Bang Bang

As before, the sword cut a straight cutting line, killing everywhere. Wherever there is something blocking the way, the gods block the gods and the Buddhas block the Buddhas.

All the black monsters along the way, quadruped monsters, three headed and six armed monsters, were killed one after another and their bodies were flying. Under this knife, more than 100000 people died?

Seeing this achievement, Yue Yi was very happy: "it's really useful, it's really useful. Amber light is really the killer of these black evil spirits. No matter what moves, as long as you carry amber light, you can easily cause irreparable damage to these black evil creatures."

Amber light is the combined light of all amber. If it is a single amber, it is not enough to fight against the continuous black evil. Taotie amber is an example.

Amber is the bane of these black evils, but conversely, these black evils are also the bane of amber.

Just like water and fire, you can't tell whether fire conquers water or water conquers fire. The key depends on who is more powerful. If the water is strong, the fire will go out, and if the fire is strong, the water will disappear.

In the same way, at present, the combined light of more than ten amber in Leyi's body is obviously stronger than these black evil creatures, so it's like better water, where water goes, fire goes out.

"Another horizontal cut!"

Yue Yi grabs the empty tooth knife and suddenly waves another one. The one just now is longitudinal, and now this one is transverse, sweeping 180 degrees.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The terrible gas of the sword swept away, and countless black evil creatures broke and exploded in an instant.

"I see. I knew that. Why should I be so down?"

This horizontal knife once again killed no less than 100000 dark creatures. In a moment, he swept a knife behind him. It's just three knives. At least 400000 black creatures are buried under his sword.

"Since the weapon can borrow amber light, but I don't know if you can borrow amber light?"

Thinking of this, Yue Yi puts away the empty tooth knife, and suddenly catches a black creature who escaped the knife attack just now and hits him through the air.

The punch went out, and the light of God burst out, and then the punch burst into the body of the black creature, and the black creature immediately disintegrated.

"Good! Barossa, I'm sure I can help you find the heart of the tempering spirit. "

Barossa has been watching what Leyi has done all the time. She is surprised that Leyi can suddenly cause great lethality to these black creatures. She also roughly guesses that the reason why Leyi can suddenly have this power is because of the power of the ten odd things before.

"Leyi, are those things on you the legendary dragon soul amber?" Barossa asked suddenly.

Their elves also know the existence of dragon soul amber, but they haven't seen it all the time, so she didn't dare to confirm it at the beginning.

"That's right. It's really dragon soul amber." Yue Yi nodded.

"You... You have so many on your own?"

"Well, what's the matter? What's wrong? " Yue Yi asked.

Barossa shook her head, then nodded again, with a complicated look on her face. She opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

Instead, Yue Yi smiles, "what's the matter, shaking his head and nodding his head? What's the matter? Do you know something? "

"I, I don't remember very well, but I still remember that I have some ancient books, which are very old. It is recorded in the legend of the curse of heaven. It is said that the person who can get a lot of amber should be the one who is the curse of heaven. " Barossa looked at Leyi and said.

"The damned?"

"Well, the dragon soul amber is the most wonderful thing in the world. No matter who it is, it's impossible for him to have several of them, because he doesn't have the fate, let alone the life. If you want to gather multiple amber in one body, in addition to atmospheric transportation, it is more important to have an identity, which is the scourge. The damned have great fortune since they were born. However, the greater the fortune, the more calamity they will suffer in the future. It's said that the fate of the damned and amber is the strongest. They can gather all the amber in the world, but as the amber around him gathers more and more, they will get some coveted eyes The more she said, the more worried she was.

"Coveted eyes? I've met a lot of coveted eyes since I got these amber. " Yue Yi said with a smile.

"No, I'm not talking about people or living species, but... This black evil creature." Barossa pointed to the bodies of the black evil creatures who had been chopped to death and said, "amber is the most wonderful thing in the world. Its existence is the greatest threat to some creatures. So when the amber possessed by the damned reaches a certain level, it will attract the attention of these evil creatures. At that time, no matter where the damned exist, they will be chased and killed by the black creatures, At that time, in addition to the black creatures, even the way of heaven will be punished, and those who have relations with the scourge will be wiped out. The closer the relationship is, the more obliterated it will be, without exception. " Said Barossa.

"Nemesis, do you think I am nemesis?" Asked Yue Yi.

Barossa said: "there have been a lot of nemesis in history, but the last one was many, many years ago, at least tens of millions of years ago. The former generation of Nemesis was said to have mastered two thousand avenues, that is, two thousand amber. They fought against the dark evil creatures and died miserably. The way of heaven broke his bones with ten thousand lightning strokes, and his spirit did not exist, Anyone who has something to do with this damned one has disappeared in the punishment of the way of heaven. "

"Oh, the way of heaven? So the so-called way of heaven is with the dark creatures? " Yue Yi touched his chin.

"Why do you say that?" Asked Barossa naively.

Yue Yi said: "you think, if the scourge is the enemy of the dark creatures, it should be the just side, right? But since it is just, why does the way of heaven punish him? This in turn shows that the way of heaven is also evil, and it's with the dark creatures? "

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, don't talk about the way of heaven." Cried Barossa hastily.

At this time, the sky, unexpectedly appeared thunder, there is a kind of manic thunderstorm looming.

Barossa quickly pointed to the sky, then came to Leyi, grabbed his arm, and said: "the elder said, don't talk about the way of heaven, especially the higher the cultivation, the more can't say. If it's ordinary people, the way of heaven can ignore them, but once the realm exceeds your so-called distraction, the way of heaven will pay attention to you, and your words and deeds will be judged all the time. "

Yue Yi frowned and looked at the sky. Vaguely, he also felt a terrible murderous atmosphere that could destroy the world.

This murderous spirit does not come from someone, but from heaven.

The way of heaven?

Those who are distracted will be noticed by the way of heaven?

This kind of person, will not talk about the way of heaven? Will critics be wiped out?

What a bully!

Yue Yi said: "thief God, thief heaven, if heaven is really just, then these black evil creatures should not be allowed to exist. Now that they are allowed to exist and help the black creatures kill the scourge, it is obvious that the thief of heaven is with the black creatures. Even if they're not in the same group, it's the way of heaven. It's stupid bullshit! "

This makes Yue Yi suddenly think of a historical figure - Yue Fei. If the foreign invaders put forward conditions, you kill Yue Fei, I will agree to seek peace; If you don't kill Yue Fei, fight to the end.

The imperial court was afraid. Even though it knew that Yue Fei was loyal, killing one Yue Fei could protect the interests of too many people, so it had to be killed.

Maybe it's the same with the way of heaven.

Even if we know that the scourge belongs to the just side, but the dark forces are relatively large, so the way of heaven has to compromise with the dark forces?

"All the damned people in history are dead, and none of them will come to a good end?" Yue Yi suddenly asked.

"Well, they all died miserably. It's a pity for the last generation of the scourge. The elder once said that if the last generation of the scourge could gather 3000 amber, they might not be defeated. But unfortunately, he only collected 2000 amber. " Said Barossa.

"Two thousand?" They have 2000 amber, but Coke Yi only has more than ten. "Do you know which 2000 amber the last generation of the scourge had?"

"I don't know about that. Maybe after you go back, ask the elder, and he will know." Barossa said with an apologetic face.