Chapter 72: Synchrony

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 72: Synchrony

I walk inside an empty room, and I fall on the bed right after.

No, I have no intention of actually sleeping if you are concerned about that. I have many more important things to do.

Namely, magic.

I open thewhats it called again? Holding bag? The bottomless sack? Dimensional fanny pack?

Well, I fish out my book from the thingy. Theman, whats up with the stupid name? What was the name of the book, now? Ok, I fish out the magic book. Whatever its called.

Yo, book, watch this.

[Advanced Mana Sense]

[Deep Focus]

I weave the spell matrixes, being careful to create the two anchor points to define the distance, and then I strike both [Lights] with an over imposed anti-matrix thats polarized to make them spin.

Were they supposed to keep the same exact distance and speed?

Man, I need a memory tonic, I swear.

Well, the polarity part is a clone of each other; it should

Two small but bright [Light] orbs materialize in front of me, and they start spinning at a sustained pace. But one is a bit faster compared to the other.


I dispel the [Lights].

Come on, Joey, you have five hundred twenty-nine stupid Cantrips to go through, and youre still working on the first one.

I start recreating the two spell matrixes in the air. This time, I let my instincts guide me, and when I create the two orbs

Theres still some asynchrony.

For Petes sake!

Im getting antsy.

I firmly believe that the book will zap me to death if I dont manage this stupid homework.

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This time, as soon as I visualize the matrixes in the energy world, I breathe deeply, looking at the ever-moving squiggly lines.

The problem is that no two matrixes are the same, so I have to adapt each ones polarity to the individual matrix. However, it presents the problem of multi-casting the two orbs simultaneously. Its too much for a human mind. Its like drawing with both left and right hands and expecting the same result.

They wandered out of the center, sort of in a spiral, before settling in their current orbit.

If those people who deem themselves worthless on Earth could grasp this magic, they would realize they are part of something much bigger, perhaps. Maybe they would start dreaming again, a simple Cantrip capable of dispelling the worst nightmares.

Am I talking about others, or am I talking about myself?

A sad smile is painted on my lips.

My connections and bonds have been severed.

Theres so much I have lost.

So many things that I will never get back.

I dispel the [Lights] and put my face in my hands.

I sigh.

I shake my head, straighten it up again, lick my lips, and smile.

Whassup, book, how was that?

Congratulations on completing the First Cantrip. Beware, the second one is much more difficult than the first.

Well, isnt that lovely?

More difficult? Whats it going to be? Do I have to slay a stupid Dr

You know what, lets not even think about that before Lady Luck places a giant fire-spitting reptile in Amorium.

For the Second Cantrip, Magister Mulligan wants you to make a [Light] spell spin on itself for ten seconds.



You know, Im stupid.

Like, I do seriously think theres something wrong with my brain.

Like, stupidly wrong.

But Ive also read enough books to see plots in advance, and I have a decent hunch about stuff. A decent whats the word? Instinct? Isnt there a better word? Sixth sense? Whatever.

Well, Im not sure you know whats happening here, but it is pretty clear to me.

And it appears that I have messed up massively.