Chapter 114: [Princess]

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 114: [Princess]

Im trying to chill at my bakery, as per usual, and Gaius came here to bother me with talks about the steps to take to become a Goldie. Im pretty confident I would be able to take him down if I needed. Hes a big guy, but my magic has been growing by leaps and bounds. After the practical experiences I have had in the Dungeon, I can hold my own in a fight. Im not an expert or anything, but I wouldnt be easily mugged like the night I kissed Lucinda.

Oh, man.

I sigh.

Are you still thinking about that little sapling?

Goddamn Elves and their weird sayings.

No, you flat-eared Elf, I reply in kind.

Huh, little Joey was thinking about his lost crush.

See, adventurers are really not tactful people. When you can die pretty much any day, you tend to develop thicker skin and harsher jokes.

I hear heavy boots stomping on the bakery floor and coming through the entrance. Turning around, I see several men or maybe even women covered in black armor from head to toe.

That's the Royal Guard, Joey Luciani.

I almost jump out of the chair.

What the hell was that?

Is that the Royal Guard? Gaius stiffens.

Im Lord Juler. I am communicating directly to your mind. I can also see through your eyes with a little spell.


Be careful. The Royal Guard has only people above level 40. But do fight them if you have the chance. A student of mine should be as fearless as my great people

I stop listening to the ramblings of the old archmage and I slowly stand up.

Hello, gentlemen, can I help you? I ask with an amiable tone.

A slender figure in black armor walks up to me until we are barely one foot apart. Well, if this is an intimidation technique, it certainly worked. The bulk of the armor looks too sleek this has to be a woman. I wonder, is she hot? Shes a bit taller than me, an inch or two, but theres a distinct aura of magic coming off from the armor.

The person in front of me doesnt say anything, but I can feel the tension rising through the air. Gaius has gotten up and has a hand on his massive weapon probably more as a comfort toy than being intentioned to start a fighting.

The rest of the Royal Guard spreads around us and secures every door, window and hole on the ground floor of my bakery.

Brain.exe just stopped working.

This cant be real.

Is this what I think it is?

This is the next level plot.

If my love with Lucinda was ill-fated, this is one of the most common tropes of K-dramas and romance fictions in general. Shes the angry princess who hates humans and guess who I am if not the human who can change her mind!


Oh boy.


Is this my new future wife?

Shes even taller than me!

And she looks super bossy!

I start smiling profusely, but I fear that she just interpreted it the wrong way.

Slowly, she takes off her helmet and a cascade of vivid purple hair falls on her armor, framing the most delicate and refined beauty I have ever seen in my entire life. This woman would make Gigi Hadid look like a beggar off the streets.

Two piercing red eyes look at me with pure anger.

Taking the shortsword out of her scabbard, she slowly puts it at my throat.

My body feels locked in place, unable to step back.

So, Human. You know the customs of my family, it seems. But Im not bowing to any filthy bastard like you, even if I it means going against my own blood. Therefore, do you have anything to say?

I smile.

I wink.

I click with the side of my mouth.

And I say.

How you doin?