Sensing that the breath was not right, Leyi immediately went back to the room and sat down.

Sitting cross legged, he entered the upper elixir field with a wisp of spirit, but saw a red light shining in the poor amber space.

At the same time, the Marlboro mirror beside him suddenly jumped out, and the little girl in the Marlboro mirror floated out and floated in the air, and said with a surprise: "the breath of the master, this is the breath of the master, is the master going to wake up?"

Yue Yi stares at her, "I'm your master now."

"No, you're only temporary. There's only one master from beginning to end."

"You white eyed wolf." Yue Yi spat and scolded, but he felt that his mind went into the amber space to observe. He really saw that the red light on the woman of the protoss rose, like a sun, releasing heat and light to the full, illuminating the whole space of the universe and dispelling all the darkness.

Yue Yi deeply feels that this is a powerful blood force, which is very similar to him, but the surging strength is far above him.

When this blood fluctuates, the blood in his body also boils, as if it had been resonated.

Because the blood in his body originally comes from this woman, and in his body, there are two ribs, which belong to this woman.

"Is it really time to wake up?"

Leyi was surprised. He knew the result long ago. He knew that this woman would wake up sooner or later, but he didn't expect that this woman would wake up so quickly.

Since these days, he has rarely provided the power of blood to this woman, and he is also afraid of giving too much. The faster the woman recovers, so there has been strict control. But Rao is so, this woman to today, unexpectedly also want to revive.

It seems that he underestimated the physical resilience of the true Protoss.

Immediately, he opened an exit on the same day, and then a light came out of his eyebrows and fell on the bed of Yu Suwan's room. Then, a red light flashed, and the protoss woman just flew out and fell on the bed.

"Master... Master... Master..." the little girl in Marlboro's mirror immediately yelled, just like the excited little magpie, chirping, "master, I'm a ting, I'm a ting..."

"Be quiet, little one. Don't make any noise. She's too weak to make any noise." Leyi waved his hand to ask ating not to make any more noise.

Then, Leyi touched her pulse and felt that she was burning all over. The protoss' blood really recovered. And the speed of this recovery surprised him, and the surge of protoss blood in his body also surprised him.

It feels like the protoss blood in this woman's body is a beast from ancient times. Leyi put his finger on her pulse gate, separated by a layer of skin, as if he felt that the blood would devour him at any time.

"It's a powerful blood force. I'm afraid it's more than nine levels." Yue Yi thought in his heart.

"It's just that it's not a good time to wake up, but it's a good time to wake up. What should we do?" Leyi is a little tangled.

It's not very convenient for him to wake up at this time. He wanted to put the woman back into the amber space again and imprison her.

However, the protoss blood in this woman's body has been revived. I'm afraid that even if she is imprisoned, it won't have much effect. If she struggles out and has a dislike for him, it will be even worse.

It's better to give her a hand and help her wake up completely.

After thinking about it, Leyi cuts off her wrist, and her skin cracks. She sees golden blood flowing in her blood vessels, but it doesn't flow out.

When the little girl of Marlboro Luo Jing saw her, she cried out: "what are you doing? Don't hurt the master..."

"Shut up

Yue Yi scolded, then cut his wrist and forced his Protoss blood out to enter the woman's body. His blood is of the same origin as the woman's blood and can be fused and shared.

At present, the woman is still very weak, if you give her enough blood, she can speed up the recovery.

Seeing that Leyi was trying to help her master, ating opened his mouth and looked embarrassed.

Leyi injects about a kilo of protoss blood at one time. After losing so much Protoss blood in his body, the blood of the demons immediately goes crazy, overwhelmingly suppresses the protoss blood and dominates his body.

However, at this time, Leyi doesn't need to fight, so it doesn't have to manage so much.

After the blood transfusion, Leyi uses Lingli to massage the woman, touch her whole body, and let the blood walk smoothly.

Many joints of her body have been stiff. After all, it's too many years. It's not easy to keep a trace of vitality.

Under the massage of Leyi, the key points of stiffness were stimulated by the life attributes of the five elements of wood. Gradually, the joints softened.

Finally, the key is the woman's internal organs, the body recovery is simple, internal organs want to recover, it is not small. Starting from her lower abdomen, her lower abdomen is quite flat and elastic.

Leyi pasted her palms on it, then went up a little bit, and then pasted the full towering, stimulating her heart with spiritual power.

After several beats, the woman suddenly opened her eyes.

When Yue Yi saw her open her eyes, she added a lot of energy to stimulate her heart again, making her heart beat as steady as a normal person.

And this woman opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was him.

I don't know why, the first time the woman saw him, her eyes were full of complicated looks.

When she felt that her heart rate was close to normal and her strength was close to normal, Leyi let go. Smile at this woman, to be exact, it should be a girl.

This girl's name is DIYing. She is the noble daughter of dimai.

She once had a fiance, that is, the male corpse that Leyi saw sitting beside her in the underground cave.

Unfortunately, they didn't have a lover. Her fiance died. Before she died, she used all her blood to protect DIYing and protect her. That's why her body hasn't rotted for so many years and she still has a trace of life.

She is still a virgin! So, it should be called a girl.

All these are what Leyi saw in her blood mark. This is an inexplicable picture of the evolution of Leyi's blood.

It was also after he knew this that he became more and more worried, because ating said that the woman's spirit had been severely damaged, and he might not remember anything after waking up. But Leyi can see all this when her blood is promoted. What about her? She may also be able to see it in the future.

So that's what he's worried about.

"Do you feel all right?" Yue Yi asked with a smile. In fact, he was very worried. The strength of this woman's blood fluctuated greatly. He felt that if this woman was crazy, he could not suppress it.

But fortunately, the woman's eyes were pure and peaceful, and did not show any aggressiveness, so his uneasy heart gradually relaxed. Try to communicate with this woman.

"Who are you?" The girl opened her mouth, her voice was a little hoarse, maybe it was too long ago that she didn't speak, but on the whole, her voice was very sweet.

"Master... I'm a ting... Do you remember a ting?" Marlboro mirror flew over, and the little girl floating on the mirror cried excitedly. Wake up, her real master finally wake up, she is very happy.

"Ah Ting?" The girl looked at a ting, looked at her several times, but finally shook her head: "I don't seem to recognize you."

"Ah? Master, don't you even know a ting? I'm a ting... "A ting wants to cry. The master wakes up and doesn't recognize her. Sure enough, was the spirit seriously injured?

"I... who am I?" The girl stretched out her slender jade finger and pressed it on her temple. She seemed to feel a headache. She couldn't remember anything. As long as she tried to think about it, her head was as painful as a burst.

"Don't you... Remember me at all?" Yue Yi suddenly said that he sat down beside her and lovingly took her hand and put it in his palm.

He did it on purpose. He has nothing to do with this woman. But the natural relationship between the two sides is hostile. There's no way. He can only pretend to be the woman's intimate person. Otherwise, if she realizes the racial difference, she may immediately kill her.

Leyi, however, has long decided to use the "nurturance plan" to teach this woman.

He didn't want the woman he managed to save to kill himself like Diyan and huangdang.

So, without saying a word at the moment, I'll charm her again with the eye of enchantment.

With a flash of pink light in his eyes, Leyi asked again, "can you think of me?"