
The dark boy quickly pulled his left leg back, and his body shifted by 9 cm. A white rhinoceros almost ran close to his body.

It's too fast. The white rhinoceros is one of the fastest beasts in the jungle.

The dark boy avoided the first white rhinoceros, but could not avoid the second one. The second white rhinoceros came from his left side. The swarthy boy responded quickly. He had no time to withdraw, so he just raised his spear in front of him.

As a result, there was a dull sound. The white rhinoceros came to kill him. When he was about to hit the body of the dark boy, he was blocked by the spear.

However, how could the strength of the dark boy be better than that of the white rhinoceros. Hit by the white rhinoceros, he flew back like a shell, and his mouth was shocked to spit out a mouthful of blood.

It's so powerful!

When the white rhinoceros is red in the eye, it will hit people, and the power can reach 5000 Jin. What is the concept of five thousand jin? That's 2. Five tons. This weight is of course nothing to those who are highly cultivated.

Don't forget, this swarthy boy is only ten years old, just like Xiao Leyi.

At such a young age, how can you stand the sudden charge of 5000 Jin? It's like an off-road car coming straight over. How can the power be underestimated?

"The hand is numb... It's a great strength. The internal organs are also injured. The white rhinoceros is really hard to deal with." The dark boy covered his chest and coughed twice, coughing up the congestion in his lungs.

At this time, the two white rhinoceros rushed over again. The same old trick is still a cross collision.

"Ow ~ ~" suddenly, in the south side of the mountain forest, came a few wild animals roaring sound, like a howling sound.

Hearing the sound, the swarthy boy knew that it was the noble boy who also started. From the sound, it was the roar of a tiger. It should be a flaming tiger again.

The noble boy is a wood character, fighting in the jungle, very dominant, and the noble boy can achieve the level of gathering spiritual things. With his bow and arrow, as long as there is no accident, the speed of killing wild animals is quite fast.

"No, I have to speed up, but if I want to speed up, I can only use that move!"

Seeing two white rhinoceroses rush over, the swarthy boy bites his teeth and suddenly makes up his mind. Then his whole body's spiritual power gathers. The power poured fiercely into his right arm, and then the golden power poured down the arm into the spear.

For a moment, the spear was quite bright. It seemed that it was no longer a wooden spear, but a shining gold spear made of real gold.

Facing the two white rhinoceros, the swarthy boy did not retreat, but entered, did not dodge, and went up directly. The spear in hand, suddenly white light together, emitting a fierce murderous spirit.

[piercing sting]!

The golden spear at this moment just like a suddenly opened eyes, blooming gorgeous light. It is also like the bamboo shoots that suddenly burst out from the ground, emitting a bright light, to rush to heaven and earth.

It wants to break free from the earth that binds it, from all the space.

There is no match in the world. In the white light, there was a trace of red awn, which was the blood evil spirit.

It's something special with this move!

This move is quite strong. It's the strongest move that this swarthy boy can master at present.

It's just that this move is too strong for him to use frequently. There are two reasons. First, he is too low at present. If he uses this move, he is afraid that he will drain his own spiritual power quickly; Second, he is still too young. There is a saying about the way of martial arts, which is "hurt yourself first and then hurt others". However, a strong martial arts itself needs strong defense ability.

Bang bang~~

Only two blasts were heard. Suddenly, the whole dark boy followed the spear and turned into a white light. The white light rushed forward and showed the shape of an awl.

In a flash, he cut across the heads of the two white rhinoceros and shot them!

It's a powerful shot. The power of cutting is clean and decisive.

"Click ~"

One shot killed two rhinoceroses, which were simple and sharp. There was not a drop of blood on the body of the swarthy boy. The two rhinoceroses suddenly came to a standstill, then fell to the ground and split into two parts.

The dark boy's move is beautiful and powerful, but the "click" sound later also means that the right arm of the dark boy is dislocated!

This move requires a strong control.

He is only ten years old now. His body is too weak and his realm is too low. We can't play the essence of this move.

But even so, the shot just now also killed two white rhinoceros.

"Sure enough, I'm still too reluctant, but it doesn't matter. How can I lose to a dandy? Even if it's a rebirth, I won't say defeat to anyone. "

Biting his teeth and suffering from pain, the dark boy suddenly grabbed his right hand with his left hand and pulled it forcefully. He only heard the crisp click of his shoulder blade again. It was the sound of the bone returning to its original position.

At ordinary times, he would not go so hard to kill the beast.

But today, for the sake of this bet, he can only take a chance.

Reborn in this world, Zhao Zilong has been compared with his neighborhood children since he was a child, but it is obvious that no one can match him.

When he was five years old, he could lift 200 Jin of things. When he was seven years old, he could go hunting alone.

The neighbors all said that if he was born in a rich family and could be cultivated in a good environment, he would be a strong general who could defend the territory in the future.

However, in spite of this, we are just saying that it is impossible for poor people to have help from noble people.

Even if he has great talent, there will be no noble person to cultivate him.

Because there are a lot of noble people in their own family, and there are many children waiting to be cultivated. Why don't they cultivate their own descendants, but the children of a poor family?

But Zhao Zilong is also a man of high spirit, no matter in his last life or in this life.

He still remembered that there should be crystal nucleus in the body of some powerful beasts. Even if there is no crystal nucleus, then the flesh and blood of the beast also contains a certain amount of energy. As long as he tries to absorb the energy, he can turn it into his own use.

So, over the years, he began to practice secretly with some things in his memory.

He didn't tell anyone about his cultivation. Since his last life, he would remember something when he was bored.

Fortunately, he remembered those things, leading to this life do not have to be a mediocre person. It's not going to slow the Lord down.

He has been in the world for ten years. So far, he does not know which city Leyi was born in. But he is not worried. He knows that with Leyi's talent, it must rise very fast.

And he also wants to rise rapidly, so that he can assist Leyi at that time.

If he can't rise, what can he talk about then?

Therefore, Zhao Zilong is becoming more and more competitive. No matter who wants to compare with him or what he compares with, as long as he agrees, he will go all out until he wins.

This is a state of mind and a belief.

He wants to get back the state of long victory and become the famous "ever victorious general" again!

Take out a storage bag, which is very simple. It was Zhao Zilong who made money by hunting and then bought it.

The storage space is very small, just the size of a toilet. If it is used to hit the white rhinoceros, it is estimated that it can only hold ten heads.

But the time for him to compete with the noble boy was only one hour.

At most in an hour, it may be ten. Therefore, this storage tool is enough;

Three white rhinoceroses were thrown into it. The dark boy wiped mud on his face, tied the storage bag to his body and went on.

On xiaoleyi's side, he sprints in the jungle. It's true that his original attribute is wood, and he is very dominant in the jungle.

Why do you say that?

Because your life attribute is wood, as long as you enter the jungle, it is equal to the fish into the sea.

In this jungle, whenever there is wind and grass, you can feel it quickly.

When hunting, if the prey hides, you can also find its position by feeling.

With this advantage, what xiaoleyi needs to do is to avoid the sharp edge of the beast, and then keep shooting, in this attitude of flying kites, to drag the prey to death!

If you chase me, I'll go; If you run, I'll chase you.

Under the continuous shooting, three red colorful tigers were picked up by Xiao Leyi.