"That makes sense, but they really don't understand what their purpose is." Wu Tao was puzzled.

"No matter what his purpose is, as long as they don't invade our panhuang world, we can't make enemies with them. We just have to do our own thing Yue Yi said.

He was not arrogant enough to make enemies with the whole Hongyu world. There were so many masters in Hongyu world, too many, too many. It's impossible for you to finish it.

Therefore, he can only have the injustice to hold the injustice to have the revenge, the goal locks Yi Ji to be possible. Find Yi Ji, kill her, even if it's done.

As for the secrets of Hongyu's world, we need not be too reluctant to know what we can.

Ren Nanfeng frowns and looks at Le Yi. He doesn't want to kill Yi Ji. To be honest, he doesn't know Yi Ji and doesn't hate her. He wants to kill the whole Hongyu world.

But Leyi also saw what he thought, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hongyu, there are so many people and so many experts in the world, can you kill them all? Even I don't have that ability. "

To be exact, Leyi has this ability, but it borrows the power of nihilism, but once nihilism is used, his life will disappear.

Don't talk about Nirvana rebirth ability, there are other abilities of dragon soul stone.

It's hard to say whether these abilities can work in the face of things like nihilism.

After all, the void old man was so strong that he still died. Even he can't escape death, let alone Leyi?

Therefore, it can't be used indiscriminately.

Ren Nanfeng didn't want to admit it, but he had to. He can't finish it.

"Injustice has its head, and debt has its owner. Who invaded your Taiyi world in those years? Just find out the culprits and the originators. As for the others, what's the use of killing them? " Yue Yi persuades.

"That's more than two million years ago. How can we find out?" Asked Ren Nanfeng.

"What was the scale of your Taiyi world? What kind of world is it? " Asked Yue Yi.

There are too many worlds in the universe, but they are different in strength, but they are all called worlds.

The strength of the world lies in its own management.

Some of them are strong in the world and can be called superior.

Some are generally strong in the world and can be called medium.

Some of the world in general, can be called inferior.

For example, the world of chopping iron is a inferior world. It is estimated that the panhuang world used to be the inferior world. Now with the management of Leyi and the addition of many dragons, it should be called the medium world.

Like the central world, it's the world of real dragons. Real dragons are naturally strong, and there are five dragon families. They all occupy the right time and place, which can be called the superior world.

Hongyu world is very old here. In Archean times, Hongyu world already existed.

In the dream that Leyi once entered, he remembers the world of Hongyu, chiyao, Jiugong, Taichu, Hongjun, Sanqing and Zhuji.

These seven worlds were the oldest at that time.

When he first entered the Hongyu world, he learned that the Sanqing world was gone. As for other ancient worlds, existence certainly exists, but is there anyone else?

Leyi feels that most of them may have become ruins like Baifeng world.

"I am too one world. When I was a teenager, I was already a middle world. And it's the best in the middle world. You've heard of the old Taichu world, haven't you Ren Nanfeng said with pride.

"Of course, in my dream, I have. I've also seen the way of heaven in the early world. " Leyi nodded.

"In a word, the Taiyi world and the Taichu world have their origins, and they should be of the same origin. In the early days of Taiyi world, the way of heaven was rewarded to his son after he got the order of heaven. His son later founded Taishi world. Then the way of heaven in Taishi world got another order of heaven and gave it to his son. After his son separated, he created Taiyi world. "

"It turns out that the way of heaven in the original dream is your ancestor?"


"Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"Is that necessary? And I can't count the generations separated by so many generations. I only read them in the classics. Besides, after so many generations, what other relatives do you think there are? "

"That's true."

"However, when Taiyi world was just founded, it was helped by Taishi world, and later Taiyi world surpassed Taishi world. I also had contact with the people of Taichu world. In the classics, I saw even a big war. But the description is not very clear, you know, that war or I too one world won. Few other worlds can match my Taiyi world at that time. Later, I was trapped in nothingness. If Taiyi world continues to develop, it is likely to develop into a superior world. "

"So it's a very strong world. That's easier. Since the Taiyi world is very strong, it will be easy for us to find out this matter. Just find some people and ask, maybe you can find out the clue. Wouldn't it be better to find out the murderer? "

"If we can find out the murderer, then I can accept it." Ren Nanfeng calmed down after all.

Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. Just kill those who should be killed. Why kill those who shouldn't?

For example, the women who give birth in the cave are very poor.

He was brainwashed from childhood and lived in that terrible system when he grew up.

"Now what?" Wu Tao asked.

Leyi took out the crystal ball: "you come in first. I'll walk around and have a look. Let's ask first."

Wu Tao nodded, looked at Ren Nanfeng, then swished twice and flew into the crystal ball.

In a moment, Leyi changed into a person who had been killed before.

This kind of magic art, as long as the other side's realm is not as high as his, basically can't see the flaw.

With this new identity, he also swaggered up in the air.

First of all, I flew into the cave on the hillside of the peak to see what the cave was for.

After entering, but immediately smell a bloody smell.

Deep in the cave, there is a strange tree root soaked in bright red blood. Its root system is shaking, just like the leg of an octopus stretching.

The root system is also fire red.

If you look at it carefully, you can see that it is just like the red ribbon that bound his feet before?

"What the hell is this?"