of the protoss!

There are two streams of blood in Leyi's body, one is his own human blood, the other is the protoss blood, which is catalysed by the two ribs. The protoss blood is suppressed by him in the right half of his body, while the human blood occupies the left half of his body. Just now the corpse of the protoss caught his right foot. Therefore, through the fluctuation of the protoss blood of his right foot, he was regarded as a descendant of the Protoss.

This mummy kept this tone just to say something to the descendants of the Protoss. Unfortunately, before he finished, he was completely out of breath.

"He told me to go at once? What's in front of this? "

Yue Yi looks puzzled, but he doesn't think much about it. Since this corpse told him so, there must be something they value and care about in front of him.

Immediately, Leyi jumped up and rushed into this passage.

But not far ahead, he saw a huge corpse hovering around a pool.

This corpse bone, very long, the bone is golden, the whole body is emitting dazzling golden light. Its length, I'm afraid, is 100 meters, so it forms a circle around the pool.

This corpse has four legs and horns!

As soon as Leyi saw the corpse, he was shocked and blurted out: "dragon! This is the keel

All of a sudden, the empty tooth knife also shook up, automatically flew out, choked, and inserted on the ground.

The evil spirit in the knife said: "yes, this is the keel, a complete keel. I can't think of it. I can't think that there have been dragons in this thousand world. "

"Dragon, there is a dragon in the world!" Leyi is astonished. For a long time, the dragon is just a legendary thing. In China, it is a symbol of peace, dignity and domineering, and also a symbol of the ancient royal family. But after the later research, it is just a kind of fantasy, but I didn't expect that there is such a thing in some space in the universe.

Today, he saw the dragon's bones, so clearly placed in front of his eyes, more than 30 meters long keel, gold bone body, shocking.

Even if the dragon is dead, it still has dragon power!

Let people close to the 10 meters, you can feel a strong pressure head on. This is Longwei, tiger has Huwei, dragon has Longwei. The power of dragon is the double oppression of spirit and body.

This kind of power is innate and can make all animals submit.

Yue Yi still remembers that when he was a child, he once went hunting with his uncle in the mountains. His uncle brought a dog with him. As a result, he met some kind of creature in the mountains. He was so scared that the hound did not dare to chase him. This is also a kind of power. The hounds are afraid to chase them because of this power. They can only retreat with their tails between their legs.

Leyi still has a deep memory of this. At that time, he asked his uncle why hounds were like this. The old uncle told him that the hound smelled or felt a fierce opponent. He knew that he was not an opponent, so he could only slip away with his tail between his legs.

At this moment, standing in front of the golden keel, if an ordinary person, I'm afraid to be frightened by the dragon's power, so that he can't get up.

"Put it away, put the keel away quickly!" The evil spirit in the empty tooth knife suddenly cried.

"Put it away? What's the special function of this keel? " Yue Yi asked. In fact, even if he didn't ask, he knew that the bones of a dragon were absolutely precious. The spine alone could definitely be made into a terrible weapon. At the beginning, the empty tooth knife was cut three inches by the dragon scale knife made of its own spine and scales?

But the reason why he asked was that he wanted to know if the empty tooth knife had any special function.

Kong Ya Dao said: "this dragon is not an ordinary dragon. It's the bone of a real dragon. I don't know why a real dragon has arrived in this world, but this corpse must be put away. No one can rob it."

"Real dragon? This dragon, there are real dragon and fake dragon? "

"You are really ignorant. What is a real dragon? It is the royal family in the dragon. Just like you human beings, it can be divided into three, six and nine classes? Among the Dragon families, there are Qiulong, kuilong, Jiaolong, Jiaolong, Yinglong, Yanlong, Binglong, all kinds of dragons. But these dragons are all miscellaneous dragons, and the one that really surpasses the top of the pyramid is the Golden Dragon - the real dragon! They are the respect of the dragon people, the most powerful lineage of the dragon people. " The evil spirit in the empty tooth knife said that it is also a dragon, so it knows these things like the back of its hand.

"I see. What's the use of this keel?" Yue Yi asked.

"Want to know the magic of it? I tell you that with this real dragon bone, there will be a second use of the empty tooth knife in the future. " The evil spirit tone in the empty tooth knife suddenly some excitedly says.

"The second usage? How to use it? " Leyi asked eagerly.