Blood is already lost, the specific effect, it will take a few days to see.

Then Leyi comes to see the second woman, the red haired Protoss woman. This woman, Leyi always has some worry and wariness in her heart. Because he was afraid that she would wake up and take revenge. After all, she was a Protoss. As for using the eye of enchantment to confuse her, it's not known whether it has any effect. So far, Leyi has not tried it on women above the void. The other side's previous cultivation realm is definitely more than the void realm, or at least the realm of the emperor, or even above.

So, it's hard to say how effective [eye of enchantment] can be. For her, Leyi has been perfunctorily conveying some spiritual power and flesh essence to her. If it's not to coax the girl in Marlboro's mirror, Leyi won't help her.

[eye of enchantment] Yue Yi has always believed that it should come from the ability of Tianhu amber, but Diao Chan doesn't have Tianhu amber, which is almost her innate ability. This ability is very similar to the ability of the "eye of soul" of the Tianhu crystal obtained by Leyi. Even Le Yi doubts that these two kinds of pupil surgery should be related to each other.

As the name suggests, the eye of the soul catches the soul and makes people lose their sense; And the eye of attraction is a kind of special attraction eye for the opposite sex.

[eye of soul taking] comes from Tianhu crystal, and [eye of enchantment] comes from Diao Chan himself. Many times, Leyi doubts that the so-called predestined people in the earth world have some other secrets?

Amber predestined relationship exists in almost every era, which should not only be because of the people chosen by heaven, but also some other secrets.

Unfortunately, this secret is just Yue Yi's guess. Ancient people like Guo Jia and Sima Yi don't know what other secrets amber has.

To this Protoss woman, Leyi also conveys some spiritual power. This is the condition agreed with the little girl in the mirror of Marlboro. She must warm up her former master's body at intervals. It's a step-by-step process for Leyi. It's just a matter of transferring some spiritual power at will.

In the aspect of conveying spiritual power, Le Yi also thought a little carefully. What he conveys is all water spiritual power. This woman has a lot of red, which should be the symbol of fire, so he simply conveys some water spiritual power in the past. In this way, although it is also a delivery of spiritual power, but at least it will not let her wake up so quickly.

But what Leyi didn't expect was that after delivering some water spirit power this time, suddenly the woman of the protoss moved her finger twice.

The middle fingers of the right hand slightly bent.

This small detail, did not escape to see Leyi's line of sight, he noticed, also quickly interrupted to continue to deliver spiritual power. When I look at her finger again, it doesn't move.

Then, Yue Yi went to feel her pulse. After a probe, he found that the woman's heart had returned to normal beating at some time. It's still very slow, but at least it can.

Its frequency is about 50 times a minute!

This frequency would be almost the same for ordinary human beings, but in terms of protoss constitution, it is absolutely 200 or so per minute.

But even so, it can also show that the woman's body is recovering very quickly. I'm afraid it will surpass Leyi's expectation and will wake up.

"Don't wake up at this time." Yue Yi murmurs slightly.

Fortunately, just now this woman's finger moved twice, it should be the nerve reflex. On the whole, she is still very weak and needs more flesh and blood essence to revive. Her heart beat slowly, which means that her hematopoietic capacity has not recovered, and there is little Protoss blood in her body.

Blood production, if you want to speed, then the bone marrow will extract most of the energy of the human body. She was too weak to draw.

It is reasonable to say that the divine blood of Leyi's right body comes from this Protoss woman. If he is willing to give a lot of blood to this woman at this time, he is afraid that this woman will wake up today.

But it's not the right time. At present, Leyi is in all kinds of trouble. She doesn't want to have such a trouble.

After watching the woman, he took back that wisp of thought. Then he took out the empty tooth knife. It looks rusty, but the Dragon tooth won't rust. The strange color on it is just the trace left after the battle.

"Thanks to you after this battle, this time your flesh and blood essence is greatly reduced. I will make it up to you in the future." Yue Yi said.

The evil spirit in the empty tooth knife also said: "it's a pity that so many people were killed in the alliance of butchers. If we absorbed all the flesh and blood essence of those dead people, we can not only improve ourselves, but also go to a higher level. It's a pity that we didn't have the time and opportunity at that time."

They killed countless ascenders in the butcher alliance. Even the ancestors of some clans were swept among them. The corpses of these people, together, are really powerful.

Unfortunately, at that time, the leader of the God slaughtering alliance had already made a hand to them, and the empty tooth sword had to entangle him to control the golden keel, so there was no time and no chance.

"Don't worry. It's not a pity. It's good to be able to escape this time. After we go out, if the next congenital divination confirms that I really have relatives in the alliance of butchers, then we will kill them again. " Yue Yi said aggressively.

"Go back? Are you dying? " Evil spirit opens a way, this time consumption is too big, it can't bear to come again. If it consumes so much again, I'm afraid it will fall into deep sleep. I don't know it will take hundreds and thousands of years to wake up.

"Are you afraid?"

"Well, I'm afraid of that?" The evil spirit arrogantly said: "I am also an ancient dragon. How can I be afraid of you being just human?"

"If you're not afraid, let me kill you."

"Well, although I promised to help you for two years, I didn't promise to accompany you to take such risks." The evil spirit knows how to balance things. Leyi helps him find the other half of Longjiao. He promises to help Leyi for two years, but the help comes back to help. For example, he doesn't want to help at such a high cost.

"If you're afraid, just say it. I don't mean to kill you directly. I mean if you don't dare after you've made up for the essence of flesh and blood, then forget it. Just don't take you. Although you dragon clan are strong, you are not the leader of the God slaughtering alliance. " Leyi expressed his understanding.

But the evil spirit was angry and said, "what is your name? I dare not? Do you fear the leader of the God slaughtering alliance? Although he is strong, I can swallow him if I meet him next time. Do you believe it

"Well..." Leyi looked suspicious.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, the evil spirit asserted: "hum, if you don't believe it, I'll swallow him next time and show you what an ancient dragon is! Hum

With a smile, a successful smile permeated his face and said, "OK, that's what you're waiting for."

The evil spirit is full of anger, but it is not angry with Leyi, but a kind of disobedience, a kind of want to show their terrible excitement and emotion. It's a powerful dragon clan. Isn't it afraid of the leader of the butcher alliance?

After feeling the anger of the evil spirit, Leyi puts away the empty tooth knife with satisfaction.

He did it on purpose. He did it on purpose. Because he also gradually found out that although it was difficult for this evil spirit to make terms with it, what it couldn't stand most was that the dragon's dignity was looked down upon, and what it couldn't stand most was that others looked down upon it.

Even if it's smart, it's easy to be stimulated when it comes to this.

No, just a few words, Yue Yi raised his anger against the leader of the butcher alliance. If the empty tooth sword is at its peak now, it will definitely clamor to find the leader of the butcher alliance!

Leyi smiles. The weakness of evil spirit is very interesting. In the future, we can catch it and make it work harder!

"Who are you?"

Just when Le Yi is happy to grasp the weakness of the evil spirit in the empty tooth knife, suddenly a person comes to the conch room.

Leyi didn't care about the arrival of this person. He thought it was Miss Ling who came back. After all, this is her daughter's boudoir. She usually lives alone, so no one else comes!

However, when the voice suddenly appeared, Leyi was shocked. It was not Ling who came back!

In this room, there was a man, a mermaid man who looked about fifty years old.

"Terran? Why are you here? " The mermaid man snapped a drink, and then burst out a strong dignity. Then, on top of his head, three magic lamps appeared. Among the three lights, there were all famous and colorful sparks.

Ascend the emperor's territory later strong!

It is well known that mermaids are unfriendly to all foreigners. This time, Ling can save Le Yi. This is an exception. If someone else, she will not.

Take the mermaid man in front of him for example. As soon as he found out that Leyi had legs, he was clearly a member of his own race. At that time, there was more hatred and anger in his eyes. Moreover, his majesty broke out on the spot, and his murderous spirit was hidden by his side.