Chapter 36: Vectors

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 36: Vectors

Entering the [Deep Focus] state again, I notice how my skills have not gifted me anything as active as raising dough. They fall more into a manipulation and support category. Self-support, obviously, but still support.

The book does not want me to learn magic from its tit. Is this the foundation of a well-rounded mage gunning for [Archmage], or is it that everyone goes down this path? In my focused state, the first answer seems more plausible.

I crack my neck and get back to work.

[Advanced Mana Sense]

I look at the matrix levitating a few meters from me, and I pick out ten different points I could start from. I choose eight on one side, and two on the other. Its a clear imbalance that should allow me to see how this polarity works.

Its much harder than Id initially thought.

I fail to fill up the wobbly lines more than once. In the end, its the seventh attempt that goes well.

Even though in this case well is a bit of a stretch.

The [Light] orb I created suddenly speeds up toward the wall, then it brakes, and starts going once again. It continues its choppy dance for about ten seconds, before hitting the wooden walls with a soft thud.

I summon another matrix and this time I just stare at it.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

I investigate the lines as if they could give me an answer.

Why was the movement so jerky?

I just put more points in the direction I wanted the [Light] to move and they

How am I going to get a circular motion?

Thats another concern.

But [Deep Focus] brings me back to the staggered pace.

The first time I was tracing it, the book highlighted how important time was. The dimensions Im working in are not just spatial.

How much time you need to trace a line influences the outcome.

How much mana you use for each line, too.

And how many points.

These are three variables, so far.

Time, space (points), quantity.

I still remember my Physics professor jokingly saying, come on, Joey! Physics is more enjoyable than math! Its all about thinking, not just stupid numbers!

A Physics doctorate student used to come to my bakery and hang out with me at times. The few times he talked about his job, I felt the primal need to choke him.

I dont want to learn!

If I watch National Geographic sometimes, its only because I hope that one day a tiger will maul the cameraman and they will let us enjoy trash television in peace, without the need to watch a documentary every once in a while to avoid feeling guilty.

If I need brainy moments, I look into books. And even then, fiction, or ancient epic poems. Non-fiction is for people who believe they will be the next Elon Musk. Bless them for trying, for sure, but Im not interested in your 4-hour workweek, pal.

I dont want to optimize my life; I dont want to run faster or learn better! I want to enjoy the time I have, thats all!

And Physics is my archenemy.

But Im forced to look at the matrix again.

Because now Im interested.


Thats the worst. Thats how the professors tricked me: they would pique my curiosity, titillate my ego, and make me feel much smarter when I solved one of their stupid thingies.

And now I cannot look away from the matrix.

I think Ive figured out a part of the problem.

This polarity thing is about making the vectors go in the same direction. But they are not firing at the same time. Theres not just a force behind them, which makes them go faster or slower, theres an actual trigger, isnt there?

This is utterly fascinating.

I dont even need the [Deep Focus] right now.

I simply stare at the world made of mana in admiration.

If any scientist worth their salt could see what Im seeing right now, they would soil themselves from all the excitement.

Whats a vector?

Its like a bird that starts flying and pushes something or just goes somewhere.

It can push or fly, that simple.

Here, we have a bunch of birds flying away at the wrong time, causing a chain-reaction. Imagine a bunch of cars stuck in traffic, very close to each other; now, each car accelerates at a different time instead of moving when the green light is on or when the car in front moves. So, they bump into each other at an irregular interval.

I click my tongue, ready to tackle the problem and low-key hating myself for it.