Chapter 51: Lawyer

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 51: Lawyer

Did you wake him up? I hear a deep voice, deeper than a bear roar, ask the question.

We just administered him a stamina potion, Captain. His wounds are healed. He should be waking up soon.

In the same way you feel groggy after surgery and coming back from general anesthesia, I slowly come back to my senses.

My mouth is a bit dry, and a pungent taste is all over it. I start moving my mouth like a cow chewing on some grass. The empty munching sound seems to draw attention from the onlookers.

Hes coming back, Captain, one of the voices says.

I have eyes and ears too, Sergeant.

I open my eyes to two blurry figures.

Oof, I feel really nauseous.

Oh, shoot.

Too nauseous.

One of the two volunteers a bucket, and I immediately puke in it.

I can see some brownish-green liquid coming out of my mouth, with a similar taste to what I felt on my tongue as I was waking up.

Well, there goes a stamina potion, the deeper voice grunts.

Ill fetch another one, Captain, the man leaves the bucket in my lap as soon as hes sure I can hold it by myself.

Batting my eyelids multiple times, I can finally focus on the man whos standing in front of me.

Luciani, you gave me one hell of a Day of Ancestors, the tall Elf grumbles.

He has greyish air, but hes without a doubt the tallest motherelfer Ive ever seen around Amorium.

I heave again, and my eyes are watering now.

Some citizens called the Watch and found you before you could bleed to death. They gave you some potion and cured most of the damage. However, our [Mage Guards] said you are suffering from extreme Mana exhaustion. Plus, we found five [Thugs] and one [Gang Leader] on the ground. Multiple bones were broken. Two of them, one [Thug] and the [Gang Leader] with a busted knee-cap.

The Elf puts a hand on the bucket and mutters a skill.

[Formation: Steady on Your Feet]. There, that should help.

Instantly, the world stops spinning, and I feel a bit more grounded. Man, this is so cool.

So, you were saying, Luciani? the man looks at me without the barest hint of a smile. He looks like he never smiled once in his entire life.

Am I naked?

I put the bucket of vomit and put it on the nightstand by my side before lifting the blankets that are covering me. Yep, thats my wee-wee. Naked like the day I was born.

Theres a scar on my side, and not a pretty one.

The Captain notices where my gaze just fell and gives me an explanation.

There was some minor poison on the dagger that hit you. It caused the healing potion to not work properly. A smith was close by, and he used some hot iron to close the worst of it, thankfully. He was trained for battle injuries. He did a fine job if you ask me.

Well, one more story for the ladies, I guess.

I think I have to do something now.

I dont like it.

I utterly hate it.

I despise with every fiber of my being what Im going to donay, what Im to say.

Its against everything I believe in. Its me descending into the abyss, staring at the monster, mingling with the beasts, joining hands with the Devil himself.

If theres a God up there, I just gave up my place, my seat, my rightful lodging.

Theres nothing worse than the words coming out of my mouth at this exact moment.

Captain, I think I want my lawyer.

I give the big, scary Elf a bashful smile.