"Yuanshi, is this Yuanshi? How to use it? " Yue Yi holds Yuan Shi in his hand and looks at it repeatedly.

"Just keep it in your mouth." Zhenzhen said at this time.

"In your mouth?"

"Well, I've seen other people use it. It's very strange. It doesn't break when it comes to gold, doesn't melt when it comes to water, doesn't melt when it comes to fire, doesn't dissolve when it comes to earth. Only put it into people's mouth, it will be naturally absorbed and digested. " Zhenzhen said seriously.

"Gold is not broken? Water doesn't melt? Not melt in case of fire? You can't get rid of it when you meet the earth? "

It's easy to understand the three points that gold can't be broken, water can't be melted, and fire can't be melted. That is, gold and stone can't be broken.

If it doesn't melt in case of water or fire, it doesn't melt.

It's just, what do you mean when you meet soil?

Yue Yi asked.

Zhenzhen said, "if you meet the earth, it means that if it is buried in the earth, it will float up automatically. The earth can't be buried."

"Oh? How amazing? " Yue Yi decided to experiment. He went to the roadside, turned over the soil, dug a pit, and then put the stone in to bury the soil.

But just buried, the Yuan Stone light a bright, sure enough, through the soil, floating up.

"It's amazing. It's amazing."

He dug another hole, dug deeper and buried it. In less than three seconds, the stone floated up again.

"Well, I saw someone try that. If you are seriously injured, this stone can make you recover immediately. " Said Zhen Zhen.

"And the effect?"

"Well, Yuanshi has many functions."

"Let's go."

They just wanted to go.

"Slow down, brother. Wait a minute." All of a sudden, a man comes over in a hurry and holds Leyi's arm.

Yue Yi looked at him and saw that he didn't mean anything, so he asked, "what's the matter?"

The man laughed, rubbed his hands and said, "I'm from the weapon shop next to this shop. I heard that you gave Yi Zhen a very special pill, didn't you?"

"Yi Zhen?"

"Yi Zhen is the owner of this store. He just talked to you, that's him."

"Oh, I see. I did give him pills."

"This pill can really Awaken Men's heroism?" The man asked excitedly.

"This... Should be OK." Leyi nodded and said, "what do you mean? Do you want to buy it too?"?

"Hehe, it's enviable to say that I'm as old as that Yi Zhen, but many years ago I was just like him, and I didn't have any interest in any woman. But last night, in Yi Zhen's backyard, there was a woman calling from evening to morning, which made her heart itch. Later, I learned that yesterday, Yi Zhen was so powerful that he packed up his wife and became pregnant. Brother, your medicine is really a miracle medicine. "

"..." Leyi understood a little.

It turned out that this guy had been listening all night, and his heart was itching. In other words, I have a great desire for this aspect.


That's because people in Hongyu's world, every family, especially women, had the task of having children. The first five children must be born. After the birth, the child is not yours. It's going to the war god cave.

Ares cave is a military academy.

Every woman has to send five children here.

But there are some special things about this situation, for example, if three of your children enter the elite cave. Then three will do, not five.

The elite cave is a more advanced organization in the Ares cave.

And the man in front of him is very similar to the skinny boss Yi Zhen.

They all sent five children into the Ares cave.

But since then, they've lost interest in women.

Five children don't seem to have much, but you have to think about their fertility, which is very low.

Five children, I don't know if it was tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of times of intimacy before I could have five children.

After such efforts, the children were sent to the war god cave.

After that, they are tired of this kind of things both physically and mentally, and naturally they are not interested in women.

But in fact, they also have the tradition of inheriting future generations.

Who doesn't want to have their own offspring?

They want to have more children of their own.

However, they can't be born any more, and they don't have that kind of ability.

But last night, Yi Zhen showed his strength and showed that he had lost his manly power for many years. He let his wife exult all night, and told the neighborhood early this morning that his wife was pregnant.

This may be true, the average woman pregnant, at least a week later can be detected.

But at this level, they only need to feel for a moment to find the successful fertilized egg.

This naturally made him overjoyed. Therefore, he was willing to take out his only stone today.

The purpose is that he wants to try his sister.

"I don't have much of that pill." Le Yi said in embarrassment.

"I know, I won't give it to you for nothing. Just like Yi Zhen, how about one yuan stone and two pills?" The man can't wait to take out Yuan Shi.


"Brother, you sold it to Yi Zhen. Why don't you sell it to me? I really need one. Let's sell one. " The man said enthusiastically.

Yue Yi just ready to promise, suddenly, the neighborhood also ran over.

"Brother, if you have something good, how can you enjoy it alone? If you want to sell it, we all need it."

"Yes, we know you don't have many, but how about just us?"

"We all buy it."

When Leyi looked around, there were seven or eight.

"I really don't have that much." He shook his head.

"Well, how about one yuan stone for another At the beginning, the man was most anxious. He was afraid that he would not be able to get so many people.

Yi Zhen's wife got pregnant today. If he gets the medicine, it must be OK.

For the sake of future generations, he spared no effort.

"Yes, I'll give it to you." Leyi nodded, made a pill, and then changed it with the man.

The man laughed, took the pills and ate them in front of the crowd.

In less than ten seconds, he turned red all over, and his breath became urgent: "ha ha ha... That's the feeling. How many years, how many years, I haven't had this feeling for many years, ha ha ha, ha ha ha... Wife, wait, I'm coming."

As he ran, he undressed and rushed into the backyard of his weapons store.

When people saw him like this, they became more and more convinced of the magic of the medicine and took out Yuan Shi one after another. Competing to buy.