Chapter 14: Smirk

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 14: Smirk

I really dont understand why people get so hung up on their career. Some people decide to make everything in their life about that. They burn friends, family, and all the other bridges that hold them back in the most ruthless manner.

While I stare at Lucinda, I have the wisdom of a thousand books in me, but I still cannot muster the words needed to make her see the same world I can.

Im not saying that friends and families are everything. Hell, thats the same of saying that work is everything. Its just that the worlds big enough to always find someone nicer, someone, who might give you a good job just on a hunch, who might out you in a house of a friend and feed you just because. Its rare and, above all, it might be uncomfortable. But its real.nove(l)bi(n.)com

And while I look at your disappointed expression, I do wonder why my heart still beats so fast for you, Lucinda.

It has a few interesting formulas but thats it. Basic protection enchantments to ward off the wear, but its quite weak. Its barely worth ten golds, honestly.

The Elf [Enchanter] looks at Lucinda with a shrug.

His words are incorrect and I probably wield a world-shattering artifact that could change many lives. But that doesnt really matter to me. I just want to enjoy a little slice of the world, a little slice of life. So, I shut up, not willing to invite further examination on the mighty tome that is clearly trying to pass off as a cheap book.

Should I bill my services to

The Elf doesnt know my name, does he?

To the Watch, Lucinda sighs. This is Watch business.

The [Enchanter] stares at me again and then nods.

Lets go, Lucinda says with a depressed attitude.

Thank you for your time, sir. Ive got to take my lovely girlfriend back now, I tell the mean [Enchanter], she clearly needs some comforting.

Lucinda slaps my shoulders while the [Enchanter] looks at her with wild eyes.

With a human? he stumbles on his own words. I mean, Im sorry. Its none of my business, Officer.

I just wanted to be nice, thats all, Lucinda. Im sorry if I offended you. Ill just go my way with this useless garbage here, I say with my eyes almost teary.

Now, this is the pathetic move. It works, man. It works a lot of times.

Women are caretakers and men are garbage. Thats why it works; its in our nature.

I start walking away and I feel like she will make me wait at least a few days before

Joey, she calls out.

I raise an eyebrow and smirk, but then I reset my face to sad while turning around.

Yes? I already know how this will go and I can already taste victory.

You owe me the money for the [Enchanter]. Make sure to bring them to me as soon as you get paid. Its five silver coins.

She spins around and goes away.


I smile to her back and shrug.

Lets give her a couple of days.

See, she wants the money back. Thats a sign she might be interested

Oh, wait! You can leave the money at the clerk counter in the Watch! she shouts at me, already several feet distant.

I throw a look at her with a terrified frown and, before she turns back again, it almost seems that she smirked?