"Yes." Leyi only interprets the mood of the master of the universe from his own perspective.

Of course, there is no need to speculate about the love between men and women.

Mother of the universe and Zuochu netherworld will certainly have nothing to do with each other. She is an elder and just treats Zuochu netherworld like a child.

Even so, for example.

It's like an ordinary couple getting married, and then the wife wants to adopt a child from the daughter of the third aunt's little sister.

But the husband didn't like the child, but the wife wanted to keep it.

Usually, because of his wife's face, it's hard to say anything about the child. The child also knows how to hide, and a lot of bad ideas are not shown on the surface.

This way, over time, will certainly affect the feelings between husband and wife.

In particular, the moon god and the star God were both disciples of the Lord of the universe.

It's like a son.

The son you adopted is not in a good mood, and he has put pressure on parents and children everywhere.

How can a father be happy?

I've been worried for a long time. I'm just tired of the house and the house.

The estrangement between husband and wife naturally appears.

Leyi expresses what he wants to express very tactfully.

After hearing this, the mother of the universe gave a bitter smile: "then why didn't you just say it? If you say it directly, I won't keep him. "

"..." Yue Yi would like to remind her that I am not the master of the universe.

However, the mother of the universe quickly responded, "I'm sorry, I mean, why didn't he tell me at the beginning?"

"It's hard to say. For example, the child is adopted. If he opens his mouth, he must be mean, right? As the master of the universe, this mind is not? But whether it's the Lord of the universe or mortals, there are always emotions. If people have no emotions, they are no different from plants. There is no emotion without emotion. If the master of the universe has been able to love you for so many years, he must have deep feelings, which in turn means that his emotions are normal. "

"I see. So it's all my fault?"

"It's not all your fault, but none of you is willing to admit it. That's what makes this a situation. "

Women's figure is wonderful, and it's also the best figure that Leyi has ever seen. Although the clothes are hidden, the charm is really not comparable to that of other women.

However, seeing such a woman, you just can't have that kind of blasphemous thing in your heart.

Her realm is also unfathomable. At least Leyi can't feel how strong she is.

"Can he come back if I admit my mistake?" As the mother of the universe looks at Leyi, the colorful tears swirl in her eyes again.

"I... Don't know..." Yue Yi shook his head.

"If it was you, if you were the Lord of the universe, would you forgive me?" The mother of the universe.

"I..." it's hard for Leyi to say.

If it's hypocritical, I'll say it directly. Of course I forgive you.

But it's impossible.

Because at the beginning, the mother of the universe killed the little three, and the means were too cruel.

There are so many women around Leyi. If Baijie killed Mrs. Hua, he would not forgive Baijie. At least it's not that easy to forgive.

This is heart to heart.

"In fact, at the beginning, you didn't have to kill that mistress. You didn't need to do so because of your feelings with the Lord of the universe." Yue Yi sighs.

"It's not me. I didn't kill her." Tears of the mother of the universe.

She turns her head and looks into Leyi's eyes. For a moment, Leyi seems to be in a dream.

Into someone else's dream.

In my dream, it was on the island of the universe.

There is a woman in a pink skirt, lively and cheerful. If she is more beautiful, she certainly can't compare with the mother of the universe.

But it has a different character as the mother of the universe.

If we say that the mother of the universe is as gentle as water, like the moon.

So this girl, lively and cheerful, like the sun. Her smile can bring warmth and tenderness to people's heart.

She wants to see polar flowers.

This kind of flower is only in full bloom when day and night alternate, and it will only bloom once a year or a month.

She's actually very weak. She's an ordinary woman.

After following the master of the universe, she was not allowed to practice.

Perhaps, the master of the universe thought, such an ordinary girl should also have an ordinary appearance, maintaining the original purity.

He said he could fulfill her wish, so he went to the top of the universe.

Stay there and wait for the polar flowers to bloom.

But just after the Lord of the universe went out, a man came here and killed the woman in anger.

When the mother of the universe arrived and saw this scene, she also wanted to kill the murderer.

"How can you do that? How could you kill her? "

"Teacher's mother, if you don't kill her, what is she? Master, you are not in my eyes now. If I continue to let go, who will be the mother of the universe in the future? This woman is a fox spirit. She can only tempt master. If you don't kill her, it will only be a disaster. "

"But... He won't, and he won't be happy."

"I'll die if I die. As long as my teacher's mother can live well, I don't care. I only know that if there is no teacher's mother, there will be no Zuochu sea today. It doesn't matter that Zuochu sea will give up everything. The teacher's mother can tell the master the truth. I killed him. If the master wants to kill him, he will cut me

"Ah Hai, why are you doing this?"

"Madam, we must not let it go. This fox spirit is not a good woman. If the master is angry for her, it means that the woman should be killed. "


"It's nothing, but it's also a time to weigh who is more important in master's mind. If the teacher's mother is more important in the master's mind, then the master will not pursue it. "


There is a man who talks all kinds of words, deliberately pretends to be low-profile, deliberately shows a kind of attitude of giving up to be benevolent and thinking about everything for the sake of his teacher's mother.

This makes the mother of the universe softer.

Ah Hai, it's for her.

As a teacher's mother, how can he bear the consequences?

So the Lord of the universe came back and saw the pink girl of death.

He was furious.

Kill Zuochu Minghai the first time.

But blocked by the mother of the universe, she said, "I killed it. It has nothing to do with ah Hai."

"You still protect him?"

"I really did."

"Well, well, you're still protecting him. You're going to protect him anyway, aren't you? Then you're going to have a good introspection on your own! "

The mother of the universe has been put into the "cold palace".

Since then, the Lord of the universe has never seen her again.

After a long time, the Lord of the universe missed the pink girl and disappeared.

These pictures let Leyi get in and witness the whole process from the same angle as the parties.

After that, Qingming was restored in front of his eyes.

Looking at the tearful Mother of the universe, he said in his heart, "I see."

"Master, why do you need it?"